put variable into sed with bash - bash

I try to use a variable in a sed of bash
I have this code :
read -p "Repertoire destination: " REP
echo $REP
sed -i 's/\$app\[\"bundle.root\"\] = \"\/var\/www\/\"\;/\$app\[\"bundle.root\"] = \"'$REP'\"\;/' /home/martialp/Documents/default.php
echo "Modification terminé"
I use simple quote like '$REP' but i have this error :
sed: -e expression n°1, caractère 80: option inconnue pour `s'

Your trouble is probably that $REP contains slashes, but you're using / to delimit the regular expression. The easiest fix is to use some other character to delimit the regular expression, perhaps %:
sed -i 's%\$app\[\"bundle.root\"\] = \"\/var\/www\/\"\;%\$app\[\"bundle.root\"] = \"'$REP'\"\;%' /home/martialp/Documents/default.php
You can use any character that doesn't otherwise appear in the command; Control-A, for example, works well and is unlikely to appear in $REP.


Not able to add a line of text after pattern using sed in OSX

I'm trying to add a line in a file afile.xyz using my script. This is what I've done so far using sed:
n="$(grep ".method" "$m" | grep "onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V")"
sed -i '' -e '/$n/ a\
"test", /Users/username/Documents/afile.xyz
I'm getting the error:
"onCreate\(\Landroid\/ ...": bad flag in substitute command: 'g'
How do I solve this? Please do help. Thanks.
Edit: Content of n
method protected onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
2 problems:
because the sed body is in single quotes, the variable $n will not be expanded,
the regular expression in $n contains the / dilimiters.
Try this:
nn=${n//\//\\/} # escape all slashes
sed -i '' '/'"${nn}"'/ a ...
The single-quoted sed body is interrupted to append the double quoted shell variable.
You can also use a different delimiter for the RE:
sed -i '' -e "\#$n# a\\
\"test\"" /Users/username/Documents/afile.xyz

Adding zero to part of string using sed

I have SNMP outputs like:
IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.5122. = STRING: 34:8:4:56:f4:70
As you can see mac-address output is incorrect, and i fix it with sed:
echo IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.5122. = STRING: 34:8:4:56:f4:70 |
sed -e 's/\b\(\w\)\b/0\1/g'
IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.5122. = STRING: 34:08:04:56:f4:70
It fixes address but changes IP as well from to How can I avoid it and force to perform sed only after STRING: or only after last space in the string ?
The MAC address is colon-separated. You can use that to limit the substitutions. This will perform the substitutions that you are interested in but only if the word character is next to a colon:
sed -e 's/\b\w:/0&/g; s/:\(\w\)\b/:0\1/g'
For example:
$ echo IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.5122. = STRING: 34:8:4:56:f4:70 | sed -e 's/\b\w:/0&/g; s/:\(\w\)\b/:0\1/g'
IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.5122. = STRING: 34:08:04:56:f4:70
How it works
This performs the substitution if the word character is preceded by a word break, \b, and followed by a colon. Since we just need to put a zero in front of the entire matched text, not just some section of it, we can omit the parens and just use & to copy the matched text.
If there are any remaining substitutions that need to be done where the word character is preceded by a colon and followed by a word break, this does them.
Note: We are using GNU extensions that may not be portable.
Another way with sed if the MAC address is at end of line
echo IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.5122. = STRING: 4:8:d:56:f4:7 |
sed -E '

How to delete double quotes from the beginning and the end of a string

I have strings which contain double quotes like this one:
"[{"clientid":"*", "identityzone":"*"}]"
I would like to use set or grep to delete the double quotes at the beginning and at the end of it, the output should look like :
[{"clientid":"*", "identityzone":"*"}]
I have used : sed -e 's/\"//g' but this deletes all the " in a string
You need to use line anchors
$ echo '"[{"clientid":"*", "identityzone":"*"}]"' | sed 's/^"//; s/"$//'
[{"clientid":"*", "identityzone":"*"}]
^" match " only at start of line
"$ match " only at end of line
You can also combine them using | as sed 's/^"\|"$//g'
See Overview of basic regular expression syntax
sed 's/^\"\(.*\)\"$/\1/g' <<<'"[{"clientid":"*", "identityzone":"*"}]"'

unexpected EOF while looking for matching `'' while using sed

Yes this question has been asked many times, and in the answer it is said to us \ escape character before the single quote.
In the below code it isn't working:
LIST=`echo $LIST | sed 's/,/AAA/g' `
echo $LIST # Output: (96634AAAIV14075295AAATR14075685')
# Now i want to quote the list elements
LIST=`echo $LIST | sed 's/,/\',\'/g' ` # Giving error
# exit 0
Error :
line 7: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''
line 8: syntax error: unexpected end of file
Instead of single quotes, use double quotes in sed command, and also remove the space before last backtick. If there is single quote present in the sed pattern then use an alternative enclosing quotes(ie, double quotes),
sed "s/,/\',\'/g"
And the line would be,
LIST=$(echo $LIST | sed "s/,/\',\'/g")
Don't use backticks inside the sripts instead of bacticks, use $()
You can use awk
echo $LIST
LIST=$(awk '{gsub(/,/,q"&"q)};gsub(/\(/,"&"q)1' q="'" <<< $LIST)
echo $LIST
To prevent problems with the single quote, I just set it to an awk variable.
LIST="$(sed "s/,/\',\'/g" <<< "$LIST")"
but first and last elements probably won't get quoted completely, because of missing leading and trailing comma
btw, you don't need to subshell to sed - string matching and substitution is entirely within the capabilities of bash:

ssh sed not changing variables correctly

I'm trying to use sed to change a variable in the site.js file on my server.
Here is the line: var url = "page.php"; I'm looking to just substitute page.php for whatever.php.
I thought this would be pretty simple and I figured this would work with no issues:
sed -i "s/\url = \".*\"/\url = \"page2.php\"/" /home/site.js
It works okay except instead of getting: var url = "page2.php"; I get: var R1 = "page2.php";
Why is the url value being changed to R1 when I use sed here?
You don't need \ before url.
sed -i -r 's#url\s*=\s*"[^"]+"#url = "page2.php"#' /home/site.js
Extra escaping of " can be eliminated by enclosing sed expression with ' instead of "
It's better to use different separator than / (here #) when the strings themselves may contain /
Try doing this :
sed -i -r 's#(var\s+url\s*=\s*")[^"]+"#\1whatever.php"#' file.js
/ is not mandatory as delimiter, I've picked up # there.
Here's another example: Took me while to figure that you change the / for delimiter and not the / in the directory path.
Use # instead of / for sed delimiter if you have dir path names.
First I tried this:
[root#ip-172-35-24-37 ec2-user]# egrep -q "^(\s*\S+\s+)/dev/shm(\s+\S+\s+\S+)(\s+\S+\s+\S+)(\s*#.*)?\s*$" /etc/fstab && sed -ri "s/^(\s*\S+\s+)/dev/shm(\s+\S+\s+\S+)(\s+\S+\s+\S+)(\s*#.*)?\s*$/\1/dev/shm\2nodev\3\4/" /etc/fstab
And got this error:
sed: -e expression #1, char 20: unknown option to `s'
So then I used # for the sed delimiter instead of /:
[root#ip-172-35-24-37 ec2-user]# egrep -q "^(\s*\S+\s+)/dev/shm(\s+\S+\s+\S+)(\s+\S+\s+\S+)(\s*#.*)?\s*$" /etc/fstab && sed -ri "s#^(\s*\S+\s+)/dev/shm(\s+\S+\s+\S+)(\s+\S+\s+\S+)(\s*#.*)?\s*$#\1/dev/shm\2nodev\3\4##" /etc/fstab
[root#ip-172-35-24-37 ec2-user]#
And it worked.
You can use something else besides # for a delimiter like ! or ? or %. Just don't use / if you have dir paths.
