iTunes Store operation failed. You must supply a CFBundleIdentifier for this request - bundle

i just signed up for this place, i have made app everything is working fine with app all the certificates and files are updated but when i try to upload to app store from xcode i keep getting this error. if anybody could help me to fix it it will be great thank you
iTunes Store operation failed.You must supply a CFBundleIdentifier for this request.

Your info.plist application is wrong.
open your info.plist,"Bundle OS Type code" is null.I met the same problem,and add "APPL" to "Bundle OS Type code",that's OK.

Your info.plist configuration is wrong.
open your info.plist,"Bundle OS Type code" is null.I met the same problem,and add "APPL" to "Bundle OS Type code",that's OK. See image here

Login in Apple Developer, go to Certificates*Profiles, delete all development and distribute signing certificates and provisioning profiles. Then in Xcode8 you select "Automatically manage signing", recreate signing certificates and provisioning profiles,archive and upload to appstore again.

This one nearly put me mad. How I fixed it was creating a test project and doing an archive on it, and validate, which passed. I then copies all of the build setting from the test project to my project and thankfully everything worked. I know its along way off doing it, but it works.

this is what i have done and it did work for me
i did have to explicitly add the bundle identifier in the .plist file like this
instead of
the reason might be that i do have multiple target in the project and i was uploading the app from the application loader
please note that in both cases i was able to archive successfully
Xcode 10.1
High Sierra 10.13.6


How to specify an LSMinimumSystemVersion?

How can I change "an LSMinimumSystemVersion value"?
I received this e-mail from Apple:
Dear Developer,
We identified one or more issues with a recent delivery for your app,
"MYAPPNAME" 1.0. Your delivery was successful, but you may wish to
correct the following issues in your next delivery:
ITMS-90899: Apple silicon Mac support issue - The app is not
compatible with the provided minimum macOS version of 12.4. It can run
on macOS 13.0 or later. Please specify an LSMinimumSystemVersion value
of 13.0 or later in a new build, or select a compatible version in App
Store Connect. For details, visit:
After you’ve corrected the issues, you can upload a new binary to App
Store Connect.
Best regards,
The App Store Team
Ran in to the same error a couple of days ago. In Xcode, added the LSMinimumSystemVersion value to the project's info.plist:
Select info.plist in Project Navigator
Right-click on "Information Property List" at the top and select "Add Row"
Select "Minimum System Version" from the "Bundle identifier" droplist.
Set the type to "String".
I put "13.0.0" (without the quotes) for the value.
This adds the following <key> and <string> to your Info.plist, just under the "<dict>" key, right under the "<plist>" key:
<plist version="1.0">
Recreated the archive and redeployed the app. App Store Connect no longer complains about the missing value.
I got the same issue and tried the accepted answer. Setting the LSMinimumSystemVersion to 13.0.0 gave me another error when trying to publish the app:
Invalid LSMinimumSystemVersion - The LSMinimumSystemVersion Info.plist
key has the value “13.0.0”. This string indicates the minimum macOS
version required for this app to run. The value must be between 11.0
and 12.3 and be formatted as “x.x.x.”
I solved it by adding
to the Info.plist file and also setting the iOS Deployment Target to 12.3 in the project settings. I suspect that to be the main issue since the versions below the target one are probably unsupported by the build. The minimum versions are probably chosen by Apple and might get higher in the future so it's necessary to build always for the officially required range.
There are two ways to address this support issue:
1- Turn off "iPhone and iPad Apps on Apple Silicon Macs".
You can do this per-app, or across all apps in your Apple Connect account. The link in the email points to the documentation.
(NOTE: This is apparently on by default, in new App Store Connect accounts.)
2- If this value is un-set, set it in Info.plist.
The lack of the value seems to trigger this warning, setting it makes it go away for the next build.
NOTE: I think a lot of the text of that email template is possibly incorrect/wrong/inaccurate.
1- It says I had set the value to "12.6", but I hadn't. The template is picking up some default value?
2- It says the value can't be below "13.0". That didn't make much sense to me (my iOS target is set to 15.6 on both project and app-target).
If my target was "16.x", I'd understand why "13.0" would be required. At the same time, after a casual search, I don't see any documented dependency.
3- TestFlight obeys the setting, but "12.6" works.
When I set to 13.0, the build appears in macOS TestFlight, but is disabled, as you would expect.
When I set it to 12.6, the build appears in macOS TestFlight, and is available. Loading and running that build appear to be fine.
NOTE: I'm using the same laptop I develop on, but I did not try running out of Xcode, because this project actually is iPhone only (newly created in Xcode 14.0, and the default Mac destination was removed early on).
(That also might be something that confuses App Connect?)

Why am I getting the error "Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1" in Xcode 6 on Yosemite?

I'm using Xcode 6.1, OS X Yosemite preview 8, and I'm getting the following error on code signing my app:
Command /usr/bin/codesign failed with exit code 1
Reading on Google, it seems to be linked to expired certificates/provisioning profiles. I deleted all of my certificates & profiles, created a new development certificate & profile, installed both, restarted my Mac, and I’m still getting the same error.
Can anyone shed some light on how to resolve this problem?
How about this: Try Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts -> Choose your account, and then View Details -> Refresh (button on bottom left), Refresh again, restart XCode. Sounds like voodoo but it works for me and my team! (Posting it as answer, because it DOES work, at least sometimes and for some people. Possibly related to the weather ;) )
as of Xcode 6.3.2, here's what I did.
from main project view, click on build settings and in the search bar type in certificate, a code signing tab should pop up, I chose "dont sign code". and it worked
So I've managed to fix the issue for my particular case - in the build settings, instead of automatically detecting the certificate & provisioning profile to use, I manually set them - and it works.
In my case I was getting this error while trying to build a project I downloaded from Github for my own personal use. I just went to the build settings and told it not to sign the code.
Another gotcha I noticed is that codesign will fail if run from an ordinary ssh login session. It has to be run on a MacOSX desktop GUI shell window. This catches me every time, so I've added a line to the build script to print a message about running the script on the MacOSX GUI if codesign fails.
Delete previous provisional profile and add new provisional profile.restart the machine if still its giving an error like above. when your machine shut off then automatically your device asking for permission then select Confirm and run your code....its working.
There appears to be a bug in XCode (I'm using 7.1.1) with returning to "Signing: None" after having attempted to sign with an expired identity, resulting in this codesign error even after you've apparently removed the bad signing identity.
The project.pbxproj file retains TargetAttributes for the expired identity, and Debug and Release settings both continue to show the following instead of the original empty values:
"CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY[sdk=macosx*]" = "Mac Developer";
This persists after cmd+alt+shift+K and closing XCode. I fixed it with a git reset (if I hadn't committed before attempting to sign, I'm not sure how I would have found this).
I had to delete all my developer certificates from Keychain Access first, then use the Preferences -> Accounts -> View Details -> Download All approach to successfully re-sign my code.

Code signing error with sample app / new Provisioning Profile not in 'Code Signing' list

There are Code Signing Error issues on this forum but I couldnt find answer specific to my situation.
I have two issues really.
First issue:
I'm getting a "A valid provisioning profile matching the application's Identifier 'com.yourcompany.thisSampleApp' could not be found" error.
I get this error running on the Device (iPhone 4S) for which I have a valid Provisioning Profile - com.mycompany.*.
Since this didnt work, I created a Provisioning Profile for Bundle Identifier com.mycompany.thisSampleApp.
Same error.
Second issue:
I also noticed another thing, my newly created Provisional Profile does not show up in the 'Code Signing' I cant even pick it.
But...I can see both the Provisional profiles listed in the Organizer window.
I downloaded Apple's Reachability sample Apple. Same error.
Any ideas anyone? Thanks!
PS: I'm running Xcode 4.6
when that happens to me, (and it happens a lot), I usually restart XCode, sometimes even the computer. If you are sure you have the correct provisioning profile, and the correct certificates in your keychain, and you have the correct bundle identifier.
Also, go to the target -> Build Settings -> Code Signing, and re-select the correct one.
Hope that helps.

Xcode 4.4.1 code signing issue

I have this code signing issue that came up only recently when I tried to submit my Mac application (not iOS) with Xcode 4.4.1
When I tried to validate my app's archive, validation fails with these two errors:
Invalid Code Signing Entitlements. The entitlements in your app bundle signature do not match the ones that are contained in the provisioning profile. According to the provisioning profile, the bundle contains a key value that is not allowed: 'com.(mycompany).(myapp)' for the key '' in ''
Invalid code signing entitlements. Your application's bundle signature contains code signing entitlements that are not supported on Mac OS X. Specifically, value 'com.(mycompany).(myapp)' for key '' in '' is not supported. This value should be a string starting with your TEAMID, followed by a dot '.' followed by the bundle identifier.
This bundle is invalid. Apple is not currently accepting applications built with this version of the OS.
I've tried the following but none of them worked:
re-downloading and re-generating code signing certificates.
Specifying my team ID in the code signing parameters:
-i "(TEAMID).com.(mycompany).(myapp)" --entitlements "(MyAppEntitlementFile).entitlements"
Anybody can help? Thanks in advance.
I've fixed this by editing my entitlements file using Xcode's property list editor (not the fancy-looking GUI in the target's Summary tab) and remove the key named along with its value.
I'm not sure how that key-value pair got there in the first place because I'm quite confident that I didn't put it in there myself. This project was originally coded for Snow Leopard without sandboxing and went through a number of Xcode versions. Perhaps an old version of Xcode put it there and it conflicted with the newer one.

How can I edit entitlements for xcp-services in Xcode 4 for App-Sandboxing

I created an App and started to sandbox it. Now I did privilege separation using xpc-services. I downloaded the "SandboxedFetch" example from Apple, which shows two xpc-services like
an application (application-icon). In my App the xpc-services show the "pluggin"-icon. The summary tab in the project setting for my xpc-service is not available, which means that I cannot configure the entitlements like I can do on the main app. I copied a custom made entitlements-file to the xpc-service and referenced it in the project settings. But the service is running always without privilege restrictions applied to the service.
Do I need a new certificate for the service? If my app is named "" and my service is named "" I cannot apply my app certificate to the service. I am somehow confused about this sandboxing stuff. Do I need a new certificate for my xpc-service? If not, how can I apply the entitlements to it?
This seems to be a "bug" of Xcode. Maybe The XPC-service-template will have a summary-tab in future. Now you can create a entitlements plist file manually or use the application entitlement file and copy it into your xpc-service folder. In project settings type the path and name for this new entitlement file into the entitlement field. Change your entitlements inside this file. Sandboxing will run now.
For codesigning, select your "3rd Party Mac Developer" certificate (and not the Mac Developer certificate).
