Laravel 6: trying to get property of non-object - laravel

Error: Trying to get property 'gender_id' of non-object
public function printreports(Request $request)
$id = $request->get('select2'); //eg. id=1
$teachers = DB::table('teachers')->find($id);
return view('teachers.report1',compact('teachers'));
#foreach($teachers as $teacher)
while if i do it with Eloquent by replacing following query it works, but i want to do it with DB query as stated above.
$teachers = Teacher::find($id);

you need use where, and after it you will have collection.
$teachers = DB::table('teachers')->where('id', $id)->get();
when you use find, you have single item

You don't need to use foreach while you use find().
{{$teachers->gender_id}}//whatever field you need to display
{{$teachers->gender_id}}//whatever field you need to display
If you use get(),
$teachers = DB::table('teachers')->where('id','=',$id)->get();
#foreach($teachers as $teacher)
{{$teacher->gender_id}}//whatever field you need to display
{{$teacher->gender_id}}//whatever field you need to display

$teachers = DB::table('teachers')->find($id); will return a single Model or  null, try using $teachers = DB::table('teachers')->get();

If you want to return collection to view then use get() method like this:-
public function printreports(Request $request)
$id = $request->get('select2');
$teachers = DB::table('teachers')->where('id', $id)->get();
return view('teachers.report1',compact('teachers'));


Laravel Collection paginate does not exist

I'm trying to implement basic pagination when retrieving notifications, but I get the following error.
Illuminate\Notifications\DatabaseNotificationCollection::paginate does
not exist.
public function index()
$messages = collect();
$notifications = auth()->user()->unreadNotifications->paginate(5);
foreach ($notifications as $notification) {
$message = NotificationToMessageFactory::make($notification->type)
You've to call paginate() on query builder instance not on a collection.
Correct syntax will be :
$notifications = auth()->user()->unreadNotifications()->paginate(5);
You should paginate before looping through the collection, otherwise you will be retrieving all records matching the query, when you only need 5. Like this:
$messages = collect();
$notifications = auth()->user()->unreadNotifications()->paginate(5);
foreach($notifications as $notification) {
$message = NotificationToMessageFactory::make($notification->type)->toMessage($notification->data);

how to display name from database in laravel

i want to display data from my database
public function generatePDF(Request $request)
$id = Auth::user()->id;
$name = User::select("NAME")->where("id", $id)->get();
$pdf = PDF::loadView('generatePDF', ['name'=>$name]);
return $pdf->stream('generatePDF.pdf');
can i display without [{"name":}], so just the value of data (name_from_database) ?
Simple use find like this
$name = User::find($id)->name;
Or direct from auth
$name = \Auth::user()->name;
To get logged in user id you can use \Auth::id()
you can use:
$user_id = User::findOrFail($id)->first();
test the laravel log file:
Use first() instead of get(), because get() will return an array and first() will return the object.
DRY Code line no.1 and no.2. simple use:
$name = auth()->user()->name;
to get the name of the currently authenticated user.
Send $name to you view is fine
$pdf = PDF::loadView('generatePDF', ['name' => $name]);
Correct your code in blade file
{{ name }} -> {{ $name }}
I hope this might help you. :)
Hello Aldi Rostiawan,
$nameGet = User::select("NAME")->where("id", $id)->get();
$nameFirst = User::select("NAME")->where("id", $id)->first();
Here in both line of code the difference is only Get and First.
Get method returns an Array of objects. So for example if the query apply on many records then the code will give you many objects in an array. Or if query will be true for only one record then also it will return an array with one object.
If you know that id is primary key of he table then only one record will be fetched then you can use First function instead if Get method.
First function always return an Object. In case if query apply on many records then also first method will return you only first record as an Object.
And it seems that you have required an Object only.
You should try this:
public function generatePDF(Request $request)
$id = Auth::user()->id;
$rsltUser = User::where("id", $id)->first();
$pdf = PDF::loadView('generatePDF', ['rsltUser'=>$rsltUser]);
return $pdf->stream('generatePDF.pdf');
use VALUE() to display name only.
in your case:
your name variable is an array containing a single object with a NAME attribute .. so to diplay that value, you should change your script to

Laravel conditional on relation: return first()

I have a Laravel 5.2 one-to-many relation and I want to return the model and put a condition to relation.
I've tried this:
$categories = Category::with(['descriptions' => function($d) use ($default_language) {
$d->where('language_id', $default_language->id);
It work fine, I just want something else: the relation should not be a collection or array, just a simple object. I want to do something like
$d->where('language_id', $default_language->id)->first();
, just in this case first() is not working. Any ideas?
Actually first() is not working properly, it returns first description just for the first object returned, for others it return nothing.
Try this:
$categories = \Jobinja\CMS\Blog\Models\Category::with([
'descriptions' => function ($q) use ($defaultLanguage) {
return $q->where('language_id', $defaultLanguage->id)->take(1);
->map(function ($item) {
if ($item->descriptions->isEmpty() === false) {
$item->description = $item->descriptions->first();
return $item;
and get to description:
foreach ($categories as $category) {
$description = $category->description;
You can't do that but you can use first() on a collection later, for example in a view:
#foreach ($categories as $category)
{{ $category->descriptions->first()->name }}
I can say to use instead of first() find() and give it the language_id or $default_language->id and this will try to find in the table first the column id and assign the value. If you have different id column name give it to the find like find(['your_column_name' => '<your_value']).
If you want array to something like ->toArray(). You can test different scenarios in tinker. php artisan tinker
Here is a link to document this ->

htmlentities() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given? Laravel

I've found many question realated to my problem but couldn't found an answer yet. It's about my foreach loop in my blade.
I want to print all product-names in my blade but I couln't figure out how to do that.
thats how I'm getting the products:
--- current code:
// controller
$id_array = Input::get('id');
$products= Products::whereIn('id', $id_array)->get();
$product_name = [];
foreach($products as $arr)
$product_name= $arr->lists('name');
returning $product_name gives me this as a output:
In my blade is just a simple:
#foreach($products as $product)
{{ $product}}
Error: htmlentities() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
Thanks for your help and time.
It seems you are getting an object in an array in an array.
Like this:
It happens because you use the get() function to retrieve you model. The get() function always "wants" to retrieve multiple models. Instead you will have to use the first() function.
Like this:
foreach($id_array as $arr)
$want2editarray[] = Product::where('id', $arr)->first();
Hope it helps :)
Edit after #Wellno comment
That's probably because Product::where('id', $arr)->first(); returns null because it did not find anything.
I forgot to add a check after the retrieving of the product.
This can be done like this:
foreach($id_array as $arr)
// First try to get model from database
$product = Product::where('id', $arr)->first();
// If $product insert into array
if ($product) $want2editarray[] = $product;
Why do you use loop with IDs? You can find all products by IDs:
$products = Product::whereIn('id', $id_array)->get();
And then use $products in the blade template
#foreach($products as $product)
{{ $product->name }}
try to use Model/Eloquent to fetch data.
View should only display the data and not fetching directly from DB or do heavy calculations.

Add custom column to identify table during query

How can I add a custom column in an Eloquent select query in order to identify the table?
For example, I have the current query:
$posts = Post::where('user_id', getUserID())
I'd like to add a column is_post with value 1 (for true) during the query.
The Post class:
class Post extends Eloquent {
protected $table = 'posts';
How can I do this?
You could do it for example this way:
$posts = Post::where('user_id', getUserID())->selectRaw('*, 1 AS `is_post`')->get();
but depending on your needs, you can also use the piece of code you showed:
$posts = Post::where('user_id', getUserID())->get();
and add accessor in Post model this way:
public function getIsPostAttribute($value) {
return 1;
In both cases you should be able to display is_post value for example this way:
foreach ($posts as $post) {
echo $post->is_post;
