Codeigniter get database value in controller - codeigniter

This is my controller
function index($id=NULL)
$id= $this->uri->segment(3);
$data = array('article' => $this->article->show_a_article($id),
'sidebar' => $this->article->side_bar(9),
'related'=> $this->article->related_keyword($article_title),
echo $article->News_News_ID;
I want to get article_title value from table article and put it in related_workword() function.
Update model The show a article model is to get article detail. The second model is to get all article related to the chosen article.
function show_a_article($id)
$query= $this->db->get_where('news_news', array('News_News_ID'=>$id));
return $query->row();
function related_keyword($rkey)
$sql="SELECT `News_News_ID`,`News_News_Headline`,`News_News_thumb1` FROM `news_news` WHERE `news_tags` like '%$rkey%' ORDER BY `News_News_ID` desc LIMIT 10";
$query= $this->db->query($sql);
return $query->result();
Update: Igot it
echo $this->article->show_a_article($id)->News_News_Headline;

Call model method from controller
$article_title = $this->article->get_article_details($id)->article_title;
Add function in model to return data.
function get_article_details($id)
$query = 'select article_title from table where col = '.$this->db->escape($id);
return $this->db->query($query)->row();


Search Query by Child field Eloquent relation

My Product Model is
public function IncomeRepo(){
return $this->hasMany(Income::class,'Product');
My Income Report Model Is
public function ProductData(){
return $this->belongsTo(Product::class,'Product','id');
My Query is
public function SearchIncomeData(Request $request){
$GetFromDate = $request->FromDate;
$GetToDate = $request->ToDate;
$ProductData = Product::with('IncomeRepo')->whereBetween('created_at', [$GetFromDate, $GetToDate])->get();
return view('Admin.Report.ProductSalesReport',compact('ProductData'));
When I return $ProductData it return products table created_at Data. BUT I nee Income table created_at data which be multiple
How can I get it?
My expectation show incomes table created_at data
If you want to filter data by child tables date then you need to use whereHas relationship.
$GetFromDate = $request->FromDate;
$GetToDate = $request->ToDate;
$ProductData = Product::with('IncomeRepo')
->whereHas('IncomeRepo',function($que) use($GetFromDate,$GetToDate) {
$que->whereBetween('created_at',[$GetFromDate, $GetToDate])})->get();
return view('Admin.Report.ProductSalesReport',compact('ProductData'));
In controller. (Use whereBetween)
public function SearchIncomeData(Request $request)
$GetFromDate = $request->FromDate;
$GetToDate = $request->ToDate;
$ProductData = Product::with(['IncomeRepo' => function ($query) use ($GetFromDate, $GetToDate)
$query->whereBetween('created_at', [$GetFromDate, $GetToDate]);
return view('Admin.Report.ProductSalesReport', compact('ProductData'));
In view
foreach ($ProductData as $product)
foreach ($product->IncomeRepo as $income)
echo $income->created_at;

Laravel Error: Trying to get property of non-object

I am getting an error
Trying to get property of non-object (View: C:\xampp\htdocs\laravel\proj\resources\views\mycases.blade.php)
I have defined a relationship between two models Ccase and Hiring.
public function hirings()
return $this -> hasMany('App\Hiring', 'case_ID')->orderBy('id','desc');
and paginating the results using a method below
public function getHiringsPaginateAttribute($perPage)
return $this->hirings()->paginate($perPage);
The other model 'Hiring' has a method to define relationship with Ccase as follows:
public function ccase()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Ccase', 'id');
In my controller, I have following code:
$search_term = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $search_term);
$search_term = trim($search_term);
if (strlen($search_term) > 0 && strlen(trim($search_term)) == 0)
$search_term = NULL;
$search_terms = explode(' ',$search_term);
$fields = array('id', 'title', 'case');
$hirings = $hirings->whereHas('ccase', function($q) use ($search_terms, $fields){
foreach ($search_terms as $term)
foreach ($fields as $field)
$q->orWhere($field, 'LIKE', '%'. $term .'%');
$hirings = $hirings->getHiringsPaginateAttribute($results_per_page);
In mycases.blade.php, my code is
This line is throwing the above said error while the output of {{$hiring->ccase}} is:
{"id":1,"case":"HI this is a sample case i am putting just for test.","created_at":"2015-02-22 11:54:09","updated_at":"2015-02-22 11:54:09"}
What might be wrong with the code?
Unfortunately, you can't use related models in views. Here's the detailed explanation why.
Your case can be solved by specifying the name of the associated column on the parent table:
return $this->belongsTo('App\Ccase', 'ccaseId', 'id');
In model Hiring, it will be like
public function ccase()
return $this->belongsTo('App\Ccase', 'case_ID', 'id');
And now in view use it like this:
{{ $hiring->ccase->id }}
Not sure, but i think that you could use relations in view, you should use an eager loading in controller where you are quering for $hirings, just add a:
Could you please provide a peace of code from controller where you make a query to Hiring model for clear?

how to use activerecord count_all_result()? with specific column?

I want to get count of specific column of table using codeigniter active record, something like this:
so how can i change this db_active_record function? for any help thanks.
To count a specific column, You would do this;
$query = $this->db->get_where('table', array('column' => $column);
return $query->num_rows(); // This is what you're after...
create the query in your model, load it in your controller and then just count the array items in the view.
for example:
function getAll() {
$this->db->order_by('user_ad', 'asc');
$query = $this->db->get('users');
if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
return $query->result();
$data['allusers'] = $this->Users->getAll();
this->load->view('users', $data);
and in your view you can use

Codeigniter, how to pass COUNT result too my view

i have problem with passing data from model to my view. In Database i have Project with a few tasks i need to COUNT it. My problem is: How to pass the results to the view with foreach.
(echo $this->db->count_all_results(); in MODEL show good results)
Project 1: 5 tasks
Project 2: 10 tasks
Project 3: 1 task
function wyswietl($arrayid){
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT( id_zadania ) AS zlicz
FROM projekty_zadania
WHERE id =$arrayid");
return $query->result();
function WszystkieProjekty(){
$data['moje'] = $this->Todo_model->wyswietlWszystkieProjekty();
$arrayid = array();
foreach( $data['moje'] as $row ){
$aaa = $row->id;
$arrayid[] = $this->Todo_model->wyswietl($aaa);
$data['tabid'] = $arrayid;
$this->load->view('Projekty.html', $data);
function wyswietlWszystkieProjekty(){
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM todo");
return $query->result();
You're passing back to your controller a result set, so all you need to do is iterate over the result set, generating actual rows. It's not too hard, and you've got the right idea.
You have:
function wyswietl($arrayid){
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT( id_zadania ) AS zlicz
FROM projekty_zadania
WHERE id =$arrayid");
return $query->result();
As your model function that is supposed to return the count, right? Easiest way to do this is right from the model to keep your controller from having to do the legwork. When you run the count function in mysql, you'll only get back one row in your case, so using num_rows() isn't going to help because this query will always generate 1 row.
function wyswietl($arrayid){
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT COUNT(id_zadania) AS zlicz
FROM projekty_zadania
WHERE id =$arrayid");
$rs = $query->result();
return $rs[0]['COUNT(id_zaedania)'];
In your query, you have counted the data, so i think you can get the total data in the model from $query->rows()->zlics. And in the controller, just pass it to the view like usual
$data['moje'] = $this->Todo_model->wyswietlWszystkieProjekty(); $this->load->view('Projekty.html', $data);

codeigniter pass variable from controller to model

simple issue I presume.
My controller is getting the if to display from the url using $this->uri->segment(3). This will always be a single value. I am putting this in an array to pass to the model with:
$customerid = array(
'id' => $this->uri->segment(3)
The controller syntax is below:
function confirm_delete_customer()
$data['title']="Confirm Customer Deletion";
//query model to get data results for form
I am then trying to access this array value and pass it to my model to process. If I hard code the array into the model it works as per below syntax:
Model - Manual Syntax is:
function get_customer_records_to_delete()
$query = $this->db->get_where('customers', array('id'=>43));
return $query->result();
if I try replace this with the array from my controller it fails with error:
Undefined variable: customerid
idea of model that I want to get working:
function get_customer_records_to_delete()
$query = $this->db->get_where('customers', $customerid);
return $query->result();
I have a feeling it is something small. however is this the best way to get a single record from the database in order to output to a view?
Thanks in advance for the assistance.
The best way to do that is:
function confirm_delete_customer()
$data['title']="Confirm Customer Deletion";
$customerId = $this->uri->segment(3);
//Prevent SQL injections
if(!is_numeric($customerId) || empty($customerId)) {
show_error("Bad Request");
$query = $this->model_master_data->get_customer_records_to_delete($customerId);
if ($query){
and then you can simply call:
function get_customer_records_to_delete($customerId)
$query = $this->db->get_where('customers', array('id'=>$customerId));
return $query->result();
at your model.
You need to pass the value as an argument to the function so it can access it.
// now $customerid is accessible
$query = ....;
return $……;
You should heavily rely on function parameters. Grab the customer id from the controller and send it to the model. Moreover, you can use row() to get a single result from the database.
function confirm_delete_customer(){
$data['title']="Confirm Customer Deletion";
//query model to get data results for form
if($query=$this->model_master_data->get_customer_records_to_delete( $customerid)) //you are sending customer id as a parameter here
function get_customer_records_to_delete($customerid)
$query = $this->db->get_where('customers', array("id"=>$customerid)); //you are using the customer id sent from the controller here
return $query->row(); //this will return a single row
Old thread but the answer is to declare the variable as "public" in the controller (i.e. public $customerid;), in which case it'll be available to your model. In some cases it's probably safer to explicitly pass as an argument. However, when you have several variables, it's useful to have the option to declare them instead.
