How to Stream Data To an EMR Cluster - hadoop

I appreciate ideas on how to stream data from an On-Premise Windows server to a persistent EMR cluster?
Some Background
I would like to run a persistent cluster running a MR job much like the WordCount examples that are available. I would like to stream text from a local Windows Server up to the cluster and have it processed by the running job.
All of the streaming WordCount examples I have reviewed always start with a static text file in S3 and don't cover how to implement anything to generate the stream.
Does this need to be treated in two parts?
Get the data first into S3
Stream it into the EMR cluster?
I have seen tools like Logstash which tend to run agents on the local server which tail the end of a weblog and transfer it.
As you can probably tell, I'm a Windows guy, stretching into EMR and by association Linux. Feel free to let me know if there is some way cool command line tool that already does this.
Thanks in advance.

Currently EMR as-is only supports MR, Hive, Pig, HBase and Impala. MR/Hive/Pig process the data in a batch oriented fashion and data can't be streamed to them. While HBase is a NoSQL DB and Impala is used for interactive ad-hoc queries.
For processing streaming data there are a lot of other options like Storm, Samza, S4. From AWS there is Kinesis which has been moved into GA recently.

Yes a static file would go into S3 and then be the input into your EMR cluster job.
But I believe that fact you want a persistent cluster implies you are streaming in continuation from your Windows server. Is that the case ?
If so you need to create a AWS Kinesis Stream, configure your producers which put data into the stream's shards by calling the Putrecord.
Start by reading "Developing Record Consumer Applications"

I think you could use apache Flume (
Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data. It has a simple and flexible architecture based on streaming data flows. It is robust and fault tolerant with tunable reliability mechanisms and many failover and recovery mechanisms. It uses a simple extensible data model that allows for online analytic application.


What is difference between Apache flume and Apache storm?

What is difference between Apache flume and Apache storm?
Is is possible to ingest logs data into Hadoop cluster using storm?
Both are used for streaming data so can storm be used as an alternative to flume?
Apache Flume is a service for collecting large amounts of streaming data, particularly logs. Flume pushes data to consumers using mechanisms it calls data sinks. Flume can push data to many popular sinks right out of the box, including HDFS, HBase, Cassandra, and some relational databases.
Apache Storm involves streaming data. It is the bridge between batch processing and stream processing, which Hadoop is not natively designed to handle. Storm runs continuously, processing a stream of incoming data and dicing it into batches, so Hadoop can more easily ingest it. Data sources are called spouts and each processing node is a bolt. Bolts perform computations and processes on the data, including pushing output to data stores and other services.
If you need something that works out of the box, choose Flume, once you decide whether to push or pull makes more sense. If streaming data is, for now, just a small add-on to your already developed Hadoop environment, Storm is a good choice.
It is possible to ingest logs data into the Hadoop cluster using a storm
We can use the storm as an alternative to the flume

Spark Architecture for processing small binary files saved in HDFS

I don't know how to build architecture for following use case:
I have an Web application where users can upload files(pdf&pptx) and directories to be processed. After upload is complete web application put this files and directories in HDFS, then send a messages on kafka with path to this files.
Spark Application read messages from kafka streaming, collect them on master(driver), and after that process them. I collect messages first because i need to move the code to data, and not move data where the message is received. I understood that spark assign job to executor which already have file locally.
I have issues with kafka because i was forced to collect them first for the above reason, and when want to create checkpoint app crash "because you are attempting to reference SparkContext from a broadcast variable" even if the code run before adding checkpointing( I use sparkContext there because i need to save data to ElasticSearch and PostgreSQL. I don't know how exactly i can do code upgrading in this conditions.
I read about hadoop small files problems, and I understand what problems are in this case. I read that HBase is a better solution to save small files than just save in hdfs. Other problem in hadoop small files problems is big number of mappers and reducers created for computation, but i don't understand if this problem there in spark.
What is the best architecture for this use case?
How to do Job Scheduling? It's kafka good for that? or I need to use other service like rabbitMQ or something else?
Exist some method to add jobs to an running Spark application through some REST API?
How is the best way to save files? Is better to use Hbase because i have small files(<100MB)? Or I need to use SequenceFile? I think SequenceFile isn't for my use case because i need to reprocess some files randomly.
What is the best architecture do you think for this use case?
There is no one single "the best" way to build architecture. You need to make decisions and stick to them. Make the architecture flexible and decoupled so that you can easily replace components if needed.
Consider following stages/layers in your architecture:
Retrieval/Acquisition/Transport of source data (files)
Data processing/transformation
Data archival
As a retrieval component, I would use Flume. It is flexible, supports a lot of sources, channels (including Kafka) and sinks. In your case you can configure source that monitors the directory and extracts the newly received files.
For data processing/transformation - it depends what task you are solving. You probably decided on Spark Streaming. Spark streaming can be integrated with Flume sink ( There are other options available, e.g. Apache Storm. Flume combines very well with Storm. Some transformations can also be applied in Flume.
For data archival - do not store/archive the files directly in Hadoop, unless they are bigger than few hundredths of megabytes. One solution would be to put them in HBase.
Make your architecture more flexible. I would place processed files in a temporary HDFS location and have some job regualarly archive them into zip, HBase, Hadoop Archive (there is such an animal) or any other solution.
Consider using Apache NiFi (aka HDF - Hortonworks Data Flow). It uses internally queues, provides a lot of processors. It can make your life easier and get the workflow developed in minutes. Give it a try. There is nice Hortonworks tutorial which , combined with HDP Sandbox running on a virtual machine/Docker, can bring you up to speed in very short time (1-2 hours?).

IIS Logs Straming to Hadoop real time

I am trying to do a POC in Hadoop for log aggregation. we have multiple IIS servers hosting atleast 100 sites. I want to to stream logs continously to HDFS and parse data and store in Hive for further analytics.
1) Is Apache KAFKA correct choice or Apache Flume
2) After streaming is it better to use Apache storm and ingest data into Hive
Please help with any suggestions and also any information of this kind of problem statement.
You can use either Kafka or flume also you can combine both to get data into HDFSbut you need to write code for this There are Opensource data flow management tools available, you don't need to write code. Eg. NiFi and Streamsets
You don't need to use any separate ingestion tools, you can directly use those data flow tools to put data into hive table. Once table is created in hive then you can do your analytics by providing queries.
Let me know you need anything else on this.

How to connect elasticsearch to apache spark streaming or storm?

We are building a real-time big data tool with open source tools. Our main goal is to supervise and analyze a network by getting logs from a kafka server in real-time. We saw in tutorials that we have to divide our tool in two sections: Analytic and Supervision as shown below.
For the supervision section we chose the solution Elasticsearch and Logstash.
Regarding the section analytic, my team and I are comparing Apache Storm Streaming and Apache Storm in order to use it with Elasticsearch. Despite the fact that Apache Storm is a true real-time data processing tool and faster than Apache Spark Streaming, it does not provide machine learning libraries like with Apache Spark. That's why we are thinking to choose Apache Spark. The elastic website indicates that it exists a connector ES-Hadoop to connect a Elasticsearch database to a Hadoop ecosystem. We can see that in the below figure.
However, We are a little bit confused with this picture because there is only spark SQL and not all the spark frameworks (MLlib, Spark Streaming..). We did some assumptions and we came out with two final possible architectures. We only wanted to know if there are technically correct and if we are not in the wrong direction.
With Apache Spark streaming:
With Apache Storm:
Both your architectural diagrams are ok. Keep on mind that spark streaming will not work in this scenario. Es-hadoop provides you with easy access apis to get and put data from and into elastic. Its also provides the methods to get the data inro the spark framework (RDD) or data frames inthe case of spark sql. Once the data is in the framework, all ml libraries can be applied to the data for ml or analytics generation. Elastic is not capable of streaming data so spark streaming in the strict sense is not possible. So in the diagram, the arrow to hdfs optional and then to spark streaming can be removed and the arrow juat pointa to hdfs. My concern, however, would be running mllib algos on the data in realtime and expect realtime performance. Typical use case might be do modwl generation off line and use the model in realtime for analysis.

What is the difference between AWS Elastic MapReduce and AWS Redshift

I see that AWS Elastic MapReduce and AWS Redshift both use a cluster structure and can be used for data analysis. What are the different use cases for them?
Amazon Redshift supports client connections with many types of applications, including business intelligence (BI), reporting, data, and analytics tools.
Amazon Elastic MapReduce (Amazon EMR) is a managed cluster platform that simplifies running big data frameworks, such as Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, on AWS to process and analyze vast amounts of data.
You are correct that both Amazon EMR and Amazon Redshift are clustered systems that can scale-out to offer more computing power. However, there are some very distinct differences between the two services.
Amazon EMR provides Apache Hadoop and applications that run on Hadoop. It is a very flexible system that can read and process unstructured data and is typically used for processing Big Data. However, learning Hadoop and related technologies can be quite difficult. ("With great power comes great responsibility!")
Amazon Redshift is a petabyte-scale data warehouse that is accessed via SQL. Data must be loaded into Redshift before being queried, which often requires some for of transformation ("ETL").
So which one to choose?
If you want to use SQL and you have structured data (eg CSV files), then Redshift is the simplest solution.
If you want to process unstructured data (eg in strange formats rather than structured CSV files), Amazon EMR can provide a Hadoop system that is very capable.
Sometimes people use both -- use Hadoop to transform data, then use Redshift for querying the data.
If Amazon Redshift can fit your needs, then use it rather than Hadoop. Redshift is simpler to use because it presents itself as a standard SQL database that you can get going in a few minutes. All the cluster stuff is behind-the-scenes and you don't have to know much to use it.
If you need more flexible capabilities and you don't mind getting low-level and technical, then Hadoop on Amazon EMR will offer you more capabilities.
