Spring Boot + Mybatis #MapperScan and SqlSessionFactory - spring-boot

Im developing a new app using Spring Boot. I use Mybatis for persistance. Im using Java Config for everything I can.
I'm getting this exception when the app starts regarding creating my Mybatis mapper interface
exception is java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Property 'sqlSessionFactory' or 'sqlSessionTemplate' are required
My Sring Boot application class is set up like this
public class AdminApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(AdminApplication.class, args);
The Mybatis mapper interface class is set up like this
package com.mydomain.admin.service.dao;
public interface AdminClientDAO {
#Select("SELECT clientId, name, enabledFlag as enabled, dateAdded, dateUpdated as updateDate FROM client")
public List<Client> findAll();
my datasource is configured with spring boot. I've named the properties
spring.datasource.* so spring boot with auto-configure the data source
Now, Im wondering if Im assuming too much spring boot magic. I assumed that spring boot would configure the sqlSessionFactory because mybatis was in the classpath..
Many examples I see show configuring the sqlSessionFactory as a #Bean in the Java Config.. Is this the way it should be done is should spring boot be doing some magic and auto-config it?

I found my issue. I was missing mybatis-spring-boot-starter

I have
public SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory() throws Exception {
SqlSessionFactoryBean sessionFactory = new SqlSessionFactoryBean();
return sessionFactory.getObject();
In class called Application.java which extends
And my Application.java is initialized in class which extends
And the datasource works fine in my Spring-Boot Application.
Hope this helps somebody searching for Spring Boot, Mybatis and SQLSessionFactory with datasource in spring.datasource.*


Application failed to start after spring boot version upgrade from 2.1.18.RELEASE to 2.2.0.RELEASE

When we upgrade the spring-boot-starter-parent version from 2.1.8.RELEASE to 2.2.0.RELEASE, the application is not loading few beans. Due to this, application is failing. #PostConstuct is not able to add BCFIPS Provider in security provider.
#ComponentScan(basePackages = "com.xxx.yyy.ekms.sdk")
#ConditionalOnProperty(name = "ekms.enabled", havingValue = "true")
public class EKMSClientSdkConfiguration extends ClientConfiguration
public void addSecurityProvider()
Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleFipsProvider());
public ApiClientBuilder apiClientBuilder()
return new DefaultApiClientBuilder();
Also, apiClientBuilder bean is not getting created.
The EKMSClientSdkConfiguration is extending ClientConfiguration, which is coming as part of another application jar. This class is not having any annotation.
public abstract class ClientConfiguration {
public ClientConfiguration()
public abstract void addSecurityProvider();
public EKMSClient restClient() {
return new EKMSRestClientImpl(this.apiClient());
public ApiClient apiClient() {
return Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
In our case, EKMSClientSdkConfiguration bean is not getting created and the #PostConstruct is also not getting executed.
I went through the Spring Boot 2.2.RELEASE notes which is pointing to Spring Framework 5.2 upgrade guide. Here, I learned that spring boot 2.2.0 RELEASE is using Spring framework 5.2. In Spring framework 5.2, we have many changes.
It looks like this is the root cause of bean not getting loaded, but I am not sure about it.
Any help will be appreciated. Let me know if additional information is needed.
I found spring.main.lazy-initialization=true property in my application which was causing the above issue. When I removed it from the application.properties, This issue is resolved. This is the major change which was introduced in 2.2.0.RELEASE of spring boot

Setting up in-memory H2 database without Spring Boot

I am working in a spring 5 (Not Sprig Boot) project. I need to test my application with in-memory H2 database. I am using Spring with Java Config on maven build tool. Is there any way I can configure in-memory H2 DB?
Usually I use this in my #Config class:
public DataSource h2TestDataSource(){
return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder().setType(EmbeddedDatabaseType.H2).build();
So I use Spring Embedded DB in my spring projects (I don't use spring boot)
I hope it's useful.
You can add the DataSource bean using the EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder as follows:
public DataSource dataSource(
#Value("${datasource.dbname}") String dbname,
#Value("${datasource.script}") String script) {
return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
Also you can register h2-console servlet in the application configuration class as follows:
public class WebAppConfig implements WebApplicationInitializer {
public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) {
. . .
.addServlet("H2Console", WebServlet.class)
. . .
Then you can open http://localhost:8080/console and connect to the jdbc:h2:mem:users database as follows:
See also How to enable h2-console in spring-webmvc without spring-boot?

How do you autowire/inject your datasource in Spring-boot?

I have been working with Spring boot for a bit now, and the datasource is always configured in your application.properties in every example I have seen, kind of like this:
# DataSource configuration
However, lately I have been trying to integrate Spring Social, and the examples I have seen configure it in java in a config file like this:
public DataSource dataSource() {
DriverManagerDataSource dataSource = new DriverManagerDataSource();
return dataSource;
This allows for the datasource object to later be injected or autowired into the social config as seen here for example.
My question is, do I need to configure a datasource bean like this to be able to later inject the datasource, or will Spring-boot handle that for me?
Not a Spring (or Boot) expert by any means, but Spring Boot will auto-provide a Bean of type DataSource if the properties are there and there's a requirement for it. To use it you just #Autowire it.
Try this . If there are multiple #Configuration in springboot , You can import the the other config(DataSourceConfig) into your main AppConfig.
And then Using #PropertySource pull in the db url,username,password etc
public class SpringbatchConfig {
DataSourceConfig dataSourceConfig;
public void myService myService() {
return new myServiceImpl(dataSourceConfig.dataSource());

Manually loading application context to write getBean() in spring boot application

In a spring application, we write like this to get a bean through manually loading spring application context.
ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("path/to/applicationContext.xml");
JobLauncher launcher=(JobLauncher)context.getBean("launcher");
How to do the similar thing in spring boot ?
Being a newbie...need help
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
ApplicationContext app = SpringApplication.run(Application .class, args);//init the context
SomeClass myBean = app.getBean(SomeClass.class);//get the bean by type
#Bean // this method is the equivalent of the <bean/> tag in xml
public SomeClass getBean(){
return new SomeClass();
public MyUtilClass myUtil(SomeClass sc){
MyUtilClass uc = new MyUtilClass();
return uc;
You can also your xml file to declare the beans instead of the java config, just use #ImportResource({"classpath*:applicationContext.xml"})
Edit: To answer the comment: Make the util class a spring bean(using #Component annotation and component scan or the same as SomeClass shown above) and then you can #Autowire the bean you like. Then when you want to use the Util class just get it from the context.

Using Quartz with Spring Boot - injection order changes based upon return type of method

I am trying to get Quartz working with Spring Boot, and am not managing to get the injection working correctly. I am basing myself on the example shown here
Here is my boot class:
public class MyApp {
private DataSource dataSource;
public JobFactory jobFactory() {
return new SpringBeanJobFactory();
public SchedulerFactoryBean quartz() {
final SchedulerFactoryBean bean = new SchedulerFactoryBean();
bean.setConfigLocation(new ClassPathResource("quartz.properties"));
return bean;
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(MyApp.class, args);
When the quartz() method is invoked by Spring, dataSource is null. However, if I change the return type of the quartz() method to Object, dataSource is correctly injected with the datasource created by reading application.properties, the bean is built, everything works and I get a subsequent error saying that Quartz has been unable to retrieve any jobs from the database, which is normal as I haven't put the schema in place yet.
I have tried adding a #DependsOn("dataSource") annotation on the quartz() method but that doesn't make any difference.
This class is the only class annotated with #Configuration.
Here are my dependencies (I'm using Maven but present them like this for space reasons):
And the parent:
Finally the content of quartz.properties:
org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 3
What am I doing wrong?
(I have seen this question, but that question initialises the datasource in the #Configuration class)
Your app starts up (with a schema error, which is expected) if I use "org.springframework:spring-context-support:4.0.2.RELEASE" ("org.springframework:spring-support:2.0.8" if it ever existed must be nearly 10 years old now and certainly isn't compatible with Boot or Quartz 2).
