In Visual Studio 2010, how can I edit the content of an aspx page with master page in design view? - visual-studio-2010

I've noticed that whenever I add a new with a master page to a project, I am unable to edit it in the design view. I am able to see the master page content and an element that says ; however, I am unable to edit the content. I'd like to drop things in there and adjust their properties but I am unable to access them in the design view. How can I accomplish this?

I am ignorant. For anyone who has the same problem, be sure that your content is not wrapped inside a user control. I did some testing and found that was the problem.


Load razor pages with layout without refreshing entire page

I just created a net6.0 Razor Pages project in Visual Studio 2022. I haven't made any changes to it at all.
The layout is the standard file that gets created. Using a nav bar with links to Home/Index and Privacy. I plan on adding a side bar for navigation as well.
All I want to do is, while using _Layout.cshtml, load pages from my nav links (ex: Index, Privacy, etc...) without reloading/refreshing the entire page. I just want to update the main content without reloading everything.
I've been searching online for a few hours and I just can't find what I'm looking for. I'm not sure where to start :(
There is no way without JavaScript. Try SignalR and JavaScript for Razor Pages

How would I move from the default ASP.NET layout to another theme

I just started to use MVC for a simple website. Very new to this.
I am trying to change from the default layout to a simple layout page with sidebar navigation with drop-down list capability. Something similar to one that is shown in the enter link description here
Could you please guide me through this? I have downloaded the HTML, CSS and js files.
I added them to the project and referred to them in the bundleconfig.cs. But still no success.
Thank you very much

Orchard About us Page in Solution Explorer

I am new to Orchard CMS. I have created an About-Us page from the admin Dashboard.
Now, I want to put javascript on About-Us page only. Kindly tell me where can I find the About-Us page in solution explorer of Visual Studio? Or is there any other way to achieve this?
PS: I am using Orchard 1.8.
I do not think, i quite get it.
here is the view for the dashboard: \Orchard.Web\Core\Dashboard\Views\Admin\Index.cshtml
Adding javascript to any view is done by using Script.Include([PathToResource]) or Script.Require([NameOfResource]) and/or #using (Script.Foot()) { [InlineJavascript]}
If what you are asking is, How to add javascript to a page created with the Page Content Type then you need to add Parts to your ContentType.
A good start will be Vandelay.Industries 1.8 (the latest), but there are others.

Breezing Forms component not saving quick mode form

Iam using a Breezing forms component of joomla on a newly developed website, but the problem is wen i create a Contact us form from quick mode with all the fields, textboxes, text areas etc............but after all the things are done and i try to save the form it is not saving, like after clicking save and navigate away from the page and again i go to quick mode forms
there is no form saved............i tried this on my local version of the website it is working fine there but cant understand why it is not saving on the online version of i missing something.
any help will be much appreciated thanks.
I had the same problem. The solution I found was so simple so that I was a little bit ashamed.
Just under the menu line in beezingforms - managing forms page, there is a pulldown menu named Package. Select Quickmodeforms of easymodeformsfrom from the pull down and all the forms I thought where not made are showing on the screen.

Sharepoint 2010 - create page with cropping image field

I'm using Sharepoint 2010 (as a beginner). I need to find the best way to allow a user to create a new page inside a sharepoint site. The page must have an image field which the user can crop when he creates the page.
I have 3 problems concerning this:
How can I allow my user to create the page in a single step. The default behaviour is: create page with Title, Url and Content type and the edit the page layout or the page properties. Is there a way to do this in a single step?
What view should my user use when editing the page? The "Edit page" view, or the "Edit properties"? I don't like the "Edit page" view because... it doesn't look like the right way to do it... BUT, I like the fact that I can use my custom BaseFieldControls in this view. The "Edit properties" look great, BUT, customizing it looks like a nightmare. And, of course, I cannot ask the user to use both views...
One of my requests is to allow the user to upload a sharepoint image for the page, and then to crop tree different sizes using the base image. The big question is: where should I allow my user to do this?
In a webpart inside the "Edit properties" window? - Not very easy to integrate it. It seems almost impossible.
In a custom BaseFieldControl in the "Edit page"? Would be great, but, I don't want the user to use this view.
Create my own Asses Picker aspx page for the "Upload image" field, and replace the default one - _layouts/AssetImagePicker.aspx? Is this even possible?
I dont have an answer for everything but for number 1, maybe:
Check out SPServices. It is a Jquery project which is designed to help people use Jquery on Sharepoint sites. It is really useful for accessing, editing, and writing data is less lines of code than ever before... Unless you are a genius and have SP figured out which most do not.
To be honest, the only way to do things in "1 step" is with javascript anyway...
Hopefully you have heard of Jquery:
