I'm kinda new to xpath. So I don't know how to do this. I have this file
<object name="object (1)">
<position>564.014893 -7424.033691 35.448875</position>
<rotation>0.000000 0.000000 0.000000</rotation>
As you can see in position;
564.014893 -7424.033691 35.448875
564.014893 is X
-7424.033691 is Y
35.448875 is Z
How do I load X(or Y/Z)?
If you have xpath 2 support, you can use tokenize to split the string on spaces. The X, Y and Z values would respectively be:
tokenize(map/object/position, ' ')[1]
tokenize(map/object/position, ' ')[2]
tokenize(map/object/position, ' ')[3]
If you only have xpath 1 support, you could use the substring-before and substring-after methods. The X, Y, and Z values would respectively be:
substring-before(map/object/position, " ")
substring-before(substring-after(map/object/position, " "), " ")
substring-after(substring-after(map/object/position, " "), " ")
I want the last two <dd> elements so that the output will read, Talstrasse 2A 01816 Berggiesshübel
here is the html snippet
<dd>10:00 - 17:00</dd> <dt>Veranstaltungsart:</dt>
<dd> Herbstmarkt</dd> <dt>Veranstaltungsort:</dt>
<dd> Besucherbergwerk "Marie Louise Stolln" Berggiesshübel</dd> <dt>Strasse:</dt>
<dd>Talstrasse 2A,</dd>
<dt>PLZ / Ort:</dt>
<dd> 01816 Berggiesshübel </dd>
here is the suggested xpath my software gives me.
//div[contains(concat (" ", normalize-space(#class), " "), " container ")]/section[contains(concat (" ", normalize-space(#class), " "), " row event-details ")]/div[1]/div[3][contains(concat (" ", normalize-space(#class), " "), " bg-normal pal mbm ")]/div[1][contains(concat (" ", normalize-space(#class), " "), " row ")]/div[1]/dl[1][contains(concat (" ", normalize-space(#class), " "), " dl-horizontal event-detail-dl ")]/dd[6] | //html/body/div/section/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/dl[1]/dd[6]
can anyone help me?
The last two dd elements would be (//dd)[position() >= last() - 1]. In XPath 2.0 and higher you can get a single string using the string-join function e.g. string-join((//dd)[position() >= last() - 1], ' ').
puts "%-30s%2s%3d%2s%3d%2s%3d%2s%3d%2s%3d" % [tn,ln,a,ln,b,ln,c,ln,d,ln,e]
This is Ruby, but many languages use this formatting. I have forgotten how to output several variables in the same format, without repeating the format in each case. Here, I want "%3d%2s" for 5 integers, each separated by a '|'
You could write the following.
def print_my_string(tn, ln, *ints)
fmt = "%-10s" + ("|#{"%2s" % ln}%3d" * ints.size) + "|"
puts fmt % [tn, *ints]
Then, for example,
print_my_string("hello", "ho", 2, 77, 453, 61, 999)
hello |ho 2|ho 77|ho453|ho 61|ho999|
after having computed
fmt = "%-10s" + ("|#{"%2s" % ln}%3d" * ints.size) + "|"
#=> %-10s|ho%3d|ho%3d|ho%3d|ho%3d|ho%3d|"
<span>Постов: 223 / Файлов: 10</span>
<span>Постов: 23 / Файлов: 0</span>
<span>Постов: 63 / Файлов: 6</span>
How can I select all spans containing number <99 after "Постов: "
I tried this
//span[contains(text(), "Постов: ") and number(substring(text(), 9, 3))<99]
The number you want appears after "Постов: " and before " /". So you can use substring-after() and substring-before().
//span[substring-before(substring-after(text(),'Постов: '),' /') < 99]
I've been working on a task to create a function that returns the total number of smiley faces. Valid smiley faces look like: ":) :D ;-D :~)" and invalid smiling faces: ";( :> :} :] ".
My solution below throws the following error message "expected 0 instead got 1".
def count_smileys(arr)
arr.count do |element|
[":)", ":D", ";-D", ":~)", ";~D", "8~(", ";(", ":>", ":}", ":]",
"8~P", "8-(", "; )", ";-P", ":~P", "~P", ":~P", "~P", "; (", ":-)",
"8~D", "~)", "8D", "~)", "8 )", "; )", "~)", ":-D", " (", ";D",
"8-D", "8-P", ";-D", ": D", ";~D", " ("].include?(element)
As it stands my solution passes 4 out of 5 basic tests:
Basic tests
Test Passed: Value == 0
Test Passed: Value == 4
Test Passed: Value == 2
Test Passed: Value == 1
Expected: 0, instead got: 1
I've tried removing the parameters but that only worked for the last test and failed me on the rest. Any suggestions? Thanks
Example tests below:
Test.describe("Basic tests") do
Test.assert_equals(count_smileys([]), 0)
Test.assert_equals(count_smileys([":D",":~)",";~D",":)"]), 4)
Test.assert_equals(count_smileys([":)",":(",":D",":O",":;"]), 2)
Test.assert_equals(count_smileys([";]", ":[", ";*", ":$", ";-D"]), 1)
Test.assert_equals(count_smileys([";", ")", ";*", ":$", "8-D"]), 0)
Compare or Inspect Using Array Intersection
You don't show your actual test setup, so I won't address that. However, it seems like you're trying to count the number of smileys in a given array using the block form of Array#count. It's arguably simpler to measure the size of an Array intersection, or to inspect the contents of the intersection, using Array#&. For example:
":)", ":D", ";-D", ":~)", ";~D", "8~(", ";(", ":>", ":}", ":]",
"8~P", "8-(", "; )", ";-P", ":~P", "~P", ":~P", "~P", "; (", ":-)",
"8~D", "~)", "8D", "~)", "8 )", "; )", "~)", ":-D", " (", ";D",
"8-D", "8-P", ";-D", ": D", ";~D", " ("
SMILEYS.&([":D", ":~)", ";~D", ":)"]).size == 4
#=> true
SMILEYS.&([":)", ":(", ":D", ":O", ":;"]).size == 2
#=> true
SMILEYS.&([";]", ":[", ";*", ":$", ";-D"]).size == 1
#=> true
SMILEYS.&([";", ")", ";*", ":$", "8-D"]).size == 0
#=> false
Note that the last comparison is false because 8-D is defined in your list of SMILEYS. Specifically:
SMILEYS.&([";", ")", ";*", ":$", "8-D"])
#=> ["8-D"]
so the expected value should be 1 unless 8-D doesn't really belong in your array of acceptable values. If that's the case, remove it from the variable or constant containing your allowable values.
I have the following format in my txt file:
1 1,30705856804525E-7 2,64163961816166E-8
1,12201845645905 1,24157281788939E-7 2,45690063849224E-8
1,25892543792725 1,18248813407718E-7 2,29960868125545E-8
1,41253757476807 1,13006606738963E-7 2,16654658657944E-8
1,58489322662354 1,0842624220686E-7 2,05472137082552E-8
1,77827942371368 1,04479198625995E-7 1,96135836461053E-8
1,99526226520538 1,01119816520168E-7 1,8839035220708E-8
2,23872113227844 9,82917924829962E-8 1,82003176973922E-8
2,51188635826111 9,59338279926669E-8 1,76765304615856E-8
2,81838297843933 9,39840489877497E-8 1,72491425587395E-8
3,16227769851685 9,23831819932275E-8 1,69019571671924E-8
3,54813385009766 9,10766573269939E-8 1,66210121221866E-8
3,98107171058655 9,00157104410937E-8 1,63944182673958E-8
4,46683597564697 8,91577514039454E-8 1,62121711611007E-8
5,01187229156494 8,8466336478632E-8 1,60659361370108E-8
5,6234130859375 8,7910699164695E-8 1,59488209305891E-8
6,30957365036011 8,74651959748007E-8 1,58551749507296E-8
7,07945775985718 8,71086527354237E-8 1,57803938805046E-8
7,94328212738037 8,68237393092386E-8 1,57207402651238E-8
8,91250896453857 8,65963372120859E-8 1,56731942979604E-8
10 8,64150138113473E-8 1,56353241465013E-8
11,2201843261719 8,62705391568852E-8 1,5605175818223E-8
I need to get only value for integers on left and right value so in this example I need to get:
This is what I've tried:
' Check Noise Spectral Density.txt exists
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
If (fso.FileExists(fso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) + "\Projects\Noise Spectral Density.txt")) Then
' Open the file for input.
Set NoiseSpectralDensity = fso.OpenTextFile(fso.GetParentFolderName(WScript.ScriptFullName) + "\Projects\Noise Spectral Density.txt", 1)
' Noise Variables
Dim Noise
' Read from the file and display the results.
Do While NoiseSpectralDensity.AtEndOfStream <> True
' Read Line By Line
TextLine = NoiseSpectralDensity.ReadLine
' Check If Number
'If (IsNumeric(Left(TextLine, 5))) Then
' Get Noise
' Noise # 1kHz
Noise = Right(TextLine, InStr(Mid(TextLine, 2), InStr(TextLine, " ")-1))
x = MsgBox("SNR: " & Split(Left(TextLine, 5), " ")(0) & " NOISE: " & Noise & "",0, "Noise Spectral Density")
'End If
' Close the file for input.
x = MsgBox("Noise Spectral Density.txt NOT Found!" & vbCrLf & "Wave->Save As Text...", 0, "Noise Spectral Density")
End If
But I could not get left and right numbers in VBScript using Split(TextLine, " ")(0).
Your data seems to be tab-separated, so you could do something like this:
arr = Split(TextLine, vbTab)
If Not (InStr(arr(0), ",") > 0) Then
'first number doesn't have decimals
snr = arr(0)
noise = arr(2)
End If
Though the solution provided by #AnsgarWiechers should work but in case, if it doesn't, you can make use of regular expressions(Replace the whole Do-while loop with the following):
Set objReg = New RegExp
objReg.Pattern = "^(\d+)(?=\s).*\s+([\d,Ee-]+)$" 'See the explanation below
Do While NoiseSpectralDensity.AtEndOfStream <> True
'Read Line By Line
TextLine = NoiseSpectralDensity.ReadLine
' Check If Number
Set objMatches = objReg.Execute(TextLine)
For Each objMatch In objMatches
SNR = objMatch.submatches.item(0)
Noise = objMatch.submatches.item(1)
MsgBox "SNR: "&SNR&"; Noise: "&Noise
Click for Regex Demo
Regex Explanation:
^ - asserts the start of the string
(\d+) - matches 1+ occurrences of a digit and captures it in Group 1
(?=\s) - positive lookahead to find the position immediately preceded by a white-space. So the digits in the step 2 will be matched until a whitespace(spaces,tabs etc.) is encountered
.* - matches 0+ occurrences of any character except a newline
\s+ - matches 1+ occurrences of a whitespace
([\d,Ee-]+) - matches 1+ occurrences of a digit or , or - or the letter E or e and capture it in group 2
$ - asserts the end of the string