How to integrate metronic theme with DNN9? - themes

We have a DNN9 platform for our Business2Business website. It has basic look of reports however we wanted to show some advance look to reports and charts so that we are planning to integrate metronic theme in DNN9. I tried multiple ways to do it but failed. kindly help regarding this for the same.

Not sure what you have tried but we succeeded in displaying reports module data using Mandeeps Porto css and boostrap classes.
We achieved this using the xsl stylesheet option in reports module settings.
If the theme resources are part of your portal skin on the page that the reports module resides then xsl elements will display fine. If not part of the portal theme, you can either declare the resource in page setting header or in the xsl stylesheet itself.
Hope this helps


How to customize html in Aimeos?

First time using aimeos and I'm having difficulty locating the file with the html code.How do I access the files? e.g, using this demo link where do I find the html code responsiveble for displaying the navbar?
You can do this through the settings provided by laravel aimeos:
You can also create a theme extension (this is the recommended option) and make changes according to your needs.
You can find the documentation at this link:
Also, you can use the following tool to generate a theme extension:
This way you will be able to customize all the html, css, javascript, php without losing changes when you upgrade the laravel aimeos package.

Generating pdf of web page in laravel

I want to generate a pdf of a form that a user fills and download it to the users computer.
I tried using the Dompdf package from laravel to do this and everything works fine except the design. The generated pdf does not look exactly like the web page, after doing some searching about this issue, I found out that dompdf does not support a few of the css option.
I was wondering whether there are any other free packages like dompdf that I could use which can have rich styling and convert the web page to pdf with the exact design.

BigCommerce Uploading a blueprint theme

I have exported an old Blueprint theme and I would like to import it into a new trial store I have created. The first thing I did was import the blueprint theme directly to the BigCommerce platform but I get the following error:
TR-600 The .zip file is missing a required file
Now, this is expected since the Blueprint theme does not contain that file. Afterward, I saw this tutorial on how you can change your platform to support the Blueprint theme:
I have added the URL snippet provided to my store url:
My active theme is a Stencil theme, as this is the default theme it comes with, and there is no other way to upload a Blueprint theme as of now. I have connected to my BigCommerce platform via
WebDav but I cannot seem to find the Templates directory as mention on this tutorial
How I can upload a Blueprint theme to my BigCommerce platform?
Blueprint is a deprecated theme framework that can't be enabled on new stores. Stores that enabled a Blueprint theme prior to 2015 can continue to use it, but any new stores are provisioned only with Stencil.
The documentation you linked on enabling Blueprint developer mode was actually the old process that theme partners used to use to make updates to Blueprint themes that were sold in the BigCommerce theme marketplace--it won't switch a Stencil store over to the legacy framework.
Although it isn't possible to upload your Blueprint theme to your trial store, I'd recommend taking a look at Stencil. It's built on a modern JS framework and incorporates a lot of features that Blueprint did not:

Hugo: adding more pages to single-page themes

Hugo is a general purpose website framework and a static site generator. However, most of the themes are single page themes.
Is it possible to add more pages to these single-page themes in Hugo?
I am specifically interested in the Dimension theme.
Thank you very much for your help.
This depends on how the theme is constructed. In Dimension's case, the answer is no - you can add new markdown files to your content folder, but they will only be rendered on the index page, not as their own individual pages. If you want to generate multiple pages, you will have to either edit the theme or choose a new theme that supports multiple pages.
To edit the theme, see the docs on customising a theme and creating a theme. You will also need to know Hugo templates, so the go template primer is an essential read. Editing themes can be a little tricky, but if you have worked with other templating languages then it is not too much different.
In your case, you will want to edit layouts/_default/single.html to create a single-page view for all of your markdown files. You will also need to edit layouts/index.html to link to them from the index page, otherwise no-one will find them.
Hugo is not just a general purpose website framework/generator. I have been using it for article publishing, news website and to generate a blog! Most of the themes are single pages because people created themes in the way they love. Although still in development, you can check my website Desktop Luxury that is fully static and built with hugo. It's super fast, supports AMP and users just love it. They can't tell the difference between Wordpress sites and in terms of look. Note: The difference is clearly visible in terms of load time, speed and customization ability!
Although it varies by theme, you can easily create a .md (file that contains content - similar to .html*) file out of your blog folder. For example, you want to create an About page. In the root folder that contains your hugo files, create a directory root/content/blog. Add permalinks to your config file that tells the theme to categorize files present in /root/content/blog folder as the blog files. Create the pages such as an & in root/content folder. They won't show in the blog list, however, they'll be rendered and accessed by or
*I said .md file similar to .html file as the OP seems new to webdevelopment.
Final homepage after adding few posts
I just downloaded the theme mentioned in the question, added few .md files by opening CMD in the root directory of Hugo website folder and running command ~~ $ hugo new ~~
Created various pages and added content in them just like we write articles. I achieved the result you wanted with no issue at all. It was super easy!

KendoUI web custom theme

I am using KendoUI web widgets in my enterprise app. I need to create/customize a Theme as our corporate branding. After reading the docs, I realized that there is a tool called ThemeBuilder for this purpose available here
Now I need to understand the logic behind the color options this tool (ThemeBuilder) shows me. All the Themes are based on 4 primary colors as shown in the selection options. However, when i try to modify/customize any theme, I found that there are more to it? How the ThemeBuilder is calculating all other colors besides the 4 Theme colors?
If I need to create my own corporate theme with 4 primary colors, how do I pick rest of the colors as shown in ThemeBuilder?
On the second note, ThemeBuilder can generate css and less. Is there a way to generate Scss as we are using scss in our organization?
Does Telerik provide scss version of their source styles. I know they provide css and less in their source directory. But converting them to scss looks like a nightmare to me!
Appreciate your help.
I have to manually convert less into scss.
I have variablized their stuff make it compatible with org's themes and colors.
