xpath how can I select elements that have a number inside text? - xpath

<span>Постов: 223 / Файлов: 10</span>
<span>Постов: 23 / Файлов: 0</span>
<span>Постов: 63 / Файлов: 6</span>
How can I select all spans containing number <99 after "Постов: "
I tried this
//span[contains(text(), "Постов: ") and number(substring(text(), 9, 3))<99]

The number you want appears after "Постов: " and before " /". So you can use substring-after() and substring-before().
//span[substring-before(substring-after(text(),'Постов: '),' /') < 99]


Use repeat of format for many variables on the same line

puts "%-30s%2s%3d%2s%3d%2s%3d%2s%3d%2s%3d" % [tn,ln,a,ln,b,ln,c,ln,d,ln,e]
This is Ruby, but many languages use this formatting. I have forgotten how to output several variables in the same format, without repeating the format in each case. Here, I want "%3d%2s" for 5 integers, each separated by a '|'
You could write the following.
def print_my_string(tn, ln, *ints)
fmt = "%-10s" + ("|#{"%2s" % ln}%3d" * ints.size) + "|"
puts fmt % [tn, *ints]
Then, for example,
print_my_string("hello", "ho", 2, 77, 453, 61, 999)
hello |ho 2|ho 77|ho453|ho 61|ho999|
after having computed
fmt = "%-10s" + ("|#{"%2s" % ln}%3d" * ints.size) + "|"
#=> %-10s|ho%3d|ho%3d|ho%3d|ho%3d|ho%3d|"

how is it Regular expression to get 6 lines of substring

1~6 lines:
Keep array position.

Read and write tab-delimited text data

I have an excel output in the tab-delimited format:
temperature H2O CO2 N2 NH3
10 2.71539E+12 44374931376 7410673406 2570.560804
20 2.34216E+12 38494172272 6429230649 3148.699673
30 2.04242E+12 33759520581 5639029060 3856.866413
40 1.75491E+12 29172949817 4882467457 4724.305292
I need to convert these numbers to FORMAT(1X,F7.0,2X,1P4E11.3) readable for another code.
This is what I've come up with:
program fixformat
real temp, neuts(4)
integer i,j
character header
read(11,*) header
write(12,*) header
do i = 1, 200
read(11,*) temp, (neuts(j),j=1,4)
write(12,23) temp, (neuts(j),j=1,4)
end do
23 FORMAT(1X,F7.0,2X,1P4E11.3)
I keep getting this error:
Fortran runtime error: Bad real number in item 1 of list input
Is there any other way to convert the data to that format?
You need a character string, not a single character for the header
character(80) header
other than that you program works for me. Make sure you have the right number of lines in your loop
Do i=1,200
Adjust 200 to the real number of your data lines.
If for some reason you still cannot read even a single line, you can also use the format:
read(11,'(f2.0,4(1x,f11.0))') temp, (neuts(j),j=1,4)
because the tab is just a character you can easily skip.
Unformatted and formatted means something completely different in Fortran. Unformatted is what you may know as "binary".
Use some indentation and blank lines for your programs to make them readable.
There is no reason to explicitly use status=unknown. Just don't put anything there. In your case status=replace may be more appropriate.
The FORMAT statement is quite obsolete, in modern Fortran we use format strings:
write(12,'(1X,F7.0,2X,1P4E11.3)') temp, (neuts(j),j=1,4)
There is absolutely no reason for your return before the end. Returns is for early return from a procedure. Some put stop before the end program, but it is superfluous.
To read tab delimited data, I'd use a simple algorithm like the one below. NOTE: This is assuming that there is no tab character in any of your fields.
integer :: error_code, delim_index, line_index
character*500 :: data_line, field_data_string
double precision :: dp_value
Read(UNIT=1001,End=106, FMT='(A)' ) data_line
line_length = LEN(TRIM(data_line))
delim_index = SCAN(data_line, achar(9) )
line_index = 0
DO WHILE ( delim_index .NE. 0 )
line_index = line_index + delim_index
IF (delim_index .EQ. 1 ) THEN ! found a NULL (no value), so skip
GOTO 101
field_data_string = data_line( (line_index-delim_index+1) : line_index )
READ( field_data_string, FMT=*, ERR=100) dp_value
PRINT *, "Is a double precision ", dp_value
GOTO 101
100 Continue
PRINT *, "Not a double precision"
101 Continue
IF ( (line_index+1) .GT. line_length ) THEN
GOTO 104 ! found end of line prematurely
delim_index = SCAN( data_line( line_index + 1 : ), achar(9) )
field_data_string = data_line( line_index + 1 : )
READ( field_data_string, FMT=*, ERR=102) dp_value
PRINT *, "Is a double precision ", dp_value
GOTO 103
102 Continue
PRINT *, "Not a double precision"
103 Continue
PRINT *, "Is a double precision ", dp_value
104 Continue
104 Continue
PRINT *, "Error opening file"
105 Continue

How to convert space-delimited .txt File to ","-delimited .txt file using Ruby?

I do have a text file as below:
Employee details.txt
Raja Palit 77489 24 84 12/12/2011
Mathew bargur 77559 25 88 01/12/2011
harin Roy 77787 24 80 12/12/2012
Soumi paul 77251 24 88 11/11/2012
I want the file as below:
Expected file:
What I tried below:
IO.foreach('D://docs//details.txt') do |line|
splits = line.split("\t")
col1, col2, col3, col4, col5, col6 = splits
Though it seems like a quick way to deal with this sort of data by splitting on whitespace, that will fail if any field contains embedded whitespace. For instance, if the name of the person in the record is something like "Maria Von Trapp" or "Smokey the Bear", the resulting comma-delimited fields will be wrong.
The correct way to deal with this is to parse based on column-field widths, then squeeze and strip whitespace inside those fields, then turn the record into a CSV record.
require 'csv'
require 'scanf' if (RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.3')
FORMAT = '%15c %d %d %d %10c'
data = <<EOT
Raja Palit 77489 24 84 12/12/2011
Mathew bargur 77559 25 88 01/12/2011
harin Roy 77787 24 80 12/12/2012
Soumi paul 77251 24 88 11/11/2012
Maria Von Trapp 99999 99 99 12/31/2012
Smokey the Bear 99999 99 99 12/31/2012
data.split("\n").each do |li|
fields = li.scanf(FORMAT)
puts [fields.first.strip, *fields[1 .. -1]].to_csv
Which outputs:
Raja Palit,77489,24,84,12/12/2011
Mathew bargur,77559,25,88,01/12/2011
harin Roy,77787,24,80,12/12/2012
Soumi paul,77251,24,88,11/11/2012
Maria Von Trapp,99999,99,99,12/31/2012
Smokey the Bear,99999,99,99,12/31/2012
Note, Ruby 1.9.3 split scanf into its own module, which explains the conditional require.
Strings come with a squeeze method, it squeezes runs of the char(s) in the argument into one char. In this case it reduces the multiple spaces into one space, which is then replaced by a comma:
File.open("test.txt") do |in_file|
File.open("test.csv", 'w') do |out_file| #the 'w' opens the file for writing
in_file.each {|line| out_file << line.squeeze(' ').gsub(' ', ',') }
end # closes test.csv
end # closes test.txt
You could use a regular expression to replace any whitespace characters with a comma:
my_string.sub! /\s/g, ','
If you want to discard empty fields, you could use this:
my_string.sub! /\s+/g, ','
An alternative would be to split it on spaces and join on commas. This will also discard empty fields:
my_string = my_string.split(' ').join(',')
File.open("details.txt", "r+"){|io| io.write(io.read.gsub(/[ \t]+/, ","))}

ruby regex for php comment block

I've been trying to find the regex in ruby to match a php comment block:
* #file
* lorum ipsum
* #author ME <me#localhost>
* #version 00:00 00-00-0000
Could anyone help I've tried searching alot and even though some regex I found has worked in a regex tester but doesn't when I write it in my ruby file.
This is the most successful bit of regex I have found:
This is the output from my script
file is ./test/123.rb so regex is ((^\s*#\s)+(.*?))+
i = 0
found: my first ruby comment
file is ./test/abc.php so regex is (/\*([^*]|[\r\n]|(\*+([^*/]|[\r\n])))*\*+/)
i = 0
found: *
i = 1
found: *
Here is the code I have to do this:
56 def self.extract_comments f
57 if #regex[File.extname(f)]
58 puts "file is " + f + " so regex is " + #regex[File.extname(f)]
59 cur_rgx = Regexp.new #regex[File.extname(f)]
60 matches = IO.read( f ).scan( cur_rgx )
61 content = ""
62 if ! matches.empty?
63 # content = "== " + f + " ==\n"
64 content += f + "\n"
65 for i in 0...f.length
66 content += "="
67 end
68 content += "\n"
69 for i in 0...matches.length
70 puts "i = " + i.to_s
71 puts "found: " + matches[i][2].to_s
72 content << matches[i][2].to_s + "\n"
73 end
74 content << "\n"
75 end
76 end
77 content || '' # return something
78 end
It seems like /\/\*.*?\*\//m should do.
Also that's really a c-style comment block.
Unless it is important that each line inside the comment block begins with an asterisk, you may want to try this regex:
EDIT: And here's a stricter version, which will only match comments that are formatted exactly like your example:
/^( *)\/\*\*\n(?:\1 \*(?:[^*\n]|\*(?!\/))*\n)+\1 \*\//
This version will only match a comment that has /** and */ on separate lines. /** can be indented by an arbitrary number of spaces (but no other white-space characters), but the other lines must be indented by exactly one more space than the /** line.
EDIT 2: Here is another version:
/^([ \t]*)\/\*\*.*?\n(?:^\1 .*?\n)+^\1 \*\//
It allows a mixture of tabs and spaces (ew) for indentation, but still requires all lines to conform to the indentation of the /** one (plus a single space).
