Websphere Sample RESTFull Application - websphere

I am looking for sample RESTFull application, that can be deployed in Webpshere Application Server 7.x.
Posting here with great hope after exhaustive search. Any help much appreciated.

A RESTFull application from a WebSphere perspective is an application deployed in WebSphere Application Server (WAS) that can respond to "REST" requests. IBM's WebSphere Application Server implements the JAX-RS APIs to easily declare a Java class as exposed through REST requests.
If one does a quick google on the phrase "websphere jax-rs" in the first page of results one will find a large list of samples, examples and tutorials. Working through any of those samples should result in what you are looking for.
See for example:


WebSphere 9.0 Jersey Sample Application

I am looking for sample RESTFull application, that can be deployed in Webpshere Application Server 9.x. Posting here with great hope after exhaustive search. Any help much appreciated
There are many samples, here you have two, they are for WebSphere Liberty, but the main concepts and code is the same:
OpenLiberty /sample-restful-webservice
Creating a RESTful web service
There is no need to use Jersey, just use JAX-RS api provided by container.

Consume a service jar by spring boot

I am working on the web service project by Spring Boot, services exist in a jar,
My question is how to consume these services?
Any help is very appreciated.
(according to your tags, you've developed REST services.)
Postman is a great tool (great GUI with many functionalities) to test your REST services.
It's available as Chrome Extension or as stand alone app.

Soap client framework

I have web application on Spring MVC and looking for SOAP consumer - frameworks to be used with Spring MVC. The web app is only the consumer and doesn't host any web service.
Options I am looking for SOAP client are :
2. Spring MVC & Spring-WS
3. Apache Axis or CXF
4. Spring Integration or Camel. Can these be used for consumption of
services too? Won't that be overhead?
What do you suggest? Please recommend the best option if also not in the above list.
Thanks in advance.
Look at this excellent post about this subject.
Which framework is better CXF or Spring-WS?
My advise based on the fact that you only have to develop one client, is to consider making your choice based on your context to optimize your productivity and avoid adding tones of layer and libs in your app:
Pure Java EE app or already using Spring APP
Your current Application Server : Jboss for example already provide a CXF implementation that is very suggested to use
Service providers "age": I have met some problems in calling AS400 or old IBM system webservices. Any client was not working.
Your IDE and Plugins : for example, if you have eclipse, Axis/CXF plugins are very interesting.
Concerning Camel, it is interesting if you have different source and destination like HTTP to JMS.
For Camel, read this post:
What exactly is Apache Camel?

Writing Non soap web service

Please let me know how to write a non soap web service. On the web I could find many tutorials to develop SOAP and REST based web services. But nothing really helpful for non soap. I would like to add custom http handling.
I am looking forward to host it on tomcat on a Windows machine. But any feasible options are welcome.
REST services are by far simpler to get a start on. You did not specify whether you are interested in a particular language but you tagged your question with the [tomcat] tag, so I can suggest Java. REST is a part of Java specifications now and a good way to start is the Oracle Java EE tutorial on REST.

SOAP JAX-WS client in Ruby

I want to write a ruby web service client for a SOAP (JAX-WS) web service. I looked into soap4r and handsoap but couldn't find useful resources to write a (JAX-WS) client
Can you help me to find some resources and some way of doing it. Because as I can see, my web service is developed using oracle JDeveloper and looks little different than examples find in web.
I'm a beginner for SOAP, WSDL web services and finding it hard.
Has anyone done something like this before, or can you turn me to the correct direction?
JAX-WS is an API for the development of web services in Java. Know then that, in order to consume a SOAP/WSDL based web service, it is not necessary to know how that web service was implemented. It could be Java, .NET or any other number of languages. All that is required to create a SOAP based web service client is the WSDL for the service. It is self contained and self descriptive, including all operations and data types supported by the web service.
In order to familiarize yourself with web services, I would recommend trying to exercise some web services directly, for example using SoapUI. This will allow you to import a WSDL for an active web service, try out some of the operations, and see what the corresponding SOAP messages look like. Then, I would look at "What's the best way to use soap with ruby?" for more ruby specific approaches.
