Where joomfish store and get translation categories? - joomla

I use joomla 2.5, joomfish 2.5.1.
I have a category B is transation of category A. How I detemine that when I view in database? What table store it? What field I must to find?
I see 'categories', 'assets', 'jf_content', 'jf_translationmap' table but I can't find the way.
Sorry my english!.

Go to control panel in SEO configuration panel uncheck add suffix to URL


Prestashop 1.7 add type of product

I was wondering which way is the best to add another 'type' of product in PrestaShop 1.7.
By type, I mean the first select used to define if it's a standard/pack/virtual product.
For now, I found nothing about adding Product Type editable from the Admin panel.
Any clue?

How is it possible that Magento create SEO Links for products ONLY WITH the category

The problem:
Magento creates 2 SEO Links for a product like this:
product/1695/60 category/category2/productname catalog/product/view/id/1695/category/60
and for the same product:
product/1695 productname catalog/product/view/id/1695
the first is a link with the category, and the second is without but only with the productname.
But what I want is that magento creates only ONE Seo Link in fact this link WITH the category, and not this link without the category.
The question:
How is it possible that Magento create SEO Links for products ONLY WITH the category?
I search in the admin menu and the only thing what I find is the option "use categorypath for article urls". But if I choose "YES" in this option And I rebuild the indexes I got 2 SEO Link for my article.. one without the category, and one with the categorypath.
Can somebody help me?
Yes, it is a common problem with Magento. You do have 2 options to create the result you want:
(harder one), you truncate table core_url_rewrite and reindex
database with "use category path to product urls" set to no. If this
is a live site you will have to create a redirect tool to point users
to correct pages. I recommend the extension I've created
https://github.com/SnowdogApps/Snowdog_Error404toolsm, it is for
redirects :-)
use this extension https://amasty.com/magento-unique-product-url.html , easy to install and get the job done

joomla using virtuemart i want the description to be placed under products

I have a joomla site using virtue mart in my products. I want my description to be placed under the products. Any help would be appreciated.
You will see here that the description is above the products.
I have had a look through the source files but was wondering the best way to go about this as I may just be missing something.
I hope you are using , VM2.x Versions.
The the Product Details Page Source file you can found on the following path.
The product description and short descriptions are included in the default.php layout.
If you want to change the description ordering simply change its position as per your requirement.
$this->product->product_s_desc and $this->product->product_desc;
If you are planning to change the default VM template style , I recommend to use Joomla Override Concept this way you can simply override the default template with your own.
Here you need to override productdetails view then simply like below.
copy all the files from components\com_virtuemart\views\productdetails\tmpl\ and paste this to , templates/your_template/html/com_virtuemart/productdetails/ If you unable to find this path inside your template folder you have to create that.
This will simply load your new layouts from template folder rather than default path.
Hope it clear for you..
The VM Template system also lets you create additional view templates for categories and products. To override the default categories, category, or productdetails view, simple use the standard Joomla template override method. Copy /components/com_virtuemart/views/[categories, category, or productdetails]/default.php to /templates/[Your Template]/html/com_virtuemart/[categories, category, or productdetails]/default.php and make your changes to the template version of default.php.
To create additional views that can be set on a per category/product basis, simply copy /templates/[Your Template]/html/[categories, category, or productdetails]/default.php to a new file name like /templates/[Your Template]/html/[categories, category, or productdetails]/myView.php and make the desired changes. In the Virtuemart category or product configuration, you will find myView in the drop down list of alternatives views that can be used.

Magento Go - Adding attribute above product description in Grid view

Im wanting to add the Brand name (or designer name in this case which i have made a new attribute for) just above the product description in the Category view (grid) but cant figure it out.
As its Magento Go i have no access to the code, other than XML updates for the category itself.
Ive looked everywhere and would value any help.
If you are cant get to the template phtml codes, you can put it on by admin.
Open catalog / attributes / manage attributes, find your attribute and in the properties set to
Visible on Product View Page on Front-end
Used in Product Listing
But it will not be on position you want.
You can edit CSS for the template and set an absolute position for your attribute.
Next way is to add in the admin in category XML layout, but this you need to do for each category. (Custom Layout Update)

Magento product list view sort by new from/new to

In my magento store product category grid view, there are two sorting options by now, price and name. I'd like to add on more option: New products. I found tutorials and extensions for date added or date modified, but thats not what I need. Id like to use 'New from date' / 'New to date' to sort them.
You can use your attribute is new from the attribute frontend option. For that navigate to your attributes, go to your respective attribute and change the settings for: use for filtering in frontend. Then the attribute will be added in frontend for sorting, see the screenshot (sorry, just german):
I don't know if that resolves your problem. Otherwise check this extension here
