XPath Get value inside query string - xpath

I use this XPath
to get this list of URL
I want to get list of IDs, and try this XPath
substring-before(substring-after(//#getparam, "?id="), "&")
but it only returns first ID. How to get all IDs only using XPath?

If you're using XPath 2.0, the following will do the trick:
//#getparam/substring-before(substring-after(., "?id="), "&")
If you're using XPath 1.0, there is no single expression to return the desired result set. You can iterate over each result of //#getParam and apply the functions.


How to take xpath to Get Text from class inside th

I have the following XPath :
And I'm trying to get the text from it with the following command :
String LabelName = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[#class='ui-jqgrid htable']/thead/tr/th//text()")).getText()
But it's not printing text, the result is blank. Could you help me please ?
The text() in your xpath does not qualify as an element. Your element ends at //table[#class='ui-jqgrid-htable']/thead/tr/th. Try using getText() for this XPath.
Also, a table would have many headers. Using findElement will only return the first one.
If you want to get all headers use
and loop through the list to getText of individual element.

How to select a specific category value in this Xpath expression

I have a feed here. I'm trying to create an XPath expression that returns items that have a category equal to Bananas. Due to the limitations in my XML parser, I can't use namespaces directly to select items.
The expression /rss/channel/item//*[name()='itunes:category'] returns this:
And /rss/channel/item//*[name()='itunes:category']/#text returns this:
But I can't figure out how to limit the response to just a single category (e.g., Bananas)?
I want some kind of expression like this:
/rss/channel/item//*[name()='itunes:category' and contains(., 'Bananas')]
But this doesn't work. It's not syntactically valid. What would be the right XPath expression syntax to just return Bananas?
Do you just mean to filter by attributes of item child, but still return item node?
/rss/channel/item/*[name()='itunes:category' and contains(#text,'Apples')]/parent::item
or simplier
/rss/channel/item[*[name()='itunes:category' and #text='Apples']]
I used Apples in example because using your example xml file there is 0 results for Bananas.

get only a part of text() with xpath

I'm trying to get the array of authors of this website:
with this xpath:
response.xpath("//div[#id='sizer']/div[#id='content']/div[#class='grid']/div[#class='main-content']/div[#id='tc']/div/ul[#class='book-listing entity-listing']/li/dl/dd[#class='meta']/text()[count(preceding-sibling::br) = 0]").extract()
but i want only the names, without the "editor", how can I do it?
After selecting the text, use the regular expression function re() with a capture group in order to exclude the text you do not want:
response.xpath("//div[#id='sizer']/div[#id='content']/div[#class='grid']/div[#class='main-content']/div[#id='tc']/div/ul[#class='book-listing entity-listing']/li/dl/dd[#class='meta']/text()[count(preceding-sibling::br) = 0]")

Xpath get multiple node-names

i am using xpath to get some node names from a xhtml / xml file.
I currently have this xpath:
/xhtml:html/xhtml:head/xforms:model/xforms:instance/form/*[starts-with(local-name(), 'section')]
That will get the nodes with a name like this:
The result of the above xpath are the matched nodes, but i want to get for each match the full-node-name. When i use the name() function like
name(/xhtml:html/xhtml:head/xforms:model/xforms:instance/form/*[starts-with(local-name(), 'section')])
Then it only returns the first match, and i have no clue how to do it otherwise..
Any great ideas??
(the xhtml/xml: )
<xhtml:html ....>
<xforms:model id="fr-form-model">
<xforms:instance id="fr-form-instance">
The name function need one argument, it cannot take a node list. You have to iterate over the nodelist in the language you are using. For example, in xsh:
for /xhtml:html/xhtml:head/xforms:model/xforms:instance/form/*[starts-with(local-name(), 'section')]
echo name()

How to use like in XPath?

I have a page that searches with filters. I have this code for example,
xmlTempResultSearch = xmlResidentListDisplay.selectNodes("//PeopleList/Row[#LastName != '"+txtSearch.value+"']");
This selects the data that is not equal to the LastName inputted on the txtSearch textbox and then removes them from the result set so that its filtered to equal the last name on the txtSearch textbox.
My problem with this code is that it should be equal (=) to the txtSearch.value, what I want is that I want the result set LIKE the txtSearch.value. What happens on my page is that when I type 'santos' on the txtSearch textbox, its result set is all those last names with 'santos'. But when I type 'sant', nothing appears. I want the same result set with 'santos' because it all contains 'sant'
You can use all of the XPath (1.0) string functions. If you have XPath 2.0 available, then you can even use RegEx.
There is no **ends-with() in XPath 1.0, but it can easily be expressed with this XPath 1.0 expression**:
substring($s, string-length($s) - string-length($t) +1) = $t
is true() exactly when the string $s ends with the string $t.
You can use start-with function and not function. Reference:
xmlTempResultSearch = xmlResidentListDisplay.selectNodes("//PeopleList/Row[not(starts-with(#LastName,'"+ txtSearch.value +"'))]");
you can use contains() function of XPath:
xmlTempResultSearch = xmlResidentListDisplay.selectNodes("//PeopleList/Row[not(contains(#LastName,'"+txtSearch.value+"'))]");
