iOS App development with Facebook API bundle ID error message - xcode

I'm developing an iOS App with Facebook API. The app was working fine but I started to get the below error;
"There was an error:fbplatse:{"message": "No Bundle ID has been set on the server" }. Please tap Cancel to return to APPNAME and try again."
Actually I don't think I made any changes to the server. Can you please help me to fix this?

Ok, I solved this problem.
add your app's bundle ID into the 'Native iOS App' tab under ''
Your app's bundle ID should be the same with the one above (Facebook developer page)
After I added up my bundle ID, I started to receive 'com.facebook.sdk error code=2' messages. It is good to check this link which explains everything step by step about the error code and how to get rid of it.
So, in my specific situation following worked; Device's Settings => Facebook and then log in with the credentials.
I spent too much time on that but now it works!

Facebook has updated it's documentation since this post in 2013. They have provided a screenshot showing where to get the bundle identifier. It's not the code with the variable in it from the Info.plist in Supporting Files directory. Rather, tap on the project file in Xcode (the topmost file in the directory) and see General tab (which is open by default).
I've attached a screen grab. Hopefully this helps someone.


How to get around Apple app ID insanity

As you all know, Apple changed how Xcode works such that you can't ever create an app with a previously used app ID, even if you're just writing test apps to use locally. Up until now I've just been typing in garbage IDs to get around this stupid antifeature, but today I was greeted with this gem:
So now I'm blocked from creating any more test apps, effectively stopping my development dead in its tracks (I write libraries and frameworks, and need to test them in test apps).
Does anyone know of a way to bypass or disable Apple's restrictions?
It is a kind of limit of free developer accounts, but you could figure out a solution for that:
1- Navigate to the project of any previous application that have been installed on the same device has the problem with .
2- Open Build Settings tab for the app project in Xcode .
3- Search for Bundle ID and copy it .
4- Open up your current app that has the problem and navigate to the same place > Paste and Replace the current Bundle ID with the old one.
5- Run the app.
!!! WALA
Same thing happened to me. I presume it's some kind of a new limit that Apple has put on "non-paying" developers, and that it limits you to 10 apps in 7 days.
Edit - To resolve this, I'll just make a random apple dev ID...
I faced the same situation in my new mackbook with xcode 7.3.1 version.
Even if I tried with old bundle identifier, it didnt worked.
Following below steps helped me to run the app in device.
Got to xcode preference
Click accounts and choose your apple id.
Click the View details
And Click download All.
This will download all the provisioning profile associated with given apple id.
And after that use any identifier that you have used before. You can easily get the old identifier from provisioning profile names.
Just use the bundle ID of any old app that you have already installed like this and change the bundle ID after 7 days. I think apple puts a limit for free developer accounts.
Its important about what #haquangvu mentioned in his answer that, your old app get replaced. So take care of it and thanks #haquangvu for your answer.
Use one of your old Bundle IDs.
It works.
But your old Application will be delete.
DO NOT MAKE ANOTHER ID thats not the solution!!!
To make it work thats what you need to do:
Window > Preferences - Account
Then choose your apple ID and your team, then click on View Detail... Button on the bottom right.
A new window will show up, click on Download all button on the bottom left and all of yours Provisioning Profile will show up.
After that just Left click on those ones you don't have to use anymore and click to move to trash.
after you delete enough profiles, you'll be able to build your project again!
I had this and the other answers here didn't fix the problem. I solved it by opening Window > Devices, finding my device, right-clicking it to "Show Provisioning Profiles", and then deleting a bunch of the profiles there.
Then it worked!
The workaround is to use an id that you previously created. As Xcode does not list the Bundle IDs via Apple ID Details any more, save this into your .bash_profile or ~/.zshrc and call it with list_xcode_provisioning_profile from a terminal
list_xcode_provisioning_profiles() {
while IFS= read -rd '' f; do
2> /dev/null /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c 'Print :Entitlements:application-identifier' /dev/stdin \
<<< $(security cms -D -i "$f")
done < <(find "$HOME/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles" -name '*.mobileprovision' -print0)
To make this answer easier to find I just copied it from hyperknot here: Parsing mobileprovision files in bash?
I have a paid developer account and found this happening in Xcode 9 after creating a bunch of simple test/example apps. In the past, I would have simply selected a "wildcard" App ID. However, Xcode doesn't seem to have a way to do this anymore.
Researching based on the wildcard, I found Technical Q&A QA1713: When should I use a wildcard App ID?. Following these steps seems to have worked for me. (The signing errors are gone, but we'll see what happens in another 7 days or 10 apps, lol.)
Here are the steps, if you have a paid developer account:
Log into your developer account.
In the list on the left, click on Certificates, Profiles & IDs.
In the new list on the left, under Identifiers, click on App IDs.
Click the '+' symbol in the upper right of the page. (You're now at the 'Registering an App ID' page.)
In the box under App ID Description, enter something to describe your App ID. (Note that this description has to be purely alphanumeric; spaces seem to be allowed, but nothing else.)
Under App ID Suffix, select the radio button for Wildcard App ID.
In the box below that, enter the beginning of what you'd like to use as your app's bundle identifier, followed by a dot-asterisk. (For example, maybe your app bundle identifiers in Xcode are something like com.myname.appname. Then, in the box under Wildcard App ID, you'd enter com.myname.*.)
Under App Services, select any available items you think you might use in an app at some point in the near future. (Only a few of the items are available for selecting at this step.)
At the bottom of the page, click the Continue button.
At the resulting 'Confirm your App ID.' page, scan your selections to ensure they're okay; then, at the bottom of the page, click the Register button.
At the resulting 'Registration complete.' page, you can again review the registered options. Then, just scroll to the bottom, and click the Done button.
The new wildcard App ID will now appear in your list of App IDs.
Next, go into Xcode, and create your app, entering an Organization Identifier that matches the wildcard App ID you registered without the dot-asterisk. (For example, if you enter com.myname, Xcode completes what becomes the bundle identifier with a dot and the app name.)
When the project opens at the signing page, Xcode will "Automagically manage signing" correctly ;)
Note: If you have a free developer account, as of the date of this posting, you can't access the 'Certificates, Profiles & IDs' link in your account. ;(
Copy Previous Bundle ID
Bundle Identifier : AppleDeveloperName-PreviousProjectName(or whatever)
Paste it in the new project's Bundle ID. It should be fine now.

DocumentPicker Extension immediately stopped on clicking on the icon

I have created the document picker extension(Both File provide and document picker , with the default implementations) and when i try to open the extension using the DocumentPickerViewController, its immediately closing the DocumentPickerViewController by showing the below issue
plugin invalidated.
I have setup the basic app groups and iCloud entitlement as well, Which are all fine. Even from the documentViewController the default iCloud is working perfectly fine.
Actually i am testing the extension using the same container application.
If somebody can provide some insight about this behavior, it would be a great help !!
I got the issue, actually the value of NSExtensionFileProviderDocumentGroup key was put incorrectly put on the info.plist of the file provider extension by XCode by the time of adding the App group.
Then I compared the files with the NBox sample from Apple and finally figured it out.
So sometimes beware of XCode automatic actions, make a cross check so to save to time.

Error in Sandboxed App, When loading Helper (LoginItems), code signing issue

I'm trying to get out of this problem (I hope it's the last!)
Briefly, I have one status bar app, which needs to start at login.
I followed this tutorial
Everything it's working, but when it's time for testing the app in a real contest, outside xcode, I end up with this message in the console system.log:
appleeventsd[52]: <rdar://problem/11489077> A sandboxed application with pid 1258, "xxxxx" checked in with appleeventsd, but its code signature could not be validated ( either because it was corrupt, or could not be read by appleeventsd ) and so it cannot receive AppleEvents targeted by name, bundle id, or signature. Error=ERROR: #-67061 { "NSDescription"="SecCodeCheckValidity() returned -67061, <SecCode 0x7fb0ea714300 [0x7fff71381e10]>." } (handleMessage()/appleEventsD.cp #2072) client-reqs-q
What i did was checking the code signature with this command: spctl --assess --type execute AppName
The result was code signature ok for both the Main app, and the Helper app.
As you can see in the tutorial the helper app project is kept inside the main app project. Maybe this is the cause?
I've tried different Signing profiles, now i'm using "Mac Distribuition"
I'm using OsX Mavericks DP6 And Xcode 5 beta ..
Any ideas?
For anyone else finding this post, I believe the answer is here: Can't code sign helper app properly
Try running from /Applications and see if you still get the message in the console.
Check the permissions of the application bundle ( and the path to the bundle ) to insure that the appleeventsd and/or securityd daemons can read the executable.
Try to run the helper itself (from Xcode or Finder) to see that everything is fine with that.
In my case it did not run, because the appdelegate object was missing from xib.
After I fixed that it run fine and launched my app from the Application folder

Getting NSContactsUsageDescription to work in 10.8.2

I have an app with a crash reporter that autofills in the user email address by getting it from ABAddressBook. I'm trying to get an informative message of intent in the dialog that 10.8 displays asking the user for permission. Following the advice at , I've added the following to the app's Info.plist:
<string>blah blah blah</string>
Unfortunately, this is not working. The dialog still asks, but it does not display my description text. I've tried:
Putting this in the crash reporter framework's Info.plist instead of the app's.
Signing the app with my Developer ID cert.
But, alas, no luck. Anyone gotten this to work that can give me a tip as to what I'm doing wrong?
[UPDATE] I found the real reason why restarting helps. It kills the tccd process, which looks like the culprit in charge of displaying the message on that dialog.
So, just open Activity Monitor and kill the tccd process and your new message should just show up next time the dialog shows.
[Old Answer]
I was running into the same problem and wasn't really sure why (I was doing exactly what the documentation said to do). I finally got it working after:
Deleting the container my app was living in (~/Library/Containers/
Cleaning the build (In Xcode: Product -> Clean)
Restarting my machine (seems a little cargo-cultish, but I think this is what fixed the problem)
Building and running my app
The next time my app tried to access the Address Book API I was presented with the dialog that included my message.
I think Apple must be caching that message somewhere (either the message you want, or an empty string if you ran your code before you had a message to show), and the only way to clear it out is to restart. I tried the first 2 steps many times with no change in the message, even after I got the message working and then tried to change it.
Solution is to run this command in the Terminal:
tccutil reset AddressBook

Unable to process application Info.plist validation at this time due to a general / IO error [duplicate]

I am creating a newsstand application. the application is ready, now i am trying to upload the app in apple store using Application Loader. While uploading the zip file its showing the error message as
Unable to process application info.plist validation at this time due to a general error (1095)
I googled this in the net, but did not find the solution still.
This is clearly an Apple server issue, not an Xcode/iOS/OSX issue. Just wait patiently and Apple's servers will catch up to the traffic, or solve whatever issues they're having at their end.
If you're anxious, feel free to just sit there and restart Xcode until it works - but it's not restarting Xcode, only the time you waste that's solving the issue.
While you're waiting, run your apps in Instruments and solve some performance issues ;)
I just had this error. I waited an hour and tried again with the exact same build and it was all good. Vote for it being Apple's temporary glitch.
I had the same problem. I closed Xcode, restart my computer and it worked.
One possible problem to this is corrupted png files. The png files should not be interlaced
I found a solution to the problem.
If you're using Xcode 4+, you don't have to use Application Loader anymore. Instead you should archive your project in Xcode (Product->Archive). It will then open the organizer, where 3 buttons are displayed. Hit the submit button.
If you've created an entry for your app with Itunes Connect, you should be able to choose that from the list, and then select your distribution profile. Then hit the next button, and you should get a message, that tells you, that your app has been submitted.
At least that worked for me.
Use Application Loader.
I'm getting this a lot today.
Application Loader worked.
XCode > Project > Archive
XCode > Organizer > Distribute > Enterprise/add Hoc > Save As
Saves as YOURAPP.ipa.
Make sure Save for Enterprise Deploy remains UNCHECKED.
Download latest Application Loader.
tap 'Deliver Your App'
make sure new version in itunes connect in WAITING FOR UPLOAD state
Click on Activity... button
TIP: open to see XCode Validation errors
Click on ALL MESSAGE on list of logs on right.
Then in search enter 'XCode' or 'Application Loader'
to monitor any errors with your upload.
I did all this and still got email about missing 120x120 icons.
Forgot to update them in Build Target > General Tab
List of new icon requirements for iOS7
Another reason why this can happen is the duplicate product name. Despite your app names, executable names, display names or bundle IDs are different, if the product name exists in your current apps this error is gonna occur.
"The server returned an invalid response. This may indicate that a network proxy is interfering with communication, or that Apple servers are having issues. Please try your request again later.""
Reset The internet connection.
Reopen the xcode.
Set the profile again.
Clean build.
And Archive the build.
Works perfect for me (With in 5 minutes no need to wait).
It's just the time, because you can't control Apple's Server's traffic problem, We all merely become the victim of that..So cut the long story short...
By restarting XCODE may work but everyone as in my case, i tried by restarting XCODE, SYSTEM, ROUTER and anything and everything possible, only error name had changed from "The network connection was lost" to "The request timed out" and vice Versa..!
Just think at what time less people would be accessing the sever...
PS: Only perseverance can help you in this way..keep redialing..And WAIT and WATCH:P
I solved ... :)
Please remove all your icons and splash image also remove icon Files and icons File( IOS 5 ) from info.plist and then add all your icons to app bundle ...
After this update info.plist iconFiles field add desired name of icons....
And last but not least remove Provisioning profile from developer portal and recreate it ...
Clean your build and Archive it and using Application Loader submit it to AppStore ...
it work for me and i think it may help you...
Not every time not it is Apple server issue,sometime we did some bad linking according to me :)
