Magento : the cart is always empty - magento

I've been looking for several days now and the problem is stil there.
I'm running the following version of Magento :
I do not experience any particular problem on local (using Mamp). But on my production server my cart page (beginning of the checkout process) is always empty no matter the number of items i try to add inside my cart.
I tried lots of different solution posted on many websites but nothing seems to solve it (since this is working on local it might be a server configuration problem).
Any suggestion ?
Thank you
(Ps: English is not my main language so i'm sorry for the poor syntaxe).

Are you able to login to the site?
Just check in the backend. System->Configuration->Web->Session cookie management
Whether there is a wrong value set for cookie domain

I finally found the answer. The problem was related to a theme template module. I remove the module and it's working now.


Why prestashop is adding a lang particel at the end of a multistore shop url?

I have a prestashop 1.6 installation, in multistore mode. I have some stores already running ok, but now I created a 'german' store with /de url, and have the following issue:
the shop url is something like, visible and saved in admin
when I navigate to, automatically I'm redirected to
I really cannot understand the reason why... All the other shops (fr, es) do work properly. This one does not. No way to keep it simply /de. I already setted a default language for it, I just copied all the settings from the other shops, seems all the same. I cannot spot the error. I also regenerated the htaccess. No way. Could you please suggest me why it is behaving that way?
Ah, funny thing: with firefox will go to as described above, while with chrome will go to!!! No one simply stay
Thank you, regards
Have a check the settings of the german store, probably you have multiple languages enabled / active in Localization > Languages and Prestashop , once you reach the shop homepage, performs a 301-redirect to the default language URL (default behaviour with multiple languages and URL rewriting).
About the funny thing : check the Localization > Localization setting "Set language from browser", this can lead to different language redirects depending of the browser language.

Magento Admin URL 404

I know that that similar issues and topics exist, however my issue differs slightly and none of the proposed fixes have worked.
I was accessing the Magento backend as normal. Approximately 10 minutes after that I could no longer access the Magento backend.
What I mean is that when I go to the admin url login page, I get a 404. However the 404 isn't generated by my host, it's generated by my webstore.
Everything about my webstore works as normal.
I've seen a number of fixes, mainly this one...
I have a few main issues.
Admin Custom URL had been set (but not by me). It was set over a year ago when Magento was installed. It worked entirely fine until today.
I do not even have "admin/url/custom" and "admin/url/use_custom" in my "core_config_data" PHP table. It simply does not exist so I cannot change it. I looked manually for it and did a search for it. Nothing.
I tried updating the local.xml file and clearing "var/caches" and "var/sessions" but that did not work either.
I've been working this for hours and it's beyond frustrating. It's imperative that this be fixed ASAP because we are a fairly sizeable company.
Thanks ahead for helping. Anything at all would be appreciated.
First Check your Apache configurations
I know that you said you were only in the Magento admin but I would first check that apache was configured correctly. This is the first point of contact and you need to ensure that it's working right.
You need to locate a default Magento htaccess file that you can upload to your server. There's additional configurations that you need to make if you're in a subdirectory and also check to make sure that your mod_rewrite is working properly. There's an extensive tutorial on these things here, magento htaccess.
Make sure that you have the right magento admin url
I have to assume that you know what your magento admin url is, but of course I would double check that you're getting it right. There is an option in the admin area to change the admin url, you could have adjusted that on accident.
You say that you don't have "admin/url/custom" and "admin/url/use_custom" in your core_config_data table. This actually means that you didn't set the magento admin url from the admin area. However there is a third place that you can look for your admin url. This is in app/etc/local.xml but you couldn't have changed this from the administration area.
Did you turn off search engine friendly urls?
If you had been accessing your administrative area using /admin and then accidentally turned off SEF urls, then your admin area could have just simply moved to /index.php/admin. Of course you mentioned that you have a custom admin url, but I don't know what that is, so I'm giving examples with the default.
I can't really give you any more suggestions without more information. I hope that this helps!
Found this and thought I would post here since it shows up in google.

Magento: ?___SID=U appearing in some urls

Can someone please explain why ?___SID=U is appearing in some Magento URLs on my site and not others?
I think it has something to do with sessions but I am not entirely clear. Also, what makes it more confusing is the fact that it's only appearing in some URLs and not others.
I don't need to know how to remove it as I am aware of the setting in the admin area. I would really like an explanation of what it is, what its purpose is and why it would show on some pages and not others. id rather understand what's going on fully than blindly follow some advice as to how to remove it.
I addition to Brendan's answer, the ___SID=U is used in the cache as a placeholder for the session ID. It is replaced by Mage_Core_Model_Url::sessionUrlVar() which in turn calls Mage_Core_Model_Url::sessionVarCallback(). These methods are called from Mage_Core_Block_Abstract::_afterCacheUrl(), which means that any URL found in block output will contain the correct session ID (if needed).
So to get rid of the parameter in your own code the "right way" use this:
$url = Mage::getUrl('some/magento/route'); // might append ___SID parameter
$url = Mage::getModel('core/url')->sessionUrlVar($url); // process ___SID
If the string still displays in the rendered page that is a bug. Are you using some custom caching module, or generating URL's using a non-standard way?
The SID is a "session ID". Magento uses this to track a user's activity within the same Magento installation. Normally, Magento powers one website and one store from one installation (database).
Magento could power multiple websites with multiple stores from one installation though. The SID allows users to stay logged in while navigating across these websites/stores.
I think if you have the function enabled, the SID is sent when accessing catalog URLs so Magento can update the session with the user's location/state for the current website/store.
If you're not running a multi-website or multi-store environment, it's safe to disable the SID on the frontend.
Just something i come across today and though i make a comment, maybe it will help someone.
I found that Magento will format/create an incorrect product url (inc. Session Id) if there were some errors during processing the page. This is not consistent though.
It worth having a look at your server logs for PHP errors.
This is a general Magento 2 bug which is already reported to magento.
Temporary fix is
Go to Document Root,
Find .htaccess and add
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^
RewriteRule ^(.*)$1 [L,R=301]
This should solve the issue. For me this work in M2.1
All the best.
Reference :
I hunted for hours to find this and the precise answer was a combination of the other answers listed here. First, I cranked up my PHP error reporting and error logging (thanks Gergely Varga). I saw this:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strrpos() in /var/www/html/app/code/local/ManaPro/FilterAjax/Model/Observer.php on line 59
So, one of our installed extensions requires the php-mbstring package, which my server didn't have installed. As soon as I installed that, the SID=U URLs all disappeared. (In future I'll be running Magento's pre-install checks before copying an existing install over to a new server!)
Thanks to Vinai too for the background of what this tag is for.
Go to Store > Configuration > General > Web > Session Validation Settings > Use SID on Storefrontand and set the value to No.
Clear the Magento cache

Magento session lost when switching to https from http

I've searched high and low for a solution to this, with no luck. My host told me they are too busy to help.
Magento 1.4.2 // SSL cert
1- When I add an item to cart, the page reloads and my item is added to cart. [good]
2- Next, I click home, and my items are no longer visible in cart sidebar. [bad]
3- Next, I click "Tops", and my items are still not visible in cart sidebar. [bad]
4- Next , I click "Bottoms" and the items show just fine.
In all cases where the cart isn't visible, I can add https to the URL and the cart loads up just fine. Can anyone help me figure out why my session is being lost between http and https?
I have all my backend web cookie settings set to "no" except for sID.
Also- When a user is logged in, the cart items ALWAYS show on the right. It's only screwy if they're a guest.
Thanks guys, if you need me to post any code let me know.
EDIT: Here is a screenshot of my cookies session in firebug (not exactly sure what I am looking at). Hope this helps.
And here is my Session settings in magento: I have tried just about every variation of turning these on and off.
This issue has actually been narrowed down to a cache issue. We found out that when the cache is dumped/deleted, the website works properly. But after a few minutes of surfing the problem happens again. Does anyone have any idea? (And should i change the question title?)
I'm using a module called Lightspeed from TinyBrick, and it seems the new cache options are messing with our site. =( I'm contacting them shortly.
**EDIT Tinybricks excellent support helped us out. Thanks for all of your suggestions.
Is the session cookie being set to be HTTPS-only? That'll prevent it from being carried over to regular HTTP requests, effectively giving the user two different sessions.
You have in your screenshot two frontend cookie with two domains, one with www and an other one without. Check if you have a correct domain name in the configuration > Web tab > Cookie Management > Cookie Domain (or something close to that). If it's empty set it to "" and try again.
Check if you don't have different cookie domain in your configuration in the other store views, set them to "use website".
If still doesn't work, What are the values of the fields of cookie management and the cookie validation settings
We were experiencing similar issues where our custom nav (depending on whether a user was logged in or not, was not very consistent across different pages.
We followed the suggestion # to check if a user was logged base on the frontend session variable before a rendering a particular block, and it seems to have done the trick.
Perhaps you can try something similar.
Tinybricks excellent support helped us out. Thanks for all of your suggestions. This was a localized problem based off cache and a module called Lightspeed.

How to solve 404 not found problem in Magento

I have installed full release Magento on localhost from Before doing installation I have created a database and import Magento sample database (downloaded from Magento site).
After that continue installation process. When I checked fronted its shows Best Selling Products when I clicked any of the product it gives error given below:
Whoops, our bad...
The page you requested was not found, and we have a fine guess why.
* If you typed the URL directly, please make sure the spelling is correct.
* If you clicked on a link to get here, the link is outdated.
What can you do?
Have no fear, help is near! There are many ways you can get back on track with Magento Demo Store.
* Go back to the previous page.
* Use the search bar at the top of the page to search for your products.
* Follow these links to get you back on track!
Store Home
My Account
I am new to Magento.
I've experienced this too. In the admin go to System > Index Management and rebuild the various catalog indexes, especially the URL rewrites.
This is because the sample data doesn't have it's paths stored to begin with, it needs to be calculated, and the Best Selling Products section doesn't read the actual paths in use, instead it is a Static CMS Block with it's HREFs fixed. This will probably never occur for products you enter yourself so it's nothing to worry about.
I had the same problem in Wamp. I had my folder named Magento, renaming it to magento, fixed the problem. (Lower case)
I had a similar issue, I was transferring Magento from a Unix server to a Windows server. My issue was to do with links looking like this (not working)
instead of
Haven't worked out how to fix all links yet, but just adding it tells me where the issue lies. Hope it helps someone else.
