Validating package error in Xcode - xcode

I can not figure out why this is giving me this error. I know I have a valid .mobileprovision that is active. My app is ready for uploading in Itunes connect and I have selected the provision in my build setting. Can anyone please help me figure this out.

Double check the bundle identifier also this issue can be produced because of invalid private key.


iTunes Store operation failed. You must supply a CFBundleIdentifier for this request

i just signed up for this place, i have made app everything is working fine with app all the certificates and files are updated but when i try to upload to app store from xcode i keep getting this error. if anybody could help me to fix it it will be great thank you
iTunes Store operation failed.You must supply a CFBundleIdentifier for this request.
Your info.plist application is wrong.
open your info.plist,"Bundle OS Type code" is null.I met the same problem,and add "APPL" to "Bundle OS Type code",that's OK.
Your info.plist configuration is wrong.
open your info.plist,"Bundle OS Type code" is null.I met the same problem,and add "APPL" to "Bundle OS Type code",that's OK. See image here
Login in Apple Developer, go to Certificates*Profiles, delete all development and distribute signing certificates and provisioning profiles. Then in Xcode8 you select "Automatically manage signing", recreate signing certificates and provisioning profiles,archive and upload to appstore again.
This one nearly put me mad. How I fixed it was creating a test project and doing an archive on it, and validate, which passed. I then copies all of the build setting from the test project to my project and thankfully everything worked. I know its along way off doing it, but it works.
this is what i have done and it did work for me
i did have to explicitly add the bundle identifier in the .plist file like this
instead of
the reason might be that i do have multiple target in the project and i was uploading the app from the application loader
please note that in both cases i was able to archive successfully
Xcode 10.1
High Sierra 10.13.6

LaunchServices: no bundle found with identifier While launching app

I am working on an app where I did code signing for the app and got bundle identifier. I added bundle identifier in .plist file of project and also in App Targets under general settings. But when I run app in simulator, It prints in log
LaunchServices: no bundle found with identifier
I tried to add bundle identifier in .plist again, but still shows
same thing. I'm getting lots of problems because of this issue (e.g
Unable to integrate login with Facebook functionality). I don't know whats
the reason for this. If anyone has any solution, Please suggest me. Why I'm getting this LaunchServices: no bundle found with identifier.
Any help will be appreciated.
if you have removed storyboard file then adding your custom viewcontroller to window.rootviewcontroller.
Make sure you have removed storyboard file from plist and from general also.

iOS App development with Facebook API bundle ID error message

I'm developing an iOS App with Facebook API. The app was working fine but I started to get the below error;
"There was an error:fbplatse:{"message": "No Bundle ID has been set on the server" }. Please tap Cancel to return to APPNAME and try again."
Actually I don't think I made any changes to the server. Can you please help me to fix this?
Ok, I solved this problem.
add your app's bundle ID into the 'Native iOS App' tab under ''
Your app's bundle ID should be the same with the one above (Facebook developer page)
After I added up my bundle ID, I started to receive 'com.facebook.sdk error code=2' messages. It is good to check this link which explains everything step by step about the error code and how to get rid of it.
So, in my specific situation following worked; Device's Settings => Facebook and then log in with the credentials.
I spent too much time on that but now it works!
Facebook has updated it's documentation since this post in 2013. They have provided a screenshot showing where to get the bundle identifier. It's not the code with the variable in it from the Info.plist in Supporting Files directory. Rather, tap on the project file in Xcode (the topmost file in the directory) and see General tab (which is open by default).
I've attached a screen grab. Hopefully this helps someone.

Code signing error with sample app / new Provisioning Profile not in 'Code Signing' list

There are Code Signing Error issues on this forum but I couldnt find answer specific to my situation.
I have two issues really.
First issue:
I'm getting a "A valid provisioning profile matching the application's Identifier 'com.yourcompany.thisSampleApp' could not be found" error.
I get this error running on the Device (iPhone 4S) for which I have a valid Provisioning Profile - com.mycompany.*.
Since this didnt work, I created a Provisioning Profile for Bundle Identifier com.mycompany.thisSampleApp.
Same error.
Second issue:
I also noticed another thing, my newly created Provisional Profile does not show up in the 'Code Signing' I cant even pick it.
But...I can see both the Provisional profiles listed in the Organizer window.
I downloaded Apple's Reachability sample Apple. Same error.
Any ideas anyone? Thanks!
PS: I'm running Xcode 4.6
when that happens to me, (and it happens a lot), I usually restart XCode, sometimes even the computer. If you are sure you have the correct provisioning profile, and the correct certificates in your keychain, and you have the correct bundle identifier.
Also, go to the target -> Build Settings -> Code Signing, and re-select the correct one.
Hope that helps.

Unable to process application Info.plist validation at this time due to a general / IO error [duplicate]

I am creating a newsstand application. the application is ready, now i am trying to upload the app in apple store using Application Loader. While uploading the zip file its showing the error message as
Unable to process application info.plist validation at this time due to a general error (1095)
I googled this in the net, but did not find the solution still.
This is clearly an Apple server issue, not an Xcode/iOS/OSX issue. Just wait patiently and Apple's servers will catch up to the traffic, or solve whatever issues they're having at their end.
If you're anxious, feel free to just sit there and restart Xcode until it works - but it's not restarting Xcode, only the time you waste that's solving the issue.
While you're waiting, run your apps in Instruments and solve some performance issues ;)
I just had this error. I waited an hour and tried again with the exact same build and it was all good. Vote for it being Apple's temporary glitch.
I had the same problem. I closed Xcode, restart my computer and it worked.
One possible problem to this is corrupted png files. The png files should not be interlaced
I found a solution to the problem.
If you're using Xcode 4+, you don't have to use Application Loader anymore. Instead you should archive your project in Xcode (Product->Archive). It will then open the organizer, where 3 buttons are displayed. Hit the submit button.
If you've created an entry for your app with Itunes Connect, you should be able to choose that from the list, and then select your distribution profile. Then hit the next button, and you should get a message, that tells you, that your app has been submitted.
At least that worked for me.
Use Application Loader.
I'm getting this a lot today.
Application Loader worked.
XCode > Project > Archive
XCode > Organizer > Distribute > Enterprise/add Hoc > Save As
Saves as YOURAPP.ipa.
Make sure Save for Enterprise Deploy remains UNCHECKED.
Download latest Application Loader.
tap 'Deliver Your App'
make sure new version in itunes connect in WAITING FOR UPLOAD state
Click on Activity... button
TIP: open to see XCode Validation errors
Click on ALL MESSAGE on list of logs on right.
Then in search enter 'XCode' or 'Application Loader'
to monitor any errors with your upload.
I did all this and still got email about missing 120x120 icons.
Forgot to update them in Build Target > General Tab
List of new icon requirements for iOS7
Another reason why this can happen is the duplicate product name. Despite your app names, executable names, display names or bundle IDs are different, if the product name exists in your current apps this error is gonna occur.
"The server returned an invalid response. This may indicate that a network proxy is interfering with communication, or that Apple servers are having issues. Please try your request again later.""
Reset The internet connection.
Reopen the xcode.
Set the profile again.
Clean build.
And Archive the build.
Works perfect for me (With in 5 minutes no need to wait).
It's just the time, because you can't control Apple's Server's traffic problem, We all merely become the victim of that..So cut the long story short...
By restarting XCODE may work but everyone as in my case, i tried by restarting XCODE, SYSTEM, ROUTER and anything and everything possible, only error name had changed from "The network connection was lost" to "The request timed out" and vice Versa..!
Just think at what time less people would be accessing the sever...
PS: Only perseverance can help you in this way..keep redialing..And WAIT and WATCH:P
I solved ... :)
Please remove all your icons and splash image also remove icon Files and icons File( IOS 5 ) from info.plist and then add all your icons to app bundle ...
After this update info.plist iconFiles field add desired name of icons....
And last but not least remove Provisioning profile from developer portal and recreate it ...
Clean your build and Archive it and using Application Loader submit it to AppStore ...
it work for me and i think it may help you...
Not every time not it is Apple server issue,sometime we did some bad linking according to me :)
