How to share object in blade template across Zizaco/Confide routes? - laravel

I'm trying to share an object across a Laravel application. I need this because I want to create a blade template which will be included everywhere and will also perform some logic/data manipulation (a dynamic menu sort of speak).
To be able to accomplish this I've created a constructor in the Base controller and used View::share facade.
While this works across all routes in the application, it's not working for Zizaco/Confide generated routes, where I get Undefined variable error for $books.
This is the constructor in the base controller:
public function __construct()
$books = Book::all();
View::share('books', $books);
return View::make('adminMenu')->with('books', $books);

What you need are View Composers!!
You can hook a view composer to a certain view name or pattern (using * wildcard). Every time before that view gets rendered the view composer will run.
You can put this anywhere. Most elegant would be a custom app/composers.php which is then required at the bottom of app/start/global.php
View::composer('adminMenu', function($view){
$books = Book::all();
$view->with('books', $books);


Laravel route difference between {id} vs {tag}

I am new in Laravel pardon me if question is silly. I have seen a doc where they used
For get request
For put request
What is the difference and benefit between this ? I understood 1st one, confusion on put route.
There’s no real difference as it’s just a parameter name, but you’d need some way to differential parameters if you had more than one in a route, i.e. a nested resource controller:
Route::get('articles/{article}/comments/{comment}', 'ArticleCommentController#show');
Obviously you couldn’t use just {id} for both the article and comment parameters. For this reason, it’s best to use the “slug” version of a model for a parameter name, even if there’s just one in your route:
Route::get('articles/{article}', 'ArticleController#show');
You can also use route model binding. If you add a type-hint to your controller action for the parameter name, Laravel will attempt to look up an instance of the given class with the primary key in the URL.
Given the route in the second code example, if you had a controller that looked like this…
class ArticleController extends Controller
public function show(Article $article)
…and you requested /articles/123, then Laravel would attempt to look for an Article instance with the primary key of 123.
Route model binding is great as it removes a lot of find / findOrFail method calls in your controller. In most instances, you can reduce your controller actions to be one-liners:
class ArticleController extends Controller
public function show(Article $article)
return view('', compact('article'));
Generally there's no practical difference unless you define a custom binding for a route parameter. Typically these bindings are defined in RouteServiceProvider as shown in the example in the docs
public function boot()
Route::model('tag', App\Tag::class);
When you bind tag this way then your controller action can use the variable via model resultion:
public function update(Tag $tag) {
// $tag is resolved based on the identifier passed in the url
Usually models are automatically bound so doing it manually doesn't really need to be done however you can customise resolution logic if you do it manually
Normal way
$tag = Tag::find($id);
dd($tag); // tag
With route model bindings
function(Tag $tag) // Tag model binding
dd($tag); // tags
ref link
It's just a convention. You can call it all you want. Usually, and {id} refers to the id in your table. A tag, or similarly, a slug, is a string value. A tag could be 'entertainment' for video categories, while 'my-trip-to-spain' is a slug for the description of a video.
You have to chose the words what you are comfortable with. The value will be used to find in your database what record is needed to show the correct request in the view. Likewise you can use video/view/{id}/{slug} or any combination thereof.
Just make sure your URLs don't get too long. Because search engines won't show your website nicely in search results if you do. Find the balance between the unambiguous (for your database) and logic (for your visitors).
Check this out: Route model bindings
Use id, Laravel will get the id from route, and it will be the tag's id, it is integer.
function show($id) {
$tag = Tag::find($id);
Use tag, Laravel automatically resolves Eloquent models defined in routes or controller actions whose type-hinted variable names match a route segment name.
In URL, your tag parameter is integer, however in your controller action $tag will be a model object:
function action(Tag $tag) {
So you don't need to get the $tag by eloquent in your controller action. You just need to specify it is From model Tag $tag
It will do it automatically.

Creating a route to custom function in controller in Laravel

I still can't understand why I can't point my blade to the custom function I made in my controller. I create a route like this,
Route::get('/orders/storeInitialItems', 'OrdersController#storeInitialItems')->name('orders.storeInitialItems');
and in my controller I have this,
public function storeInitialItems()
return view('orders.storeInitialItems');
but when I run the page, storeInitialItems.blade.php, the error seems calling the show() function of my controller.
Why is that happening?
Complete routes for ORDERS
Route::get('/orders/create', 'OrdersController#create')->name('orders.create');
Route::post('/orders', 'OrdersController#store')->name('');
Route::get('/orders/{order}/edit', 'OrdersController#edit')->name('orders.edit');
Route::post('/orders/{order}', 'OrdersController#update')->name('orders.update');
Route::delete('/orders/{order}', 'OrdersController#destroy')->name('orders.delete');
Route::resource('orders', 'OrdersController');
Route::put('orders/{order}/pub', 'OrdersController#publish')->name('orders.publish');
Route::put('orders/{order}/cancel', 'OrdersController#cancel')->name('orders.cancel');
Route::put('orders/{order}/delivered', 'OrdersController#delivered')->name('orders.delivered');
Route::get('/orders/storeInitialItems', 'OrdersController#storeInitialItems')->name('orders.storeInitialItems');
Route::get('/orders/{order}/delivery', 'OrdersController#viewdeliveryItems')->name('');
Route::get('/orders/acceptDelivery', 'OrdersController#acceptDelivery')->name('orders.acceptDelivery');
Add your orders.storeInitialItems route
Route::get('/orders/storeInitialItems', 'OrdersController#storeInitialItems')->name('orders.storeInitialItems');
Route::resource('orders', 'OrdersController');
or add some extra path with your storeInitialItems
Route::get('/orders/storeInitialItems/add-some-extra-path', 'OrdersController#storeInitialItems')->name('orders.storeInitialItems');

Dynamically Map Routes in Laravel

Are there any solutions to make Laravel routes dynamically call the controller and action? I couldn't find anything in the documentation.
function ($controller, $action) {
->where('controller', '.*')
->where('action', '.*');
Laravel does not have an out of the box implementation that automatically maps routes to controller/actions. But if you really want this, it is not that hard to make a simple implementation.
For example:
Route::get('/{controller}/{action}', function ($controller,$action) {
return resolve("\\App\\Http\Controllers\\{$controller}Controller")->$action();
})->where('controller', '.*')->where('action', '.*');
Keep in mind, this example will not automatically inject objects in your action and url parameters are also not injected. You will have to write a bit more code to do this.

Pass data from routes.php to a controller in Laravel

I am attempting to create a route in Laravel for a dynamic URL to load a particular controller action. I am able to get it to route to a controller using the following code:
Route::get('/something.html', array('uses' => 'MyController#getView'));
What I am having trouble figuring out is how I can pass a variable from this route to the controller. In this case I would like to pass along an id value to the controller action.
Is this possible in Laravel? Is there another way to do this?
You are not giving us enough information, so you need to ask yourself two basic questions: where this information coming from? Can you have access to this information inside your controller without passing it via the routes.php file?
If you are about to produce this information somehow in your ´routes.php´ file:
$information = WhateverService::getInformation();
You cannot pass it here to your controller, because your controller is not really being fired in this file, this is just a list of available routes, wich may or may not be hit at some point. When a route is hit, Laravel will fire the route via another internal service.
But you probably will be able to use the very same line of code in your controller:
class MyController extends BaseController {
function getView()
$information = WhateverService::getInformation();
return View::make('myview')->with(compact('information'));
In MVC, Controllers are meant to receive HTTP requests and produce information via Models (or services or repositores) to pass to your Views, which can produce new web pages.
If this information is something you have in your page and you want to sneak it to your something.html route, use a POST method instead of GET:
Route::post('/something.html', array('uses' => 'MyController#getView'));
And inside your controller receive that information via:
class MyController extends BaseController {
function getView()
$information = Input::get('information');
return View::make('myview')->with(compact('information'));

Calling model functions in a view in Laravel 4?

I am using a function to write a query, and I am trying to return the variable the function returns and use it in a view. In my model:
public function sample_query() {
$count = User::where('fbid', '=', 421930)->count();
return $count;
In the view I am simply trying to call it with:
This is not working. I am new to this type of thing, and I suppose I don't know how to access the data pulled by queries in the model in the view. Please let me know if there is a better way, or why this isn't working. Thank you!
For your question it seems View Composer will solve your problem
View composers are callbacks or class methods that are called when a view is created. If you have data that you want bound to a given view each time that view is created throughout your application, a view composer can organize that code into a single location. Therefore, view composers may function like "view models" or "presenters".
View::composer('profile', function($view)
$view->with('count', User::count());
for more info read this
starting from the supposition that you have a User class:
{{ User::sample_query() }}
