Light affecting all objects and passing through walls in three.js - three.js

I have a house scene where it has number of walls, when i add directional or spot lights the light passes through walls irrespective of the direction of light positioned.How can i make my light not to pass the wall ?

That is not a way how the WebGL 3D rendering works. All materials will be affected by light. You can render a shadows:
but, that means the light on the Meshes will be always rendered and after this will be rendered a shadow. That means, if you have a meshPhong material with a high shininess, it will be rendered visible and darkened by the shadow, which is not physically possible in real.


Can I add an illuminating texture map to three.js material

I am new to three.js and I created a classic sphere, wrapped with a world color map & bump map and an alpha map for clouds, and directional sunlight. How can I now add an earth at night texture only on the shadow side of the globe? The globe is rotating, so I couldn't just create 2 half-spheres.
I tried adding this grayscale mask to the texture, but it is also visible in daytime. I then tried illuminating the map with a different light aimed at the dark side, but couldn't selectively target only one material. I didn't quite understand if I need to use "emissiveMap".
Could I shine a light through a semi-transparent map/mask from the center of the earth to make the cities visible, or is there some type of "black light" to only make selected color/map areas shine in the dark?
I don't need any glowing effects, I just want it to be visible. Will I have to create individual light points or learn to use fragment shaders?

Transparent light-blocking Objects

I want to render a room with a floor + roof that is open to one side. The room contains a point light and the "outside" it lit by an ambient light (the sun). There is one additional requirement: The user should be able to look inside the room to see whats going on. But I cannot simply remove the roof because then the room is fully lit by the ambient light.
I think my problem could be solved by having 3d objects that are transparent by still are blocking the light.
To give you an idea about my current scene, this is how it looks like:
The grey thing is the wall of my room. The black thing is the floor of the room. The green thing is the ground of the scene. The room contains a point light.
I am currently using two scenes (see Exclude Area from Directional/Ambient Lighting) because I wanted the inside of the room to be unaffected by the ambient light. But now my lights can only affect either the inside of my room (the point light) OR the outside (the ambient light) but not both.
A runnable sample of my scene can be found here:
Again: I think that my problem could be solved by having transparent objects that still block the light. If I had that I would simply have a 3d plane on top of my room (as the roof) and make it transparent... It would block the light that is inside of the (but still let it go outside if the room is open) and it would also block the ambient light (partially - if the room is open)...
Maybe there is also another solution that I am not seeing.
Just use one scene instead of two, then enable shadows across the relevant meshes so a light doesn't cross from inside to outside. Once you're using only one scene, the steps to take in your demo are:
Disable AmbientLight, and use DirectionalLight only, since AmbientLight illuminates everything indiscriminately, and that's not what you want.
Place the directional light above your structure, so it shines from the top-down.
Enable shadow-casting on the walls
Add a ceiling mesh with the material's side set to side: THREE.BackSide. This will only render the back side of the Mesh, which means it won't be visible from above, but it will still cast shadows.
const roomCeilMat = new MeshStandardMaterial({
side: BackSide
const roomCeiling = new Mesh(roomFloorGeo, roomCeilMat);
roomCeiling.position.set(0, 0, 1);
roomCeiling.castShadow = true;
See here for a working copy of your demo:
I would assign a flat, emissive material to the room. Or a depth gradient if it becomes terrain. Since ambient light doesn't cast shadow. It saves a light and extra geometry or groups. Plus web model viewer(s) would probably render it better. If you're doing a reveal transition, use a clip plane or texture alpha mask.
It depends on the presentation versus the output format. Also it depends on the complexity of the final floorplan. If your process is simple it will run Sims Lite on a Raspberry Voxel.

How can I give objects whole side with light?

I'm looking for an way to give specify light for some objects.
I have added new light to object to remove shadow on it, but then, the other objects also affected by additional light, and I don't want it.
I have let the object's castShadow = false; receiveShadow = false, but it doesn't work.
When the camera is positioned with the light directions, camera will see the 'light' meshes, and at the opposite position, camera will see the dark side.
I want both sides to see 'light' meshes.
(I want to remove the shadow.)
Thanks for your help. :)
I have added new light to object to remove shadow on it, but then, the other objects also affected by additional light, and I don't want it.
What you are looking for is called "selective lighting" which is not yet supported by three.js. Check out the following issue for more information:
The only workaround right now is to work with multiple scenes and render passes.
When the camera is positioned with the light directions, camera will see the 'light' meshes, and at the opposite position, camera will see the dark side.
When using a single directional, point or spot light, it's normal that this setup produces a lit and unlit side of a sphere mesh. You can only avoid this by adding an additional light on the other side of the mesh, by using unlit materials or again by using different scenes with different lighting setups.
three.js R112

How to create an orthographic/isometric directional light with three.js

I'm trying to create a shadow in my orthographic scene in three.js. I'd like to have a directional light so the shadow is offset from all objects equally in the scene. I am however having problems using DirectionalLight.
My first problem is that I can't get the shado to cover the entire scene, only part of it ever has a shadow. I played with the light's frustum settings, but can't figure out how to get it to cover the scene. Ideally I'd want the frustrum to match that of the camera.
The second problem is that the shadows aren't "clean". If I use a SpotLight the shadows have nice crisp borders (but obviously not the universal directionality I want). When I use a DirectionalLight the borders are misshappen and blurry.
In the samples the tile is a simply box created with CubeGeometry.
How can I create an ortographic directional light source for my scene?

A directional light doesn't adapt to the scale of a three.js object

I have a DirectionalLight as a child of a Object3D. When I set the scale on the object the light doesn't respond as I'd expect -- it casts a different shadow at a different depth. It's as though the light hasn't really been updated for the scale.
Is there something I must to do to get the light to properly scale?
DirectionalLights are not intended to be scaled -- or added as children of anything other than the scene.
three.js r.63
