Programmatically open image full-screen in Windows 10 - windows

I'm trying to programmatically open an image from a folder and have it completely fill the screen, and it seems the only way to have an image completely fill the screen is to click the Slideshow button in Windows Photo Viewer and pause the slideshow. However, in Windows 10 it isn't even possible to programmatically open an image (at least, not via the command line, using either Windows Photo Viewer or Photos), let alone paused in slideshow mode.
If not the command-line, are there any other good programmatic solutions for what I want to do?

Hashim - You could quite easily write an app for this using open Lazarus.


Pausing a video on Windows with Win32/COM

Is there a way to pause the currently running media - like, the media that displays on the windows lock screen?
I wish to programmatically achieve the same thing as clicking that pause button in that image in the bottom right (except when the machine is not locked). What COM interface could I use to do this? They are very confusing to look through and there seems to be at least a couple related to media on Windows.

How to move browser tabs to different monitors using a script?

I have a 3 monitor setup which is connected to a PC. It displays a Google Chrome tab on each of the screens with some dashboard. It will auto log off every night from the website (I cannot control that). So I need to manually login to it, open the tabs, then move it to each of the monitors every night. I am trying to automate this task. I am trying to use Sikuli slides to do it. Right now I am able to login, open tabs, and click on buttons. But I am not able to drag the tabs to other monitors. It doesn't matter which tab is displayed in which monitor. The PC is running Windows 7. How can I get it done ? Any scripting language or tool which is available in windows is fine. Thanks in advance.
Edit: Added an image which describes my need
You're opening the same thing on the same computer on the same screens, so it will be in the same place every time.
AutoHotKey (AHK) can do click-and-drag from a start coordinate to an end coordinate:
Run AutoHotKey, right click on the icon in the taskbar notification area (systray) and click 'Window Spy', and it will bring up AHK's helper tool. Now you can click on the Chrome tabs and look in AHK to see the coordinates of the mouse pointer, so you can plug those into the command. And drag/drop the browser and look at the mouse coordinates there, too.
(And if you weren't using Windows 7, but instead 8 or 8.1 or 10, you could use Aero Snap with Win+RightArrow, Win+RightArrow and Win+UpArrow to move the active window to the edge of the center screen, then to the right screen, then to fullscreen it).
(Or you could use Alt-Space, M, Arrow Keys to script moving the focused window around).
This is what I did to fix it:
Used MouseRecorder to record the mouse movements and keystrokes including my username and password. Using this, I logged in, opened tabs, clicked on buttons and moved them to different monitors.
Problem with this is that it is not possible to load a saved macro and run using the commandline (or I could not figure out). So I used Mouse Controller to record the mouse movement to open MouseRecorder and click on run. [It cannot record key strokes]. Mouse controller has option to run from commandline with ability to accept the filename as argument.
I wrote a batch file to open and run MouseRecorder and scheduled to run every night using task scheduler.

Easy way to set up a splashscreen for my Windows app?

I am making an app (software) for Windows. To run the app the user clicks on a .vbs file (or a shortcut to it). It takes a while to load up the main screen so I was wondering what's the easiest way to create a splash screen for my app? All it needs is to display an image on screen while it is waiting for the main window to appear. Once the main window appears, the splash screen can close.
Is there way a way to do that with a .vbs file? Happy to venture into Python or anything else but it needs to be simple to set up.
All I could find was related to Android which isn't relevant for me.
You can use a HTML-application (hta-file) to do this. Have a look at this description.

How can i identify an application flashing in windows taskbar in Testcomplete?

I need to verify if my application window flashes in the windows taskbar.Is there anyway to do that in TestComplete?
There is no a straightforward way to do this. The only thing I can suggest is to save an image of the taskbar item before it should start flashing and then compare the actual image with the saved image. If the images are different, the window caption is flashing.

How to eliminate keynote to take over the whole screen in slideshow mode

We are building a Desktop app which has to activate keynote application on desktop automatically in slideshow mode.
The problem is that the slideshow is taking over the whole screen.
Is there a way to control the size of the keynote window in slideshow mode?
You can try SIMBL package and hook the functions of the window related to the full screen. You may use class dump to figure out what is going on in the Keynote app. However, you will meet another problems - your window is still without menu, you will be forced to handle resize events, etc.
