PhpStorm terminal is inactive - terminal

I use phpstrorm 7. I used the terminal for a while. Now, with no known reason the terminal is always inactive.
has anybody faced similar situation? any explanation or solution?
Edit: I can't get auto complete on variable typing
Edit: this is my idea.log

Known issue - see PY-10548
Please try updating to the most recent PHPStorm EAP ( - the issue should be fixed there

another answer by myself :)
the auto completion feature was disabled because I chose the "power save mode"
Frankly I think this "power save mode" is rediculous feature; how much power do you guys think you are saving :P


rstudio diagnostics synthax issue

I've just noticed that my Rstudio isn't showing any of the usual synthax diagnostics. I'v checked thought the options menu and they are definitely on. I tried resetting Rstudio but didn't make any difference. Has anyone come across this and if so how do I fix it?
Just to let you know. It automatically started working again quite randomly. Must have been a small bug of some sort.

Fail to open ssh session. (16) Xcode 7.0.1

how exactly do i fix it I've tried every single link or previous question asked on here so please don't direct me to a link. Can someone please tell me exactly how they fixed it. it would be much appreciated. Thanks
also i turned my firewall on it had been allows off. but i turned it on to basically tell the fire wall to accept these application (Xcode and application loader). and still the same thing so i should just keep it off i think.

Xcode 4 indexing taking too much time

I am using latest xcode 4.2 and whenever I open existing project, it is going for indexing files, I am not able to stop it and my Macbook is going to busy with processing indexing... how can I stop it or let me know if any setting where we can avoid and get the all features like smart editor.
check this question out...i think it will help. if not, you could try to disable ARC.

Vi keys in Xcode

I'm surprised no one has asked this yet. What's the best way (if any) to get a Vi experience in Xcode? I know about ViMate but TextMate doesn't come close to Xcode in terms of integration and code completion.
BTW, I am using Xcode 4.
You might want to try out xVim which seems to be an active project. The currently indicate that it works with XCode 4.2, Espresso and Chocolat. Presumably you could selectively enable it with other applications.
Here's another plugin which I made a few weeks ago.
This is currently developed for personal (my) use. So you may feel bad with some lack of implementation. Give me a feed back(feature request) then. I'll add some keybinds if I have enough time.
The closest you'll get is, or configuring an external editor. This has been a long-standing deficiency with XCode. (If you ask any vi user that is..)
OSX and XCode in general favors Emacs key bindings.
More info on general key-binding strategy for OSX:
Right now, I productively use XVim†. I'll probably try $20 ViCiOUS, which seems more polished; I like having source access to my tool-chain, but this is for Xcode, so c'mon me.
† Not xVim, which I just discovered, but apparently face down in the pool. In the [Xx][Vv]im namespace, Xvim (à la Xcode) would have made more sense to me. There, I said it.
Here's another choice: KeyRemap4MacBook.

Feedback Framework for Cocoa

I tried FeedbackReporter.framework from but it doesn't want to work. :-/
So any suggestions for great Cocoa feedback frameworks?
Try this one from Jon Rentzsch:
It's a good start.
There is also OpenFeedback at This also includes Appcaster which you could find useful. I personally ended up going with JRFeedback.
UKCrashReporter handles detecting and submitting crash logs (e.g. at app startup) and submitting feedback from within the app. I've been very happy with it.
I've never used it, but apparently the author of Feedback Reporter monitors Stack Overflow and will try to help if you bother explain your problem.
