How I can convert Object to String in laravel 4 - laravel

I have a function in the model and I return it to a variable like the following
$books = DB::select('select * from books where category_id = 2');
return $books;
And Laravel Query Builder return an object.How I can convert it to the string from the controller? Have a function for that? Please let's me know.

What you get from this query
$books = DB::select('select * from books where category_id = 2');
If you do
You'll see that it's an array, not an object.
You need a big string with all your records? You can serialize it:
return serialize($books);
But you'll have to
to use it.
You need to use the values you get from that select? You can use foreach() on that array:
foreach($books as $book)
echo $book['name'];
Or you can do your select differently:
$books = Book::where('category_id',2)->get();
And do your foreach using the object notation:
foreach($books as $book)
echo $book->name;


Laravel 6: trying to get property of non-object

Error: Trying to get property 'gender_id' of non-object
public function printreports(Request $request)
$id = $request->get('select2'); //eg. id=1
$teachers = DB::table('teachers')->find($id);
return view('teachers.report1',compact('teachers'));
#foreach($teachers as $teacher)
while if i do it with Eloquent by replacing following query it works, but i want to do it with DB query as stated above.
$teachers = Teacher::find($id);
you need use where, and after it you will have collection.
$teachers = DB::table('teachers')->where('id', $id)->get();
when you use find, you have single item
You don't need to use foreach while you use find().
{{$teachers->gender_id}}//whatever field you need to display
{{$teachers->gender_id}}//whatever field you need to display
If you use get(),
$teachers = DB::table('teachers')->where('id','=',$id)->get();
#foreach($teachers as $teacher)
{{$teacher->gender_id}}//whatever field you need to display
{{$teacher->gender_id}}//whatever field you need to display
$teachers = DB::table('teachers')->find($id); will return a single Model or  null, try using $teachers = DB::table('teachers')->get();
If you want to return collection to view then use get() method like this:-
public function printreports(Request $request)
$id = $request->get('select2');
$teachers = DB::table('teachers')->where('id', $id)->get();
return view('teachers.report1',compact('teachers'));

eloquent distinct select laravel

I want to show the company list with distinct is there's a way using eloquent? this code isn't working
public function create()
$goods = goods::all();
$company = company::all()->distinct('name')->get();
return view('pages.purchaseCreate',['goods' => $goods, 'company' =>$company]);
this are the error message
Method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::distinct does not exist.
That's because all() returns a collection. This should work:
$company = company::distinct('name')->get();

Laravel Eloquent get all categories of restaurants?

I'm trying to get all categories of restaurants.
My models:
public function categories()
return $this->belongsToMany(Category::class,'restaurant_categories_relation','restaurant_id');
public function restaurants()
return $this->belongsToMany(Restaurant::class,'restaurant_categories_relation', 'category_id');
In my controller:
$restaurants = Restaurant::where('district_id', $request->district)->paginate(8);
$categories = $restaurants-> ????;
Please help me do this, thanks!
You could use has() like :
That will return the categories who are related with the restaurants.
Try also the use of whereHas like :
$users = Category::whereHas('restaurants', function($q){
$q->->where('district_id', $request->district)->paginate(8);
Since you've already a Collection we can't query the categories so I suggest adding a function to scope that inside the Restaurant model like :
public static function getCategoriesOfRestaurants($restaurants)
$categories = [];
foreach($restaurants as $restaurant){
array_push( $categories, $restaurant->categories->pluck('id')->toArray());
return Category::WhereIn('id', array_unique($categories))->get();
Then just call it when you get the $restaurants collection :
$restaurants = Restaurant::with("categories")->where('district_id', $request->district)->paginate(8);
$categories = Restaurant::getCategoriesOfRestaurants($restaurants);
Note: The use of with("categories") when getting the collection will query All the related categories in the first query so the foreach loop will not generate any extra query just looping through the already fetched data, and finally we will get the collection of categories in the return statement.
use with() method for eagerloading, that provides you get all categories in a single query
$restaurants = Restaurant::with("categories")->where('district_id', $request->district)->paginate(8);
foreach($restaurants as $restaurant){
foreach($restaurant->categories as $category)
if you want to use categories outside of the loop, then assign these categories to a variable
foreach($restaurants as $restaurant){
$categories = $restaurant->categories;
// do something with $categories
Your relation should be
public function categories() {
return $this->belongsToMany(Category::class,'restaurant_categories_relation','restaurant_id','category_id');
then in you controller method just wirte
$restruants = Restruant::with('categories')->get();
It should return you collection of all restruants with all related categories.

Codeigniter get database value in controller

This is my controller
function index($id=NULL)
$id= $this->uri->segment(3);
$data = array('article' => $this->article->show_a_article($id),
'sidebar' => $this->article->side_bar(9),
'related'=> $this->article->related_keyword($article_title),
echo $article->News_News_ID;
I want to get article_title value from table article and put it in related_workword() function.
Update model The show a article model is to get article detail. The second model is to get all article related to the chosen article.
function show_a_article($id)
$query= $this->db->get_where('news_news', array('News_News_ID'=>$id));
return $query->row();
function related_keyword($rkey)
$sql="SELECT `News_News_ID`,`News_News_Headline`,`News_News_thumb1` FROM `news_news` WHERE `news_tags` like '%$rkey%' ORDER BY `News_News_ID` desc LIMIT 10";
$query= $this->db->query($sql);
return $query->result();
Update: Igot it
echo $this->article->show_a_article($id)->News_News_Headline;
Call model method from controller
$article_title = $this->article->get_article_details($id)->article_title;
Add function in model to return data.
function get_article_details($id)
$query = 'select article_title from table where col = '.$this->db->escape($id);
return $this->db->query($query)->row();

codeigniter pass variable from controller to model

simple issue I presume.
My controller is getting the if to display from the url using $this->uri->segment(3). This will always be a single value. I am putting this in an array to pass to the model with:
$customerid = array(
'id' => $this->uri->segment(3)
The controller syntax is below:
function confirm_delete_customer()
$data['title']="Confirm Customer Deletion";
//query model to get data results for form
I am then trying to access this array value and pass it to my model to process. If I hard code the array into the model it works as per below syntax:
Model - Manual Syntax is:
function get_customer_records_to_delete()
$query = $this->db->get_where('customers', array('id'=>43));
return $query->result();
if I try replace this with the array from my controller it fails with error:
Undefined variable: customerid
idea of model that I want to get working:
function get_customer_records_to_delete()
$query = $this->db->get_where('customers', $customerid);
return $query->result();
I have a feeling it is something small. however is this the best way to get a single record from the database in order to output to a view?
Thanks in advance for the assistance.
The best way to do that is:
function confirm_delete_customer()
$data['title']="Confirm Customer Deletion";
$customerId = $this->uri->segment(3);
//Prevent SQL injections
if(!is_numeric($customerId) || empty($customerId)) {
show_error("Bad Request");
$query = $this->model_master_data->get_customer_records_to_delete($customerId);
if ($query){
and then you can simply call:
function get_customer_records_to_delete($customerId)
$query = $this->db->get_where('customers', array('id'=>$customerId));
return $query->result();
at your model.
You need to pass the value as an argument to the function so it can access it.
// now $customerid is accessible
$query = ....;
return $……;
You should heavily rely on function parameters. Grab the customer id from the controller and send it to the model. Moreover, you can use row() to get a single result from the database.
function confirm_delete_customer(){
$data['title']="Confirm Customer Deletion";
//query model to get data results for form
if($query=$this->model_master_data->get_customer_records_to_delete( $customerid)) //you are sending customer id as a parameter here
function get_customer_records_to_delete($customerid)
$query = $this->db->get_where('customers', array("id"=>$customerid)); //you are using the customer id sent from the controller here
return $query->row(); //this will return a single row
Old thread but the answer is to declare the variable as "public" in the controller (i.e. public $customerid;), in which case it'll be available to your model. In some cases it's probably safer to explicitly pass as an argument. However, when you have several variables, it's useful to have the option to declare them instead.
