How can i identify an application flashing in windows taskbar in Testcomplete? - testcomplete

I need to verify if my application window flashes in the windows taskbar.Is there anyway to do that in TestComplete?

There is no a straightforward way to do this. The only thing I can suggest is to save an image of the taskbar item before it should start flashing and then compare the actual image with the saved image. If the images are different, the window caption is flashing.


Win32/C++: Program started minimized shows generic icon in taskbar flyout preview - how do I set my own image or fix it?

When you hover the mouse over taskbar buttons in Win10 you get a preview of that Window in a flyout. However if I start my program minimized it shows a generic icon (if I then restore it, the preview is updated and works minimized or not - so on startup is the key).
How do I have it show what the window will look like when restored or set my own image to use so this doesn't happen? It's okay if my own image is the only one that ever shows. I wouldn't mind disabling the preview on the flyout either (I do need the flyout because I use use toobar buttons on it).
I see ITaskbarList3::SetThumbnailClip() but that would have the same issue.
Found this is controlled by the DWM (Desktop Window Manager) via dwmapi. Examples of use is here

Programmatically open image full-screen in Windows 10

I'm trying to programmatically open an image from a folder and have it completely fill the screen, and it seems the only way to have an image completely fill the screen is to click the Slideshow button in Windows Photo Viewer and pause the slideshow. However, in Windows 10 it isn't even possible to programmatically open an image (at least, not via the command line, using either Windows Photo Viewer or Photos), let alone paused in slideshow mode.
If not the command-line, are there any other good programmatic solutions for what I want to do?
Hashim - You could quite easily write an app for this using open Lazarus.

Is it possible to programmatically detect a click on the mac desktop?

I want to whip something up that would run a small script every time i clicked on the Desktop. Any hints on how to make this happen?
For those interested, the script would toggle the display of desktop icons.
I assume you mean on the desktop background, not any icon. You could create a transparent overlay window, use [window setIgnoresMouseEvents:NO] to make it receive clicks, and set its window level to something between the desktop and the icons (kCGDesktopWindowLevel and kCGDesktopIconWindowLevel).
You would presumably want to create one of those per screen and monitor for changes in the screen configuration to add, remove, or resize them as appropriate. Either observe the NSApplicationDidChangeScreenParametersNotification or implement the -applicationDidChangeScreenParameters: application delegate method (which amounts to the same thing).

How to eliminate keynote to take over the whole screen in slideshow mode

We are building a Desktop app which has to activate keynote application on desktop automatically in slideshow mode.
The problem is that the slideshow is taking over the whole screen.
Is there a way to control the size of the keynote window in slideshow mode?
You can try SIMBL package and hook the functions of the window related to the full screen. You may use class dump to figure out what is going on in the Keynote app. However, you will meet another problems - your window is still without menu, you will be forced to handle resize events, etc.

Windows Mobile 6.5 Running Program List Icon

I've got an windows mobile 6.5 application I'm developing and am having trouble with one icon. At the top right hand of the screen there is an icon that, when clicked, will display a list of programs running the background with the option to close them.
When my program is in this list, it's icon does not show up as the others do.
I'm my exe I've got an .ico for 16x16, 22x22, 32x32, 36x36, 44x44, 45x45, 60x60, and 64x64, with the optional 90x90 png and registry setting in my cab.
What am I missing?
I'm just guessing here, but is this an HTC phone? Stock Windows Mobile does not have a "task list" icon in the system tray, so this task list is provided by the OEM. You would need to find out how they are obtaining the icon.
Chances are they are not obtaining it from the cab, but are actually getting it from your top level app window. You should check you're specifying the right icon in your WNDCLASS structure when calling RegisterClass. It is pretty common in WM to forget this because normally this icon is not visible.
Windows Embedded Handheld (Windows Mobile) 6.5/6.5.3 Appications use the exe embedded ico files only if there is no icon via registry available. In those cases the icon also look very ugly in the start menu. So you will have to add a registry entry to an icon file.
See also:
