Xcode 4 indexing taking too much time - xcode

I am using latest xcode 4.2 and whenever I open existing project, it is going for indexing files, I am not able to stop it and my Macbook is going to busy with processing indexing... how can I stop it or let me know if any setting where we can avoid and get the all features like smart editor.

check this question out...i think it will help. if not, you could try to disable ARC.


Xcode two finger swipe to go back is broken in Xcode 12.5?

I am using the two finger swipe gesture to go back on Xcode a lot.
At least I used to because it seems to be broken since a few weeks now. Instead of going one step back, it now appears to jump two steps, making the feature completely unusable for me.
What I have tried:
restart Xcode
restart Mac
go through ~/Library/Developer/Xcode and delete or change various settings (getting desperate)
...but to no avail.
So I am starting to think that this my be an actual software bug in the particular Xcode version (I am using 12.5) but it seems unlikely because an issue like this should be easily caught by the engineer even before submitting the build to QA – just by the developer building the Xcode version, presumably with Xcode itself.
Does anyone else experience this? Is there some broken setting or cache that needs to be reset? Or can the hypothesis be backed up that this is indeed a software bug and all we can do is sit on our hands and try to reprogram years of muscle-memory to use control-command-left instead?
Xcode13 release fix it.
Additional bug fixes and stability improvements"

Xcode 9 performance issue

Have anyone tried out the new Color Asset Catalogue feature in Xcode 9. For me every time I edit something on this like adding or editing a colour asset, I have to wait for 10-15 seconds while Xcode shows the coloured progress and does not allow any interaction.
At the same time being highly annoying, it is also highly counter-productive. I also found IB to be generally too slow after updating to Xcode 9.
Are these known issues ? Is there a solution to this?
i asked apple about the hangs and crashes that keep on occurring on Xcode 9, and they replied:
First, quit Xcode. And then temporarily move aside
UserInterfaceState.xcuserstate so that new user state is created.
It can be found here
(if it is an .xcodeproject, it will be deep in the project.xcworkspace
this worked for me with autocomplete problems and switching between files. hope it helps you out as well.
Xcode 9 is borderline unusable for me too at times. The worst is how long it takes to open/edit a storyboard file and also run the simulator. Even autocomplete and switching between code files is lagging a lot for me, much more so than past versions. I imagine Apple knows about it considering the Apple development forums are full of threads about how the newest update is unacceptable but as for how long it will take for them to do anything about it, who knows. It's an absolute nightmare for iOS developer's productivity to say the least.
My solution is to just quit Xcode when it starts getting too slow. It's a pain, obviously, but usually helps short term.

Can I see how long I've been working on an Xcode Project?

Title says it all...
On microsoft word theres a "total editing time" counter that tells you how long you've been working on your word document. Is there a similar feature in Xcode 7.3 in which I can see how long I've been working on my project? I'd like the time in hours.
EDIT: Based on answers I'm seeing there's 3rd party software to track my activity, can any of these work retroactively? I.E. Can I retrieve my hours from the past
-Maybe perhaps I can calculate time based on some logged builds? Or error log messages or something that's deep in my workspace? Any Ideas on this?
NO. There is no way to check such counter in Xcode. However you can use RescueTime to detect accurate time on Xcode or any other software.
RescueTime helps you understand your daily habits so you can focus and be more productive.
You can also use xcode-wakatime or any other third party.
I personally use RescueTime. It is best, manages lots of more than Xcode.
Try xcode-wakatime. Honestly I have never used it so I cannot write personal feedbacks.
Yes, you actually can. But you need to integrate WakaTime plugin for Xcode.
Here is a setup documentation.

Xcode autocomplete stopped working

I am using Xcode 6.1 with a Swift project.
I get the "SourceKit" (iirc) editor crashing issue several times a day but it usually resolves itself and doesn't result in having to close Xcode.
Now the last time it happened it resolved itself but has now taken away all autocompletion calls. Nothing autocompletes, my class functions, UI*, nothing (aside from basic types UInt etc).
I have cleared derived data, removed Xcode and it's related files, re-installed and nothing completes automatically, nor by using the escape key to show suggestions. Autocomplete is definitely checked in preferences as I have been using it for almost a month prior to todays issue.
Has anyone else experienced this? and does anyone have a solution to this problem? Really, really need autocomplete back.
Yes this is a bug that I have been experiencing for the last few days in 6.1 The solution for us was to stop building on the simulator. Once we did that (and started testing on actual devices) the sourceViewKit started working again. I'm not exactly sure why this is the case, but it seemed to work for us when nothing else did.
It is definitely a bug.
In fact changing to a different simulator (i.e. iPhone 5 to iPhone 5s) and running once does also solve the issue. You do not have to run on actual device (for those who do not have a paid developer license)
Xcode 6.3 public release version (released publicly at time of writing) seems to have fixed these issues (at long last).

Update XCode 4.0 to 4.0.2

Do I really have to download 4GB XCode just to update it from 4.0 to 4.0.2?
I updated my device to 4.3.1 and now I can't debug on it.
yes, you really have to. Unfortunately, Apple has no incremental updates.
If it makes you feel better, I updated to 4.0.1 in the morning and 4.0.2 was released that afternoon.
If you dont want to upgrade you should be able to change the version on your device using the Organizer. If you have the ipsw file you should be able to put the version you want on it.
It IS necessary. And while I do agree that some of the large updates from apple could be incremental, a lot of the changes are deep within the debugger and other areas, so while Xcode is 4GB as one download, an incremental update might only save you a few hundred mb depending on the changes. Incrimental updates may also take longer to create, but I'm not sure on that.
File it as a bug on radar.
I'm not kidding either -- I did, and I know a lot of people who did as well.
If you want to make some noise about this issue, that is the place to get heard.
