How can I add PHP to a Joomla menu item? - joomla

Here's what I'm trying to do:
In Joomla 3.1, I'm using the K2 component to build a full content-driven news website.
All is well, but I just don't like the K2 Login module, and therein lies the rub. That module automatically generates two key links:
• Add Item
• My Page
I want to unpublish the login module and add both of these links to a standard Joomla menu. It's easy to add the "add item" link because it's essentially static.
But the "My Page" link is dynamic. I've found the PHP code that generates it:
<?php echo JText::_('My Page'); ?>
But I don't know how to make a plain old Joomla menu item -- as in, one that I add through the menu manager -- to generate that code.
Note: It's important that I be able to use the Joomla menu structure because I'm also using Joomla's access control to hide or show these buttons. Meaning, I've added a "contributor" usergroup, and I only want them to see these links.
Any bright ideas would be much appreciated! Thank you!

You should go to the template you are currently using, in their you create a html folder.
In that folder you create a mod_menu folder.
Than you got your Joomla root > modules > mod_menu.
And copy files which are inside and drop them in the html > mod_menu folder.
Now you can edit the mod_menu to your favors with a rewrite.!_core
Hope this helps you.


joomla html editor on the frontpage

I was wondering how one would go about implementing an editor like tinymce so that registered members of a joomla site can post articles, edit them, and get paid when someone downloads them
like thisenter image description here
This functionality is already built into Joomla.
All you need to do to enable this is to add a new "Create Article" menu option with Access = "Registered".
You will probably also need to enable a login module if there isn't one already so users can log in to the front end to see the new menu option.

Magento, how to change home page?

I see that you can set a cms home page at "Default Pages" at admin panel (system/configuration/web) but I want a whole template including [html][head][body] tags to be shown, is this possible?
I can't do it via (CMS/Pages) as it deletes/modifies the code.. Even when I set it on "empty" don't really understand it..
Help would be much appreciated, cheers!
The file that you want is the layout file. If you need to add new layout of your home page then you can make a new layout file using following link
Then after making layout while creating CMS Page go to layout section and choose your created layout. Then your home page will have what you want.
Note: By default header, footer all these are kept in different file and called from the 1column.phtml etc. So it will be always better to keep it that way only. As we always should follow Magento programming methodology.

How to attach ItemID to joomla footermenu

I am don't know joomla, but familiar with wordpress & PHP & wants to change some links in my clients existing project.
I have a menu which is a link like while calling it from top navigation menu.
developer has taken same link in footer but it redirects to
Now i want ItemID in footer link also.
My Site URL is
In that please Products > Microsoft.
Please give solution
As per your post, Your menu link for now is : .
But, you want to use this like :
You can use aliases of menu links.
You can find aliases here, When you create/edit a menu link from backend of joomla you can see an alias associated with it. You can also find Aliases of menu link from grid screen of you menu type.
For showing Menu in front end you have to create CUSTOM HTML module, You can find how to create Custom HTML module here :
Now, How can you find HTML to write in thst Custom HTML Module? So, for this you can go the page of front-end where that menu is visible. Now prss CTRL+U, you will see the HTML of that page. Here, you have to find the HTML of those menus.
In this HTML, you will find the links like : index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=6
Now, you have to replace these links with index.php/alias_of_your_menu.
Now paste the edited HTML in Custom HTML module and save it by selecting a proper Position.
You can use joomla menu module in the footer.
Joomla also has the option to display second level menu items in a menu module.
To do this:
Set the Start Level to "1" and the End Level to "1".
That's all. Good Luck.

Why my top menu dissappear when in register or reset page in joomla 2.5

I have created a custom joomla template based on blank joomla template from Everything was fine until i clicked either forgot password?, forgot your username? or create account link that bring me to register or reset page in frontend but strangely the top menu was gone.
This is the screenshot :
i have no idea why this could happenned.
Please help with this. I appreciate all the help. Thanks!
The problem is because only on the pages selected option for module assignment is set. If you open a page which doesn't belong to any menu, then module won't be shown on it.
You can either check menu module to be shown on all pages, or make a new menu item for forgot password functionality, and then assign that menu for both menu module, and breadcrumbs module.
I don't know which Joomla version you're using and what you use for translation, but if you use Joomfish or Falang, language translation should be much easier.
If you don't use any of those, and you really need to leave everything as it is, then you can also detect current user language in the template, and load either one or the other menu module based on it. That way you can set module to be shown on all pages, and make sure it is displayed only for the choosen language.

joomla 2.5 - removing frontpage content block for joomlaxtc website

I have tried to look around all over the place to edit the joomla frontpage. Im using a template from joomlaxtc which is another reason why I believe im having trouble as the coding is a little different.
What I'm trying to achieve is remove the component or article area for my Joomla 2.5 front page.
here is the website
as you can see the 'coming soon' white text box I want to remove however I only want to remove it for the front page not the rest of the pages.
I can't get your site to come up, but the home page of a joomla site is generally determined by the default item on your main menu.
From the admin Control Panel:
Choose Menu->Main Menu
Locate the menu item on the list that has a star in the "Home" column
Click on the menu item, and from what you see, determine what the article is
Go to that article, and edit there.
This presumes that your home page is an article, as is the case in a standard Joomla site, and doesn't account for anything your template may do in terms of features or settings,
Simply go to the template manager and go to the advanced parameters and see the show component on home page and select NONE
If you want to remove the "coming soon" bit, then go to the module that holds the "coming soon" bit. On the left, you should see "Module assignment." Click that, and choose "no" for Home Page: assign to.
This video may also be helpful.
Your template may have configuration to hide main content block from frontpage but if not then it can be hidden by using code block below on index.php or your php file which will define template layout.
<?php if (JRequest::getVar('view') != 'featured'): ?>
<div id="maincontentdiv"><jdoc:include type="component" /></div>
<?php endif; ?>
