Initialize Quartz scheduler with Spring 4/Boot - spring

I have a Spring 4 application with Spring Boot -
There is no WEBINF/web.xml file, however, I'd like to initialize a Quartz 2.2.1 scheduler on application startup. However, all the examples using QuartzInitializerServlet define the settings in the web.xml file.
Can I add these configurations to my application startup configuration?
public class Application {
public DataSource dataSource() {
DriverManagerDataSource ds = new DriverManagerDataSource();
return ds;
/** Add configuration to start Quartz here so
I can access it throughout the app? **/
public org.springframework.scheduling.quartz.SchedulerFactoryBean SchedulerFactoryBean(){
SchedulerFactoryBean scheduler = new SchedulerFactoryBean();
return scheduler;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Figured out the spring-framework quartz bean, now I need to correctly implement the datastore to restore jobs in-between runs.
I'm using postgresql + spring-data & hibernate. This configuration reinitializes the database on each run. HSQL reinitializes some 'import.sql' data as well. Should I create a hibernate interface so that the jobs will be restored on testing?


Run Spring Batch (JSR-352) application on Spring Boot

I have a simple Spring Batch application complying with JSR-352.
I need to deploy this as a managed Task on Spring Cloud Data Flow server. As far as I know - to be able to deploy this as a Task I need to convert this application as a Spring Boot app.
I have tried to add Spring Boot dependencies and Main class however it is not running the Batch job when I start the app.
Main Class
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
Batch File created at
It works when I use JobOperator in the main class to start the job (without Spring Boot).
What am I missing to run this as a Spring Boot app?
You're missing #EnableTask annotation. With that, your batch-job will be run as a short-lived application. In other words, the application will run as long as the business logic in your XML needs to run, and it will gracefully shut down and free-up resources.
Please clone and try out the Spring Cloud Task samples [see: BatchJobApplication]. All of them should work as-is in SCDF as well.
public class BatchApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public CommandLineRunner run(JobOperator jobOperator) {
return $ -> jobOperator.start("myjob", new Properties());
JobParametersConverter jobParametersConverter(DataSource dataSource) {
return new JsrJobParametersConverter(dataSource);
JobOperator jsrJobOperator(ApplicationContext applicationContext, JobExplorer jobExplorer,
JobRepository jobRepository, JobParametersConverter jobParametersConverter,
PlatformTransactionManager transactionManager) {
JsrJobOperator jobOperator = new JsrJobOperator(jobExplorer, jobRepository, jobParametersConverter,
jobOperator.setTaskExecutor(new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor());
return jobOperator;

Setting up in-memory H2 database without Spring Boot

I am working in a spring 5 (Not Sprig Boot) project. I need to test my application with in-memory H2 database. I am using Spring with Java Config on maven build tool. Is there any way I can configure in-memory H2 DB?
Usually I use this in my #Config class:
public DataSource h2TestDataSource(){
return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder().setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2).build();
So I use Spring Embedded DB in my spring projects (I don't use spring boot)
I hope it's useful.
You can add the DataSource bean using the EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder as follows:
public DataSource dataSource(
#Value("${datasource.dbname}") String dbname,
#Value("${datasource.script}") String script) {
return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
Also you can register h2-console servlet in the application configuration class as follows:
public class WebAppConfig implements WebApplicationInitializer {
public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) {
. . .
.addServlet("H2Console", WebServlet.class)
. . .
Then you can open http://localhost:8080/console and connect to the jdbc:h2:mem:users database as follows:
See also How to enable h2-console in spring-webmvc without spring-boot?

Spring Boot + Mybatis #MapperScan and SqlSessionFactory

Im developing a new app using Spring Boot. I use Mybatis for persistance. Im using Java Config for everything I can.
I'm getting this exception when the app starts regarding creating my Mybatis mapper interface
exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Property 'sqlSessionFactory' or 'sqlSessionTemplate' are required
My Sring Boot application class is set up like this
public class AdminApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
The Mybatis mapper interface class is set up like this
package com.mydomain.admin.service.dao;
public interface AdminClientDAO {
#Select("SELECT clientId, name, enabledFlag as enabled, dateAdded, dateUpdated as updateDate FROM client")
public List<Client> findAll();
my datasource is configured with spring boot. I've named the properties
spring.datasource.* so spring boot with auto-configure the data source
Now, Im wondering if Im assuming too much spring boot magic. I assumed that spring boot would configure the sqlSessionFactory because mybatis was in the classpath..
Many examples I see show configuring the sqlSessionFactory as a #Bean in the Java Config.. Is this the way it should be done is should spring boot be doing some magic and auto-config it?
I found my issue. I was missing mybatis-spring-boot-starter
I have
public SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory() throws Exception {
SqlSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory = new SqlSessionFactoryBean();
return sessionFactory.getObject();
In class called which extends
And my is initialized in class which extends
And the datasource works fine in my Spring-Boot Application.
Hope this helps somebody searching for Spring Boot, Mybatis and SQLSessionFactory with datasource in spring.datasource.*

how to select which spring batch job to run based on application argument - spring boot java config

I have two independent spring batch jobs in the same project because I want to use the same infrastructure-related beans. Everything is configured in Java. I would like to know if there's a proper way to start the jobs independent based for example on the first java app argument in the main method for example. If I run only the second job gets executed by magic.
The main method looks like:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(Application.class);
ApplicationContext ctx=;
and the two jobs are configured as presented in the Spring Batch Getting Started tutorial on Here is the configuration file of the first job, the second being configured in the same way.
#Import({StandaloneInfrastructureConfiguration.class, ServicesConfiguration.class})
public class AddPodcastJobConfiguration {
private JobBuilderFactory jobs;
private StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;
//reader, writer, processor...
To enable modularization I created an AppConfig class, where I define factories for the two jobs:
public class AppConfig {
public ApplicationContextFactory addNewPodcastJobs(){
return new GenericApplicationContextFactory(AddPodcastJobConfiguration.class);
public ApplicationContextFactory newEpisodesNotificationJobs(){
return new GenericApplicationContextFactory(NotifySubscribersJobConfiguration.class);
P.S. I am new to Spring configuration in Java configuration Spring Boot and Spring Batch...
Just set the "spring.batch.job.names=myJob" property. You could set it as SystemProperty when you launch your application (-Dspring.batch.job.names=myjob). If you have defined this property, spring-batch-starter will only launch the jobs, that are defined by this property.
To run the jobs you like from the main method you can load the the required job configuration bean and the JobLauncher from the application context and then run it:
public class ApplicationWithJobLauncher {
public static void main(String[] args) throws BeansException, JobExecutionAlreadyRunningException, JobRestartException, JobInstanceAlreadyCompleteException, JobParametersInvalidException, InterruptedException {
Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ApplicationWithJobLauncher.class);
SpringApplication app = new SpringApplication(ApplicationWithJobLauncher.class);
ConfigurableApplicationContext ctx=;
JobLauncher jobLauncher = ctx.getBean(JobLauncher.class);
JobParameters jobParameters = new JobParametersBuilder()
.addDate("date", new Date())
Job addNewPodcastJob = ctx.getBean("addNewPodcastJob", Job.class);
JobExecution jobExecution =, jobParameters);
} else {"newEpisodesNotificationJob", Job.class), jobParameters);
What was causing my lots of confusion was that the second job were executed, even though the first job seemed to be "picked up" by the runner... Well the problem was that in both job's configuration file I used standard method names writer(), reader(), processor() and step() and it used the ones from the second job that seemed to "overwrite" the ones from the first job without any warnings...
I used though an application config class with #EnableBatchProcessing(modular=true), that I thought would be used magically by Spring Boot :
public class AppConfig {
public ApplicationContextFactory addNewPodcastJobs(){
return new GenericApplicationContextFactory(AddPodcastJobConfiguration.class);
public ApplicationContextFactory newEpisodesNotificationJobs(){
return new GenericApplicationContextFactory(NotifySubscribersJobConfiguration.class);
I will write a blog post about it when it is ready, but until then the code is available at (work/learning in progress)..
There is the CommandLineJobRunner and maybe can be helpful.
From its javadoc
Basic launcher for starting jobs from the command line
Spring Batch auto configuration is enabled by adding #EnableBatchProcessing (from Spring Batch) somewhere in your context. By default it executes all Jobs in the application context on startup (see JobLauncherCommandLineRunner for details). You can narrow down to a specific job or jobs by specifying spring.batch.job.names (comma separated job name patterns).
-- Spring Boot Doc
Or disable the auto execution and run the jobs programmatically from the context using a JobLauncher based on the args passed to the main method

Using Quartz with Spring Boot - injection order changes based upon return type of method

I am trying to get Quartz working with Spring Boot, and am not managing to get the injection working correctly. I am basing myself on the example shown here
Here is my boot class:
public class MyApp {
private DataSource dataSource;
public JobFactory jobFactory() {
return new SpringBeanJobFactory();
public SchedulerFactoryBean quartz() {
final SchedulerFactoryBean bean = new SchedulerFactoryBean();
bean.setConfigLocation(new ClassPathResource(""));
return bean;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
When the quartz() method is invoked by Spring, dataSource is null. However, if I change the return type of the quartz() method to Object, dataSource is correctly injected with the datasource created by reading, the bean is built, everything works and I get a subsequent error saying that Quartz has been unable to retrieve any jobs from the database, which is normal as I haven't put the schema in place yet.
I have tried adding a #DependsOn("dataSource") annotation on the quartz() method but that doesn't make any difference.
This class is the only class annotated with #Configuration.
Here are my dependencies (I'm using Maven but present them like this for space reasons):
And the parent:
Finally the content of
org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 3
What am I doing wrong?
(I have seen this question, but that question initialises the datasource in the #Configuration class)
Your app starts up (with a schema error, which is expected) if I use "org.springframework:spring-context-support:4.0.2.RELEASE" ("org.springframework:spring-support:2.0.8" if it ever existed must be nearly 10 years old now and certainly isn't compatible with Boot or Quartz 2).
