Error on #import "bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables" - sass

We use microsoft VSTS build and release pipeline. Everything was working fine until 2 days ago. We faced an interesting issue when running a gulp script to compile SASS using Yarn.
I kept on failing with this error:
> 2018-03-14T05:23:42.3498877Z >> #import
> "bootstrap-sass/assets/stylesheets/bootstrap/variables";
> 2018-03-14T05:23:42.3498877Z ^ 2018-03-14T05:23:42.3498877Z
> 2018-03-14T05:23:42.3498877Z at options.error
> (F:\agentA\_work\1\s\prototype\node_modules\node-sass\lib\index.js:291:26)
As soon as we ran these commands below on Build server it started working:
npm i -g yarn
npm i -g gulp
Any idea why above command would fix the problem?
Before the fix we looked whether bootstrap and all files existed on build server. They definitely were there. And still build failed until we ran above command. I wonder why it failed.


Composer BaseIO hasAuthentication compatibility error with Composer IOInterface hasAuthentication

Getting the following error message when calling composer install.
Fatal error: Declaration of Composer\IO\BaseIO::hasAuthentication($repositoryName) must be compatible with Composer\IO\IOInterface::hasAuthentication(string $repositoryName) in phar:///usr/local/psa/var/modules/composer/composer.phar/src/Composer/IO/BaseIO.php on line 20
This is occurring in our dev environment when we run the gitlab pipeline to build and deploy in our CI/CD pipeline. No changes have been made to this process that has been running flawlessly for years. My guess is that something has changed in the composer base code library in the last few days.
Anyone else having this same issue? Or does anyone have a clue on how to fix this issue?

Xcode / React Native - "Transform Error - unknown plugin 'module-resolver' "

I am running a build on Xcode for my React Native project and for some reason, when running the build in debug mode, this error appears:
'TransformError: [my directory] : Unknown plugin "module-resolver" ' inside my babelrc file.
I tried to npm install the module-resolver to see if that would get rid of the error however the simulator still has as red screen with that same TransformError.
Any help/guidance on this would be really helpful.
You must install the 'babel-plugin-module-resolver'.
You should run:
npm install babel-plugin-module-resolver --save-dev

Using React-Native run in Xcode counter an error

I get new version of react-native and when I initialize a new project and run it in Xcode I have the error:(react-native 0.9 IOS run error).
Please help me!
Unknown option:
It is an error generated when you transpiling with babel. Make sure the Node version is latest. Clear npm cache with $ sudo npm cache clean and start a new project using RN again.

Grunt Sass Task Error when Running "Grunt Compile"?

When running "Grunt Compile" I get the below error related to Sass Task? I have checked that all files exist and that there are no syntax errors. See Gist link below for "gruntfile.js". This is for a pre-existing grunt project on Windows 7 and all that was required was that I installed sass, npm, grunt & setup environment variables. And it's not working.
Running "sass:dev" (sass) task
Warning: source string:1: error: invalid top-level expression
Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.

My compass has stopped working together with Grunt

Im using sass and compass together with Grunt to build my project. But suddenly compass has just stopped working. When i run my Grunt i get this error:
"Running "sass:dist" (sass) task
ERROR: Cannot load compass.
Warning: Exited with error code 1 Use --force to continue."
The versions are:
compass (0.12.4)
sass (3.2.18)
I have googled ant tried a lot of stuff but none seems to work for me.
Any suggestions?
