Allowing only premium users to watch Youtube videos - joomla

So I have a website on Joomla and I am using the Joomlapolis community builder. Rather than uploading videos to the server is there any way of only allowing premium users to watch the videos and prevent other people from watching them?

I installed another extension and manually uploaded them to the server instead.


Where do apps live?

This is a naive question. I'm creating my first app (using Phonegap). I'll create versions in both the App Store and Google Play Store. My question is: where will the downloadable files live?
I haven't been able to find the answer online, because I'm not sure how to phrase the question in a simple Google search. I've thought of 2 possibilities:
The downloadable files live on my server. When someone chooses to install the app from the App Store or the Google Play Store, that store authorizes the download from my server.
The downloadable file lives on the App Store's servers or the Google Play Store servers. When someone chooses to download it, the file is served directly by them.
I'm almost sure the answer is #2. That makes the most sense. But I haven't found confirmation online.
You can opt to host it on your server or use services provided by Google and Apple.
Hosting on your server will require you to maintain those servers , etc.. Hosting with Google & Apple will take away that maintenance.
Use Google Expansion Files for Google Play Store App and Content Hosting for Apple
Google Allow APK size of 100 MB any additional files can be uploaded using Expansion files. Refer to this link -
Maximum file size for an IPA file is 2 GB in Apple. If you are using Apple's in-app purchase module , then you can upload additional files using Content Hosting given by apple. Refer to this link

How I apply review to get publish_actions permission for a Windows application written in Win API/C++?

I created and used application softwares(exe file written in C++ with Win SDK) of Windows OS(Win7) which has a function to upload(post) user photos to Facebook. They were working fine but now it is not possible to post photos to Facebook and I got to know I need get my application reviewd for public_actions permission. I tried to do it but could not find way to submit since there's no category for Windows application. How can I do it? I think the reviewers need to 'run' the app and it looks OK for andriod, iOS, Win8 apps, and Web site since reviewers can access to them by codes or URL for the apps but I have no idea how to make it for my Windows application. It is big size application with lots of images over 1Gbytes. Will it be OK to use an FTP account for the reviewers to download and review it?
In your review notes you can explicitly mention that this is a Windows application. You will need to provide as much screenshots as possible or preferably, a screencast where you show how you use the Facebook integration.
To get all the required fields, you can fill in the website for your application (if you have one) or an other website. Just make sure to mention that in your reviewer notes.
That should work with getting your app reviews.
ps: this question actually is not appropriate for Stackoverflow. I suggested using the Facebook Developer Community group for these kind of questions (non-technical).

Microsoft phone application attaching a image in email

Is it possible to attach a image file in windows mobile phone application developed in 7.5? i have searched many websites but can't find any solution . please help me if there is any.I have downloaded this code but ain't able to run. I faced a problem with silverlight convertion. They said i need to install some component which will match with them.
It's not possible.
The only solution is either send the email using some dedicated web service you can create, or encode the image into Base64 and add it directly to the body of the email.
Sadly nothing has changed in this matter in Windows Phone 8.
Another route you can take, which may not apply to your situation as you don't provide much detail on what your app does, is to use the Live SDK. If you integrate your app into Skydrive you can send images and video via proxy (a SkyDrive link).
This is how I've approached the issue in my app Video Journal.

WP7 - selling extensions

I'm trying to create some application for Windows Phone >= 7.1
During plannin my work and specyfiong technical requirements I've come across one problem.
I wan't to have free application with basic functionality. And then it should be extendable with some non-free extensions (dlls?, databases?, SaaS?)
Is it possible at the moment to use some MS api/app/etc. to be able to publish such extensions and sell them? What is the best way to do this if there is more than one solution?
Thank you for any help.
As of right now (June 2012), in-app purchases are not supported. Your only choices, then are being a paid app and supporting trial mode.
The only way you can do this at present is to handle the additional purchases yourself.
You'd have to set up a website which customers could create an account on and purchase extensions through, then have them also log into your app with those account details to determine what additional data to download or functions to enable.
You could be smart and include the website functionality into your app with a browser control. Take a look at the Amazon Kindle app for an example of how they accomplish it.

Playing YouTube Videos in WP7

Recently I started developing an app which contains the provision to play the youtube videos. Initially I thought it may be an easier task, and later I realized that it is not going to be an easy one. My all other works related to that apps are over and the only pending work is youtube integration. Can any one please help me to complete this. Or send me some useful links that help me for integrating with youtube.
These previous answers may help you:
YouTube on Windows Phone with MediaElement
How to launch a YouTube URL on Windows Phone 7
Basically, it looks like currently you can't embed videos within your app, but you can (with some url kludging) launch the external viewer as long as the user has installed the youTube app.
