joomla template rtl switching doesn't work with sh404sef - joomla

In Joomla, using any 3rd party SEF component (sh404sef in our case) requires the language filter plugin to be disabled and here starts the dilemma of the RTL switching not working in RTL pages as most frameworks such as Gantry which is what we use, depend on that plugin being enabled for the switching.
ltr page:
rtl page:
On rtl pages, inspect element, it shows in the html tag:
<html lang="en" xml:lang="en" prefix="og:" xmlns:fb="" slick-uniqueid="3">
when sh404sef is disabled and the language filter plugin is enabled it displays correctly as:
<html lang="ar" xml:lang="ar" prefix="og:" slick-uniqueid="3">
and ofcourse if sh404sef is enabled along with the language filter plugin the /ar site breaks.
the only framework that we didn't get that problem with was Vertex but its not our preferred framework.
The Gantry template has a "less" folder which includes rtl.less and has a css-compiled folder which includes rtl.css, so what are we on the look out for to achieve the gantry template supported RTL switching whilst sh404sef enabled and language plugin filter disabled?

I wrote this javascript for automatic LTR-to-RTL conversion that might be helpful


How to integrate metronic theme with DNN9?

We have a DNN9 platform for our Business2Business website. It has basic look of reports however we wanted to show some advance look to reports and charts so that we are planning to integrate metronic theme in DNN9. I tried multiple ways to do it but failed. kindly help regarding this for the same.
Not sure what you have tried but we succeeded in displaying reports module data using Mandeeps Porto css and boostrap classes.
We achieved this using the xsl stylesheet option in reports module settings.
If the theme resources are part of your portal skin on the page that the reports module resides then xsl elements will display fine. If not part of the portal theme, you can either declare the resource in page setting header or in the xsl stylesheet itself.
Hope this helps

How to add Semantic-UI LESS to Codeigniter 3.x

I want to know how to use Semantic-UI to codeigniter 3.x as frontend framework.
I want to use LESS and not css. thanks
First, it is important to understand that LESS is a CSS pre-compiler that extends the CSS language with features that allows creation of CSS that is more maintainable, themeable and extendable. But ultimately it creates CSS files that are used exactly the same as any other CSS file in a website.
In CodeIgniter you use Semantic-UI created assets the same way as any other CSS (or javascript) files by using a <link> tag.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="semantic/dist/semantic.min.css">
<script src="semantic/dist/semantic.min.js"></script>
The CSS classes are used in "view" files exactly the same way any other CSS defined class. For instance, the following would put a button styled by Semantic-UI into a CodeIgniter "view" file.
<button class="ui button">Follow</button>
So, the short answer to your question is that you use Semantic-UI in CodeIgniter the same way any other frontend framework that produces CSS and Javascript.
How to use the tools required to customize Semantic-UI is way beyond the scope of what is a "good" question on Stackoverflow.
If you want to customize and build your own version of the UI, you have a steep learning curve ahead. You can start your learning on Semantic-UI's Getting Started page and on the Learn Semantic website.
I have done Semantic UI integration on my CodeIgniter based application starter:
For compilation of your own visual themes you need to install locally on your development machine node.js, less.js, postcss/cssnano, they should be able to start from command line.
See the configuration file platform/common/config/less_compile.php there you can define by example your own visual theme. Also, have a look at the already created themes, you will see how to add your common Semantic UI customizations and your theme-specific styles.
add css link in your header and js in your footer
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="">
<script type=""></script>

Komodo Edit 8 doesn't recognize Django tags for HTML5 pages

I am using Komodo Edit 8 for a Django project. HTML5 pages do not recognize django template tags for syntax highlighting or code intelligence. However, HTML pages do accurately recognize these tags. Is there a setting that can be adjusted? Can I just make all HTML5 pages be recognized as only an HTML page?
It appears to me that .html files that are snippets are recognized as HTML (4) and .html files that contain the <html> tag are recognized as HTML5.
I found this StackOverflow page, but the answer does not correct my problem
My Komodo build is:
Komodo Edit, version 8.0.2, build 12590, platform linux-x86_64
Well, that was a total noob question. The answer is simple. To solve, switch the file type from "HTML5" to "Django" using the selector on the status bar at the bottom of the application.

how to find theme/template used by site created using Joomla

I would like to know the theme that is used by some website.
E.g. I would like to know the theme that is used by this site (reference).
What are the steps to find the theme/template that is used by xyz site.
Speaking about Joomla specifically, it has a folder named templates in which templates are kept. I usually find out about the templates using
The path (for joomla it would be /templates/(Theme Name)/style.css)
By viewing source of the CSS files. A number of sites leave the template meta data untouched in there.
However, if the designer changes the template directory name or removes the meta data from within the css files or builds his/her own css from ground up. There wont be much left to identify the template. Hence you will have to do it the hard way , by identifying the CMS used and then browsing thru CMS specific templates. :)
Hope this helps you!
You can just open Firebug, inspect the page and it will some up with a few relevant links that will show you the template that is being used.
For example for the Pizza Hut website you provided:
Joomla! 1.5.x sites
<meta name="generator" content="Joomla! 1.5 - Open Source Content Management" />
Joomla! 1.0.x sites
<meta name="Generator" content="Joomla! - Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007 Open Source Matters. All rights reserved." />
Type "/administrator" in the address bar after the URL.
http://sitename/administrator or http://sitename/index.php/administrator
Type "?tp=1" after the url.You can view the template layout
You can view plugin/system/ or plugin/content/ in the source.
css file path /templete/themename/style.css

What are all the new HTML document types in VS 2012 RC?

I just installed VS 2012 RC and in the HTML toolbar dropdown it has a bunch of new options:
What's the difference between the two HTML5 options? I thought the recommendation for HTML5 was not to specify a DOCTYPE, so the first option is kinda like "would you like some caffeine with that decaf?"
I was pretty sure that W3C abandoned XHTML in favor of evolving HTML, so what's this new XHTML5 option? Update: seems like Wikipedia had an answer for that.
Thanks in advance!
Update: posted a new question for the unanswered bits.
PS: I am not looking for an explanation of the purpose of the dropdown, but rather an explanation of what the difference is between choosing "DOCTYPE:HTML5" and "HTML5".
Regarding the HTML5 vs. DOCTYPE:HTML5 question, here's what I've observed while using VS 2012 RTM:
The DOCTYPE:{value} option tells VS to examine your page and attempt to figure out from the DOCTYPE and html tags what level of validation to apply. For example, if I create a page that begins as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
then the DOCTYPE:{value} option becomes DOCTYPE: HTML5. If, however, my page starts like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
then it becomes DOCTYPE: XHTML5.
The options that don't have the DOCTYPE: prefix force VS to use the selected level of validation regardless of what the structure/content of your page might suggest.
XHTML 5.0, usually written XHTML5, means HTML5 in XHTML serialization. Reference: HTML vs XHTML in the W3C HTML5 draft. So it’s HTML5 written using XML-conformant markup. Yes, the name “XHTML5” is odd and confusing, but it was probably selected for its assumed coolness factor.
All HTML5 drafts require the use of DOCTYPE preamble. See e.g. The DOCTYPE in W3C HTML5 draft. It’s not really a document type declaration even formally (there is no DTD for HTML5, and my attempts at writing one suggest that it would be rather problematic). Rather, it’s just a magic string that is to be used to make browsers apply “standards mode” vs. “quirks mode”. And it does this job well.
To see the difference between “DOCTYPE:HTML5” and “HTML5”, check out their effects on the source code of the result. My bet is that the latter mean HTML5 without DOCTYPE preamble, which is illogical, as HTML5 requires the preamble. If this is the case, “HTML5” throws browsers to “quirks mode”, which is normally bad for any new page, but often necessary for old pages if one wants to avoid major rewrite.
