A directional light doesn't adapt to the scale of a three.js object - three.js

I have a DirectionalLight as a child of a Object3D. When I set the scale on the object the light doesn't respond as I'd expect -- it casts a different shadow at a different depth. It's as though the light hasn't really been updated for the scale.
Is there something I must to do to get the light to properly scale?

DirectionalLights are not intended to be scaled -- or added as children of anything other than the scene.
three.js r.63


How can I give objects whole side with light?

I'm looking for an way to give specify light for some objects.
I have added new light to object to remove shadow on it, but then, the other objects also affected by additional light, and I don't want it.
I have let the object's castShadow = false; receiveShadow = false, but it doesn't work.
When the camera is positioned with the light directions, camera will see the 'light' meshes, and at the opposite position, camera will see the dark side.
I want both sides to see 'light' meshes.
(I want to remove the shadow.)
Thanks for your help. :)
I have added new light to object to remove shadow on it, but then, the other objects also affected by additional light, and I don't want it.
What you are looking for is called "selective lighting" which is not yet supported by three.js. Check out the following issue for more information:
The only workaround right now is to work with multiple scenes and render passes.
When the camera is positioned with the light directions, camera will see the 'light' meshes, and at the opposite position, camera will see the dark side.
When using a single directional, point or spot light, it's normal that this setup produces a lit and unlit side of a sphere mesh. You can only avoid this by adding an additional light on the other side of the mesh, by using unlit materials or again by using different scenes with different lighting setups.
three.js R112

Emit light from a geometry in Three.js

Is it possible to have a custom geometry emit light in Three.js?
There is a similar question from 5 years ago here.
In my particular case, I have created a TorusGeometry. I would like this torus to also give off light. Is that possible?
The only true way to do this is raytracing, in which case your torus becomes an "emitter" of photons and its geometry is used to calculate the initial directions of said photons.
Otherwise, light technically doesn't exist. Only (mathematical) descriptions of lights exist. (Remember, lights aren't visible/aren't rendered unless you're using a LightHelper.) These descriptions are used by material shaders, which use the light descriptions (and other objects in the scene, in the case of shadows) to determine the color the current fragment should contribute to a pixel.
With this in mind, if you could write a shader to handle a torus-shaped light, then all you need to do is provide that light's information to the shader. You can do this by extending a THREE.js light class to make your own TorusLight to add to the scene, then give the objects in your scene your custom shader.
THAT SAID, if you'd be satisfied with simulating the torus light, and want a visible torus, you can always add a PointLight at the position of your torus (or several throughout the body of the torus), and give your torus some kind of glow effect.

Light affecting all objects and passing through walls in three.js

I have a house scene where it has number of walls, when i add directional or spot lights the light passes through walls irrespective of the direction of light positioned.How can i make my light not to pass the wall ?
That is not a way how the WebGL 3D rendering works. All materials will be affected by light. You can render a shadows: http://learningthreejs.com/blog/2012/01/20/casting-shadows/
but, that means the light on the Meshes will be always rendered and after this will be rendered a shadow. That means, if you have a meshPhong material with a high shininess, it will be rendered visible and darkened by the shadow, which is not physically possible in real.

Light bleeding through objects

I probably miss some basic concept, because I tried all light forms and materials, but I can't stop the light going through the plane or vice-versa.
I'd expect that light from the pointlight source is stopped by the object, but it doesn't seem to be the case.
I'm such an idiot :)
Light source should be set to cast shadow. Plane should be set to cast shadow, box should be set to receive shadow.

Shadows large scene threeJS

I have a large terrain scene with many objects that cast shadows on the terrain. It seems I need multiple light sources to achieve good shadow resolution.
I will probably need to edit the source code to make a particular light affect one object in the scene only so that it only casts shadows from that one light.
How do I edit the shadows SRC in THREE.JS to acheive this?
