I am using visual studio 2010 and ajax control toolkit 4 is added .
When I drag textbox watermark extender in design view its not added. Please help me. I am new to asp.net 2010
thankx in advance
Kindly check the whether the below line is added or not in .aspx file:-
<%# Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="asp" %>
Also check in references whether AjaxToolkit.dll is reflected or not.
Also make sure that u r using Toolscriptmanager below the form tag as follows:-
I've noticed that whenever I add a new asp.net with a master page to a project, I am unable to edit it in the design view. I am able to see the master page content and an element that says ; however, I am unable to edit the content. I'd like to drop things in there and adjust their properties but I am unable to access them in the design view. How can I accomplish this?
I am ignorant. For anyone who has the same problem, be sure that your content is not wrapped inside a user control. I did some testing and found that was the problem.
Any DevExpress control I use, just renders a list. I’ve tried all 3 possible syntaxes (listed on the site below) and every time, the control I want to use (TreeView, NavBar, etc.) just renders as a bulleted list. Any ideas why? I’ve checked Google and the DevExpress support center, but I can’t find any issues like this.
DevExpress with razor guide: http://documentation.devexpress.com/#AspNet/CustomDocument9944
I just put this code on my index page to test that DevExpress is working:
#{Html.DevExpress().NavBar(settings => {
settings.Name = "myNavBar";
settings.Groups.FindByText("Group2").Expanded = false;
When it reaches the page, it just shows a bulleted list:
Any ideas what's causing this?
The project I was working on was being rendered inside another project. I just needed to get rid of my project's layout and add using statements to the cshtml pages:
#using DevExpress.Web.Mvc.UI;
#using DevExpress.Web.Mvc;
The only problem I still have, is the scriptlet code gets highlighted red (but it builds/works fine and has intellisense).
It seems that any required DevExpress' entry is not registered within the MasterPage (_Layout.cshtml) / Web.config http://help.devexpress.com/#AspNet/CustomDocument8163. I suggest that you use specially designed Visual Studio Project Templates http://help.devexpress.com/#AspNet/CustomDocument9145 to avoid missing any required DevExpress' entry.
I am new for telerik controls, and i am too much confused about these controls how to use these controls in my asp.net site.
Assuming that you already have a licensed verison of the controls, this should get you started: RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Step-by-Step tutorial.
Also, Telerik (in addition to StackOverflow) has a terrific community that will help answer questions on their forum.
Don't forget to check out their Documentation and Tutorials page.
You will have to download telerik kit, from its website, it will give you trial version for short period. You will have to then install that kit, and then add its dll file in the toolbox through choose items, and its control will then appear in the toolbox, you might have to close visual studio and again restart it ,contorls to appear in toolbox. and then just drag and drop the control you want. If you want full version, you will have to buy kit of telerik, then you will get licensed telerik controls.
the above answers as true, but as a simple soultion one u have purchased the telerik licence you can just
1) Reference the Telerik.Web.UI, Telerik.Web.UI.Skins and Telerik.Web.Desgin in your project and thats it ,( that's exactly what I'm doing in my current Project) ,
2)after you added those references now you have to register the telerik library in your page like this:
<%# Register TagPrefix="telerik" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" %>
3) add telerik controls using tags like this example:
<telerik:RadAjaxPanel ID="pnlControlsall" runat="server" EnableAJAX="true" EnableAjaxSkinRendering="true" LoadingPanelID="RadAjaxLoadingPanel1" >
thanks and I hope this helps as I have transferred my real working procedure to you here
It is very easy , don't be confuse of telerik components..
Two basic things to keep in mind are ,
- add references of telerik dll's in your application.
- and use events of telerik controls accoring to need , for e.g. radtree view has various events like nodeNeeded, MouseDoubleClick etc.
Telerik components are fun ! Enjoy..
I need to insert the reportviewer between the div elements
The online documentation tells me that I have to drag and drop onto the form page. I did'nt see anything about inserting into a html doc. Any pointers would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
See http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sajoshi/archive/2010/06/16/asp-net-mvc-handling-ssrs-reports-with-reportviewer-part-i.aspx for using the ReportViewer control in a MVC project.
ReportViewer is a server control and can't be added into a razor view. You can added a ReportViewer into any ASPX view page or view user control.
See my answer to this question for more details.
I recently converted a project to visual studio 2010 then to mvc 3 and now converting views to razor views.
It's all working fine but I notice i cannot get rid of the site.master and replace it with _layout....
Every time, i start the website the default page is always rendered by site.master even tho I see it calling a controller that uses a view that uses the _layout.cshtml
I am wondering if there is at any point anywhere in the file that says the default MasterPage is the site.master ?
Make sure your _ViewStart.cshtml is pointing to the right masterpage.
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"
Beyond that, if site.master is not found in ANY of your code (solution wide search). Try restarting your application.