Shadows large scene threeJS - three.js

I have a large terrain scene with many objects that cast shadows on the terrain. It seems I need multiple light sources to achieve good shadow resolution.
I will probably need to edit the source code to make a particular light affect one object in the scene only so that it only casts shadows from that one light.
How do I edit the shadows SRC in THREE.JS to acheive this?


Street neon sign's glow effect

Does anyone have any suggestion of how to implement such a light glow effect in Three.js ?
There is a TextGeometry mesh
Some BoxGeometry mesh as a background
How to make this glow between them?
I tried to put many PointLight between text and box, but after about 20 of PointLights the scene become very slow. I tried to put some RectAreaLights — but the same.
Does anyone have any suggestion of how to implement such a light glow effect in Three.js ?
The typical way of doing this is via post-processing. three.js offers a so called "Bloom" pass which is demonstrated in the following example: webgl_postprocessing_unreal_bloom. I suggest you start with this setup.
but after about 20 of PointLights the scene become very slow. I tried to put some RectAreaLights — but the same.
It's no good approach in general to add that number of light sources to a three.js scene. If you place some small sphere meshes (based on THREE.SphereGeometry) with a bright material color onto the text, you should get a good result with bloom pass.

Is possible to avoid the perspective distorsion on a 3D object in a scene with threejs?

I have a scene with some 3d Objects when you drag the scene objects look stretched. See the image
I know that this is the normal behavior But I have a client with this weird requirement, that the objects should move but without the distortion on the shape.
Is there way to do that?
That’s due to the camets fov. You can change it through the camera component

Emit light from a geometry in Three.js

Is it possible to have a custom geometry emit light in Three.js?
There is a similar question from 5 years ago here.
In my particular case, I have created a TorusGeometry. I would like this torus to also give off light. Is that possible?
The only true way to do this is raytracing, in which case your torus becomes an "emitter" of photons and its geometry is used to calculate the initial directions of said photons.
Otherwise, light technically doesn't exist. Only (mathematical) descriptions of lights exist. (Remember, lights aren't visible/aren't rendered unless you're using a LightHelper.) These descriptions are used by material shaders, which use the light descriptions (and other objects in the scene, in the case of shadows) to determine the color the current fragment should contribute to a pixel.
With this in mind, if you could write a shader to handle a torus-shaped light, then all you need to do is provide that light's information to the shader. You can do this by extending a THREE.js light class to make your own TorusLight to add to the scene, then give the objects in your scene your custom shader.
THAT SAID, if you'd be satisfied with simulating the torus light, and want a visible torus, you can always add a PointLight at the position of your torus (or several throughout the body of the torus), and give your torus some kind of glow effect.

How to create an orthographic/isometric directional light with three.js

I'm trying to create a shadow in my orthographic scene in three.js. I'd like to have a directional light so the shadow is offset from all objects equally in the scene. I am however having problems using DirectionalLight.
My first problem is that I can't get the shado to cover the entire scene, only part of it ever has a shadow. I played with the light's frustum settings, but can't figure out how to get it to cover the scene. Ideally I'd want the frustrum to match that of the camera.
The second problem is that the shadows aren't "clean". If I use a SpotLight the shadows have nice crisp borders (but obviously not the universal directionality I want). When I use a DirectionalLight the borders are misshappen and blurry.
In the samples the tile is a simply box created with CubeGeometry.
How can I create an ortographic directional light source for my scene?

Render scene shadows to texture (texture baking)

Does anyone know how to render a shadow map in threejs? I have a terrain mesh in my scene and instead of having all the objects cast a shadow on the terrain, I was hoping I could maybe render a nice shadow map to a texture that is applied to the mesh.
Does anyone have ideas of how to accomplish this - or perhaps some documentation on the subject that I could apply to three?
** EDIT **
Just to clarify for future references, I was wondering if there are any techniques available to render / bake textures that can later be applied as uniforms to a mesh.
have a look at his example:
What you are after are called "light maps" in threejs, in other places they are also referred to as oclusion textures/maps.
It is possible to bake a light-map from geometry using other tools, such as Blender:
