Update css in old project with jeet 2 - css-frameworks

I have this project I worked on with jeet 2, and that I need to update some styles.
In my machine I updated already the jeet version to version 3 via npm
Now when I do "jeet watch" I got this error :
Doesn't appear to be a Jeet Directory
I tried using Prepros to watch and compile the .styl files but I got another error :
> 1| #import 'nib'
3| /* Syntax quick reference
4| * ----------------------
failed to locate #import file nib.styl
Any ideas what should I do?

Jeet's major releases really don't have a good way to elegantly upgrade as they're so drastically different from the last.
For instance, Jeet isn't a command line tool anymore. But you can use it as a Stylus library: https://github.com/mojotech/jeet#installation
So far as nib failing to be found it's probably not on your system. Try this: npm install -g nib


Compiling Sass or Scss Error in Laravel 7 with TailwindCSS

I have put the SCSS file in the directory: ProjectName/public/css/main.scss
and I have followed the method of this problem but it didn't work, even though it was only a little different, it didn't solve my problem. following the link:laravel-scss-compiling-fails
actually I am in this project using laravel/ui, that is Tailwindcss.
please help with my problem, and hopefully with this it can help friends who are also experiencing problems like me.🙏🙏🙏
enter image description here
Compiling Sass/Scss Files:
Compilation Error
Error: File "d:\laragon\www\ProjectName\vendor\laravel\ui\src\Presets\bootstrap-stubs\~bootstrap\scss\bootstrap" not found
on line 8 of sass/d:\laragon\www\ProjectName\vendor\laravel\ui\src\Presets\bootstrap-stubs\app.scss
>> #import '~bootstrap/scss/bootstrap';

GHCI unable to recognize packages installed with Cabal on windows 10

I am a beginner with Haskell and for an assignment I needed to install System.Random. So I installed the package using Cabal through command line (originally with cabal install random and then with cabal install --lib random), however, when I run GHCI it doesn't recognize that the package is installed. When I run it I get this error:
Could not find module `System.Random'
Use -v to see a list of the files searched for.
3 | import System.Random
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Failed, no modules loaded.
I tried a few things to fix this, however, none of them seem to work. I tried to copy the files from the cabal directory where the package is saved and place them in the same folder as my project but I received this error.
File name does not match module name:
Saw: `Main'
Expected: `Random'
1 | #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 701
| ^
Failed, no modules loaded.
I then attempted to run ghc with "ghc -iC:\DirectoryToPackage AssignmentThatCallsPackage.hs" and this gave the same error as above. I also attempted this solution given here ghc can't find my cabal installed packages the second answer to make the package global but when I tried to run the line "runhaskell Setup install" it gave me an access denied error. I feel I have tried other solutions, but I can't remember what else I tried at the moment. I have been stuck on this for a while now so any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

Error on #import "bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables"

We use microsoft VSTS build and release pipeline. Everything was working fine until 2 days ago. We faced an interesting issue when running a gulp script to compile SASS using Yarn.
I kept on failing with this error:
> 2018-03-14T05:23:42.3498877Z >> #import
> "bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables";
> 2018-03-14T05:23:42.3498877Z ^ 2018-03-14T05:23:42.3498877Z
> 2018-03-14T05:23:42.3498877Z at options.error
> (F:\agentA\_work\1\s\prototype\node_modules\node-sass\lib\index.js:291:26)
As soon as we ran these commands below on Build server it started working:
npm i -g yarn
npm i -g gulp
Any idea why above command would fix the problem?
Before the fix we looked whether bootstrap and all files existed on build server. They definitely were there. And still build failed until we ran above command. I wonder why it failed.

Redefinition of ... Errors in RCTLog.h after linking RNVectorIcons in a React Native project

After running the command react-native link react-native-vector-icons I now get a bunch of Redefintion of ... errors in RCTLog.h in RNVectorIcons (it has a little column house icon, is that a library?) errors in Xcode in my react native project. How do I fix these build errors - I tried react-native unlink react-native-vector-icons but that errors ERR! It seems something went wrong while unlinking. Error: Cannot read property 'config' of undefined so it looks like I have to fix this manually.
For context I was trying to work around the font not found errors from using #shoutem/ui with react native.
Found the answer in this response to an issue in github https://github.com/shoutem/ui/issues/134
Looks like the link command for shoutem/ui and vector icons was not updated for react 0.40. You have to manually change the import statements in the libraries for BVLinearGradient... from
#import "RCTBridge.h"
#import "RCTViewManager.h"
#import "RCTView.h"
to this
#import <React/RCTBridge.h>
#import <React/RCTViewManager.h>
#import <React/RCTView.h>

Docpad error after Sass install

I want to start to work with foundation 4. So I installed Ruby and Sass.
After I installed Sass gem, I get the following error message on docpad generate:
error: An error occured:
Error: spawn ENOENT
at errnoException (child_process.js:948:11)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:739:34)
→ [2013-05-31 13:23:20.812] [C:\Users\USERDIR\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\docpad\out\lib\docpad.js] [DocPad.log]
error: An error occured:
Error: spawn ENOENT
at errnoException (child_process.js:948:11)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (child_process.js:739:34)
→ [2013-05-31 13:23:20.820] [C:\Users\USERDIR\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\docpad\out\lib\docpad.js] [DocPad.log]
I'd like to use sass for generating foundation inside docpad.
I've tried to use this foundation docpad skeleton: https://github.com/axyz/zurb-foundation.docpad
What can cause this and how could I solve it?
a bit old question, however I've just updated https://github.com/axyz/zurb-foundation.docpad in order to support foundation v4.3.2 right now it seems to work well.
however I had to switch from pure sass to the nodesass implementation (keeping updated manually the source of foundation, maybe it could be switched to a git submodule). I had to switch not only for performance reason, but also because i had problems with the sass plugin: it just get stuck during docpad run whenever there is some file to parse like example.css.scss
It's likely the same as this issue - https://github.com/docpad/docpad-plugin-sass/issues/6 - that being that DocPad was unable to automatically detect your sass installation path, so you'll have to specify it manually by adding the following to your docpad configuration file
sassPath: 'theValue'
scssPath: 'theValue'
compass: 'theValue'
