Xamarin iOS Hot Restart Not Deploying to Phone from Windows to iPhone - xamarin

I am trying to debug from a Windows computer to an iPhone plugged into the computer.
I set up Hot Restart and followed every step closely.
I have a paid Apple Developer account, downloaded iTunes, and Visual Studio 2022
I have since revoked my certificates and provisioning profiles since automatic provisioning apparently creates those
However, I am getting the following error when I try to debug on the iPhone device:
No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain. Please enable automatic provisioning from the iOS Bundle Signing page.
When I go to the iOS bundle signing page and try to enable automatic provisioning by selecting my team, it says:
Automatic provisioning failed, please check the logs.
What on earth could I be doing wrong? I've been trying to solve this problem for two days. Please help.


visual studio for mac provisioning profiles error

I am using macbook pro. I have xcode installed on my computer. My goal is to develop applications for iOS. For this, I want to develop an application with xamarin framework in visual studio for mac instead of xcode. when i test my app with similator i have no problem. but when I want to test it on my iOS device, I get the warning that the provisioning profile is missing.
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.Shared.targets(3,3): Error: Could not find any available provisioning profiles for iosdnm.iOS on iOS.
I created a developer account belonging to the account I use mac. but since I haven't paid the 100 usd he asked me for this account yet, I get the warning that my account is being controlled. My last post may be redundant.
This is exactly what I want to do. I just want to develop an application in visual studio for mac with my apple ID and use it on my ios device. How can I get rid of my above mentioned error?

Unable to add Apple ID in VS2017 and VS2019 Xamarin project

I'm having a hard time trying to deploy my first Xamarin.Forms app to an iPhone. This is the scenario:
-coding on Visual Studio for Windows (VS2017 Community 15.9.24 and VS2019 Community 16.8.5);
-VS running on Windows 7
-MacBookPro on the same network, logged in with my personal Apple ID;
-iPhone attached to the Mac;
-I created an Apple developer account (not a paid account)
-Xcode and VS installed on the Mac;
-pairing to the Mac works fine;
-debugging the Xamarin iOS project using iPhone simulator works fine;
-debugging on a physical iPhone attached to the Mac fails in both VS2017 and VS2019.
I understand the error must be because I can't add my Apple ID in Visual Studio.
Error in VS2017:
-I select iOS Options > iOS Bundle signing > Automatic provisioning;
-then in Tools > Options > Xamarin > Apple accounts VS won't let me add an account. The only enabled option is the "install Fastlane" button, which fails.
-trying to run the debug configuration on the iPhone anyway fails with the error "No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain. You need to request a codesigning certificate from https://developer.apple.com." Can't get past this point.
vs2017 error
Error in VS2019:
-iOS Options > iOS Bundle signing shows the message "Please wait until the provisioning information is loaded" forever. No options are presented.
-in Tools > Options > Xamarin > Apple accounts > Add I type my Apple developer ID and password, but nothing happens. I can barely see what I suppose is a message box flicking on and off.
-trying to run the debug configuration on the iPhone anyway fails with error "Automatic provisioning is enabled but no development team was selected." Can't go further here also.
vs2019 error
Am I missing something here? Is there a workaround? Online documentation that I've found won't help me with these errors.
EDIT: I was able to add my Apple Id into VS2019 running on Windows 10.

Visual Studio Mac error MT1006 with valid/correct provisioning file

Trying to deploy a binary from Visual Studio Mac to a brand new iPad. I am using exactly the same Signing Authority and Provisioning Profile and entitlements file I have been using to push the app to the App Store since August.
Even with the correct provisioning data (I push to the App Store from this same Mac Mini) I get the dreaded MT1006 error:
ApplicationVerificationFailed: Failed to verify code signature of /private/var/installd/Library/Caches/com.apple.mobile.installd.staging/temp.3Eku4r/extracted/my.iOS.app : 0xe8008015 (A valid provisioning profile for this executable was not found.)
error MT1006: Could not install the application '/Users/john/Projects/[...]/bin/iPhone/Release/my.iOS.app' on the device 'John???s iPad': AMDeviceSecureInstallApplicationBundle returned: 0xe8008015.
Is there some extra step I am missing? What do I need to do to run the debug and release versions of my app on this iPad from Visual Studio?
The provisioning profiles for deployment to the App Store and debug deployment to a device are entirely distinct entities. Who knew? Went with Automatic Provisioning in Visual Studio, works fine. FYI.

When using Titanium (Appcelerator Studio) with xcode 8, how do I turn ON "automatically manage signing"?

I'm a long-time Titanium developer who recently upgraded to xcode8. Afterwards, I could not build to my iOS device. I was getting an error about my provisioning profile being managed but the signing of my app requires a manual provisioning profile. The only way I could figure out to move past the error was to create a manual provisioning profile. Instead, I'd like to turn ON "automatically manage signing" but I cannot figure out how to do this in Appcelerator Studio.
Automatic code-signing is not supported by Titanium, yet, and you should create your provisioning profiles in the iOS Dev-Center until it is officially supported.
See TIMOB-24008 for more information.

iOS 9: Renewal and distribution of provisioning profile of Enterprise app without IPA build

In iOS 7, for renewal of provisioning profile (for enterprise app), we used to follow the below process:
Generate a new provisioning profile from the Apple member center.
Install the new provisioning profile to all the devices.
In iOS 9, it seems that the steps are not working. I am unable to install the provisioning profile directly to devices. Rebuilding IPA and distributing to all the devices is not an option at this point of time.
What are the other options that I have? Anyone faced the same issue? What's the workaround for this issue?
