In Visual Studio, find and commands by name? - visual-studio

I'd like to use the keyboard more in Visual Studio, and my memory for ctrl+alt+f??, alt+?? key combinations is failing me.
I'd prefer an adjunct like the emacs model, where it's possible to search commands by name; For instance, in emacs you type
alt+x enab <tab><tab>
and it presents you with a list of commands starting 'enab';
I'd like to know if there is a shortcut or extension so that I could do something similar in VS, like
alt+x imm <tab><tab>
and then choose to execute one of
Any clues?
Both #Trillian and #the_mandrill have given me the right answers. It turns out there are two ways to enter the kind of mode I'm looking for;
1) The Edit.GoToFindCombo, which gives you a small bit of menu-bar space to type things like
2) The View.CommandWindow, which gives you a full panel (like the immediate window or the output window) which allows you to type in a bit more space and see the text output of executed commands.
It's also possible to alias commands in either window yourself, using the command window and a syntax like
alias sol View.SolutionExplorer
And to retrieve the current list like
I've mapped Edit.GoToFindCombo to alt-x and View.CommandWindow to alt-shift-x and it's feelimg more emacs-y already :)

It would be nice if this was integrated in the Ctrl+Q Quick Launch box. Until then, the best built-in tool for this is probably the Go To Find Combo. You can use this to launch arbitrary commands by typing the '>' character and then the beginning of a Visual Studio command, including those you listed. You get autocompletion, but only for strings that start with what you're typing, so >Deb would list you all commands starting with Debug.. For your specific example, >imm would actually work because there is an immed shortcut to Debug.Immediate, but in general you'll have to know the prefix.
The Go To Find Combo is not in the VS2013 UI by default, but you can add it to any toolbar by selecting "Customize" and finding the command in the "Edit" category. Once it's sitting in a toolbar, the Ctrl+/ shortcut will give it the focus by default.
The '>' prefix for command completion also works from the Command and Immediate windows.

Try using the Command Window (Ctrl-Alt-A). This brings up an emacs-like command buffer. Type:
to expand to Debug.Immediate. Typing the '.' forces autocompletion if there's one unique command (Debug is the only match for 'De'). Tab key will cycle through options. More info at the Command Window article on MSDN. There's also a list of Aliases that you can also add your own to, eg
alias di Debug.Immediate
I've also just discovered that you can type Ctrl-\ to set the focus to the Find pane and enter a command directly in there.


Mac OS option key shortcuts not working, how to make it work?

I have a very long line which I want to view as wrapped.
There is an option called word wrap that can help me achieve this.
Anyhow the shortcut method option + z doesn't work, instead inserts a ˀ there.
Any solutions?
Looks like one of your extension might be overriding your VSCode config. Try ⌘+SHIFT+P/CMD+SHIFT+P and then search for View: Toggle Word Wrap/Toggle Word Wrap.
You will then be able to see the shortcut assigned to that command on your local PC. Alternatively, ⌘+SHIFT+P/CMD+SHIFT+P and search for Keyboard Shortcuts. In there search for OPTION+z and check for the answers which pop up.

Sublime Text disable goto animation

When using the goto function to bring my cursor to a particular line number, say 3017, how do I prevent Sublime from jumping around from line to line until I hit enter?
For instance, in that case, I would jump to the following lines:
3017 (finally)
Sublime Text 3 seems to have two "Goto Line" features:
one which is built in via the "Goto Anything" overlay. Internally, the command to execute this is show_overlay with the arguments {"overlay": "goto", "text": ":"}. This is the default, available from the Goto menu -> Goto Line, and with keybinding Ctrl+G. MattDMo is correct in his answer that it is not possible to disable fuzzy matching in this overlay.
one which is included in the "Default" package as a plugin and shows a small prompt panel at the bottom of the screen. Internally, the command to execute this is prompt_goto_line, with no arguments necessary. This implementation has the behavior you desire, and will only go to the specified line when you hit the enter key. It has no default way of accessing it, but read on... :)
The reason I have mentioned the internal commands above is because Sublime Text makes it possible to add or override keybindings, and also to change or add menu items, and the commands are used to instruct Sublime Text what action to perform.
Therefore, this means that you can choose to override the existing menu item and/or keybinding, (and/or you can create a new menu item and/or keybinding) to use the prompt_goto_line command. The two links I have just provided should give enough detail on how to perform these tasks, but if you would like more specific information, please let me know in a comment and I will provide it.
This feature is by design, and cannot be disabled. Most popup menus in Sublime feature "fuzzy matching", meaning you do not need to type the full search term, just a few letters (for example, pci finds Package Control: Install Package in the Command Palette). The menus also feature instant searching, which is what you are seeing. This means that you do not need to hit Enter to search, just start typing and the matches appear as you type.

How do I switch tabs based on incremental search in vim?

For example, let's say I have three tabs open in vim:
1: nice_program.c
2: something_fun.h
So if I hit some magic modifier key, and then type 'n' and hit enter I change tab to tab 1. Likewise, typing 'su' instead will navigate me to tab 3 instead.
Is such behavior possible? There are so many vim extensions, and I dont really get the whole vim extension lingo.
BTW, I am using gVim on XP and MacVim on OS X. Preferably the solution will work on both...
Note that I only want the incremental search to search across the names of the open tabs. That is, it's not supposed to actually search inside the tabs themselves.
Also, I never use buffers, it's tabs that I want this working for.
From the wording of the question it seems that you take the idea of tabs in
Vim not the way it is supposed to be taken by design of this feature. A Vim
tab page is not a form of a buffer or a window, it is a window layout
container, instead. No wonder there is no built-in way for switching to a tab
by the name of a buffer that is active (or the only one in its tab page, or
special in some other way). Semantically, that is switching to a buffer, not
a tab (but tab could be switched in order to show a buffer, if it is
To switch to a buffer by its name use the :sbuffer command (:sb, for
short). It is not necessary to type the whole buffer name each time, since
the command has auto-completion. Usually one have to type only few letters of
a name to uniquely identify a buffer (the same way as you described
incremental search in the question).
By default, Vim open the requested buffer displacing one in the current
window. This behavior is governed by the switchbuf option. One of the
choices (called usetab) provided by that option allows to switch to a window
in another tab page if that window contains the buffer to edit. This is
exactly what suits your manner of work with tab pages.
To summarize, change the switching behavior as follows
:set switchbuf=usetab
and use the :sb command to open a buffer by typing a few letters of its name
and using Tab-completion.
I use this snippet I picked up in vim wiki to switch between open buffers (mapped to F5):
" switch between numbered buffers
:nnoremap <F5> :buffers<CR>:buffer<Space>
(put in your .vimrc file or whichever dotfile you use).
As for incremental search across open buffers, whenever I look up something using either /[something] or with */# on current word, it's automagically also highlighted in other buffers/tabs. Then I can switch buffers and hit n or N to move between matches in the currently viewed buffer. That's already baked into Vim.
Hope that helps.
The :set switchbuf=usetab solution given by ib never worked for me for whatever reason (even without loading plugins or my .vimrc) but :tab drop name-of-file works just the way you want (I found it on the Vim wiki).
Make it a custom mapping to save a few keystrokes with nnoremap <leader>t :tab drop.
Also I second ib's comment on the right and wrong way to use tabs in Vim.

How to use vim in the terminal?

How does one setup and start using vim in the terminal on OS X?
I want to start writing my C code using vim in the terminal rather than a separate text editor. How does one get started on this?
The basics like: opening, creating, saving files via terminal using vim and writing code using vim. Also, does one compile directly using vim in the terminal?
Get started quickly
You simply type vim into the terminal to open it and start a new file.
You can pass a filename as an option and it will open that file, e.g. vim main.c. You can open multiple files by passing multiple file arguments.
Vim has different modes, unlike most editors you have probably used. You begin in NORMAL mode, which is where you will spend most of your time once you become familiar with vim.
To return to NORMAL mode after changing to a different mode, press Esc. It's a good idea to map your Caps Lock key to Esc, as it's closer and nobody really uses the Caps Lock key.
The first mode to try is INSERT mode, which is entered with a for append after cursor, or i for insert before cursor.
To enter VISUAL mode, where you can select text, use v. There are many other variants of this mode, which you will discover as you learn more about vim.
To save your file, ensure you're in NORMAL mode and then enter the command :w. When you press :, you will see your command appear in the bottom status bar. To save and exit, use :x. To quit without saving, use :q. If you had made a change you wanted to discard, use :q!.
Configure vim to your liking
You can edit your ~/.vimrc file to configure vim to your liking. It's best to look at a few first (here's mine) and then decide which options suits your style.
This is how mine looks:
To get the file explorer on the left, use NERDTree. For the status bar, use vim-airline. Finally, the color scheme is solarized.
Further learning
You can use man vim for some help inside the terminal. Alternatively, run vimtutor which is a good hands-on starting point.
It's a good idea to print out a Vim Cheatsheet and keep it in front of you while you're learning vim.
Run vim from the terminal. For the basics, you're advised to run the command vimtutor.
# On your terminal command line:
$ vim
If you have a specific file to edit, pass it as an argument.
$ vim yourfile.cpp
Likewise, launch the tutorial
$ vimtutor
You can definetely build your code from Vim, that's what the :make command does.
However, you need to go through the basics first : type vimtutor in your terminal and follow the instructions to the end.
After you have completed it a few times, open an existing (non-important) text file and try out all the things you learned from vimtutor: entering/leaving insert mode, undoing changes, quitting/saving, yanking/putting, moving and so on.
For a while you won't be productive at all with Vim and will probably be tempted to go back to your previous IDE/editor. Do that, but keep up with Vim a little bit every day. You'll probably be stopped by very weird and unexpected things but it will happen less and less.
In a few months you'll find yourself hitting o, v and i all the time in every textfield everywhere.
Have fun!
if you want to open all your .cpp files with one command, and have the window split in as many tiles as opened files, you can use:
vim -o $(find name ".cpp")
if you want to include a template in the place you are, you can use:
:r ~/myHeaderTemplate
will import the file "myHeaderTemplate in the place the cursor was before starting the command.
you can conversely select visually some code and save it to a file
select visually,
add w ~/myPartialfile.txt
when you select visualy, after type ":" in order to enter a command, you'll see "'<,'>" appear after the ":"
'<,'>w ~/myfile $
^ if you add "~/myfile" to the command, the selected part of the file will be saved to myfile.
if you're editing a file an want to copy it :
:saveas newFileWithNewName
If you want to learn by reading yourself:
Open MacOS terminal app.
Write this and press enter -> vimtutor
For quit write this and click -> :q

Vim Question Regarding Views

I have been reading a lot of the questions here on vim. I can't locate something that I want to do with vim but I am sure its possible.
I like vim(I am still new at it) using tabs and I have adjusted my vimrc so that H & L keys take me back and forth between tabs.
I was hoping to find a way to be able to use tab commands to open up a tab as output, so that if I am writing something in my case Ruby and I want to test it I could run it and flip to a new tab with the output. Or flip a tab to an interactive console to test code. This is possible?
As an aside is it possible to expand tabs to views so if I had two tabs open say script and output I could :spx or similar and have tabs come to split screen.
You can load the ruby output into a vim window in a couple of ways. One way would be to open a new split window and then load output of command:
" vimscript command to open new split window
wincmd n
" run ruby command and insert output at line 1
1,1!ruby foo.rb
alternatively you could get view the output on a new tab with a single window:
1,1!ruby foo.rb
I know it's not the answer you want, but use buffers and ditch the tabs. I have a screencast going over how to use splits to manage your window.
As for the ruby output, that seems like it might be covered here:
In answer to your question about opening up a tab as output, I don't think there's any built in way to do this. There's the RunView plugin (see my answers to this question and this one), but I don't think that it supports using a separate tab (it works with a split window: what I think you refer to when you say 'view').
Regarding an interactive console: no, this is not possible. See :help design-not.
As for general use of Vim, try to get used to the idea of buffers and the fact that each 'view' (my term), whether it be a split window, a tab or whatever is just a means of looking at a particular buffer. You can have multiple views on a single buffer, so you can have a source file vertical split with two headers in one tab and the same source file vertically split with another header and a different bit of the same source file in another tab. This is very powerful once you get used to it. The Ctrl-W keyboard shortcuts are your friend (e.g. Ctrl-W, h to go left one window).
As for changing a tab into a split window, I don't think there's a direct way to do this (how would Vim know which tabs you wanted to join?). You can break a split into a tab with Ctrl-W + T, but to go back you'd have to create a couple of mappings. This is off the top of my head but something like this might work:
command! TakeThis let takebufnr = bufnr("")<CR>
command! SplitTaken exe 'split #' . takebufnr<CR>
nmap ,t :TakeThis<CR>
nmap ,s :SplitTaken<CR>
Then press ,t on the buffer you want to grab and ,s on the one you want to split with the 'taken' buffer.
