How to delete double quotes from the beginning and the end of a string - bash

I have strings which contain double quotes like this one:
"[{"clientid":"*", "identityzone":"*"}]"
I would like to use set or grep to delete the double quotes at the beginning and at the end of it, the output should look like :
[{"clientid":"*", "identityzone":"*"}]
I have used : sed -e 's/\"//g' but this deletes all the " in a string

You need to use line anchors
$ echo '"[{"clientid":"*", "identityzone":"*"}]"' | sed 's/^"//; s/"$//'
[{"clientid":"*", "identityzone":"*"}]
^" match " only at start of line
"$ match " only at end of line
You can also combine them using | as sed 's/^"\|"$//g'
See Overview of basic regular expression syntax

sed 's/^\"\(.*\)\"$/\1/g' <<<'"[{"clientid":"*", "identityzone":"*"}]"'


Replace the matched string in the comma separated string pattern

I have a comma separated strings inside brackets and I need to replace the string in matches the pattern.
And we have unknown string at the start and at the end. In the below example I need to replace c++ string with c if the row has string ruby.
I tried below sed command but it didnt work.
sed -e "s/(\(.*\),\("ruby"\),\(.*\),"c++",\(.*\))/(\1,\2,\3,"c",\4)/g"
{m,n,g}awk '/\42ruby\42/ ? NF = NF : NF' FS='"c[+][+]"' OFS='"c"'
it seems like your sed command is not escaping double quotes
sed -e "s/(\(.*\),\("ruby"\),\(.*\),"c++",\(.*\))/(\1,\2,\3,"c",\4)/g"
change it to single quotes.
sed -e 's/(\(.*\),\("ruby"\),\(.*\),"c++",\(.*\))/(\1,\2,\3,"c",\4)/g' file.txt
or more simply use the below one...
sed -e 's/\("ruby"\),\(.*\),"c++"/\1,\2,"c"/g' my_file.txt
which will output

Concatenation String in shell

I have this shell line to concatenate 2 string:
new_group="second result is: ${result},\"${policyActivite}_${policyApplication}\""
echo "result is: ${new_group}"
The result:
result is: "Team","Application_Team"
How can change the result to: result is: "Team, Application_Team"
Use sed:
echo "$new_group" | sed 's/"//g;s/^\(.*\)$/"\1"/'
The first statement is removing all double quotes. The second one add double at the start and the end of the line.
Alternatively, if you want to replace "," with ,, use this sed command: sed 's/","/, /g'

Adding zero to part of string using sed

I have SNMP outputs like:
IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.5122. = STRING: 34:8:4:56:f4:70
As you can see mac-address output is incorrect, and i fix it with sed:
echo IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.5122. = STRING: 34:8:4:56:f4:70 |
sed -e 's/\b\(\w\)\b/0\1/g'
IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.5122. = STRING: 34:08:04:56:f4:70
It fixes address but changes IP as well from to How can I avoid it and force to perform sed only after STRING: or only after last space in the string ?
The MAC address is colon-separated. You can use that to limit the substitutions. This will perform the substitutions that you are interested in but only if the word character is next to a colon:
sed -e 's/\b\w:/0&/g; s/:\(\w\)\b/:0\1/g'
For example:
$ echo IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.5122. = STRING: 34:8:4:56:f4:70 | sed -e 's/\b\w:/0&/g; s/:\(\w\)\b/:0\1/g'
IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.5122. = STRING: 34:08:04:56:f4:70
How it works
This performs the substitution if the word character is preceded by a word break, \b, and followed by a colon. Since we just need to put a zero in front of the entire matched text, not just some section of it, we can omit the parens and just use & to copy the matched text.
If there are any remaining substitutions that need to be done where the word character is preceded by a colon and followed by a word break, this does them.
Note: We are using GNU extensions that may not be portable.
Another way with sed if the MAC address is at end of line
echo IP-MIB::ipNetToMediaPhysAddress.5122. = STRING: 4:8:d:56:f4:7 |
sed -E '

Add an escape character before comma+space in a file

How do I add an escape character "\" before each ", " in a file? (that's a comma followed by a space).
P.S. Those quotes are for formatting purposes and are not presented (nor should appear in the file).
see this example, if it is helpful for you:
kent$ echo "foo,bar,blah"|sed 's/,/\\,/g'
if you want to replace the comma, only if there is a space followed, do this:
kent$ echo "foo, bar, blah,skipme"|sed 's/, /\\&/g'
foo\, bar\, blah,skipme
For each character
put wanted character to escape in a class [ ,] (space and ,in this case`)
echo 'Your, string or data' | sed 's/[, ]/\\&/g'
there is special rules for ], - and \ (see RegEx class documentation for this)
For specifing pattern
echo 'Your, string or data' | sed 's/, /\\&/g'

How to escape the ampersand character while using sed

I want to replace all single quotes in a string with two single quotes using sed. But when the string contains the & character, the sed command is not replacing single quotes that come after that. How can I escape the & character so that the single quotes after it are still replaced?
You don't need to escape anything in the input:
$ echo "123 ' foo & b'ar" | sed "s/'/''/g"
123 '' foo & b''ar
However, in the 'replacement' part of the s command & has a special meaning: it means 'match'. That's why the above command can be re-written as:
$ echo "123 ' foo & b'ar" | sed "s/'/&&/g"
123 '' foo & b''ar
Escape it with a \ like everything else that needs to be escaped, if needed:
$ echo "123 ' foo & b'ar" | sed "s/'/'\&'/g"
123 '&' foo & b'&'ar
It's easier to answer if you post your code, but I'm guessing you're not escaping the ampersand. Change & to \& if you want a literal ampersand.
See section 3.1.2 of The sed FAQ for a more detailed explantion, if you're curious.
It's working for me
bash>echo "'This is a string with 'single quote' & '&'" | sed "s/'/''/g"
''This is a string with ''single quote'' & ''&''
