What is the difference between AWS Elastic MapReduce and AWS Redshift - hadoop

I see that AWS Elastic MapReduce and AWS Redshift both use a cluster structure and can be used for data analysis. What are the different use cases for them?
Amazon Redshift supports client connections with many types of applications, including business intelligence (BI), reporting, data, and analytics tools.
Amazon Elastic MapReduce (Amazon EMR) is a managed cluster platform that simplifies running big data frameworks, such as Apache Hadoop and Apache Spark, on AWS to process and analyze vast amounts of data.

You are correct that both Amazon EMR and Amazon Redshift are clustered systems that can scale-out to offer more computing power. However, there are some very distinct differences between the two services.
Amazon EMR provides Apache Hadoop and applications that run on Hadoop. It is a very flexible system that can read and process unstructured data and is typically used for processing Big Data. However, learning Hadoop and related technologies can be quite difficult. ("With great power comes great responsibility!")
Amazon Redshift is a petabyte-scale data warehouse that is accessed via SQL. Data must be loaded into Redshift before being queried, which often requires some for of transformation ("ETL").
So which one to choose?
If you want to use SQL and you have structured data (eg CSV files), then Redshift is the simplest solution.
If you want to process unstructured data (eg in strange formats rather than structured CSV files), Amazon EMR can provide a Hadoop system that is very capable.
Sometimes people use both -- use Hadoop to transform data, then use Redshift for querying the data.
If Amazon Redshift can fit your needs, then use it rather than Hadoop. Redshift is simpler to use because it presents itself as a standard SQL database that you can get going in a few minutes. All the cluster stuff is behind-the-scenes and you don't have to know much to use it.
If you need more flexible capabilities and you don't mind getting low-level and technical, then Hadoop on Amazon EMR will offer you more capabilities.


Building Data Lake from scratch

I am trying to build a "Data Lake" from scratch. I understand how a data lake works and the purpose of it; it's all over the internet. But when the question arises how to build one from scratch there is no source. I want to understand if:
Data warehouse + Hadoop = Data Lake
I know how to run Hadoop and bring in data into Hadoop.
I want to build a sample on premise data lake to demo my manager. Any help is appreciated.
You'd have to have structured and unstructured data to make a Hadoop cluster into a data lake.
So, you'd have to have some ETL pipeline taking the unstructured data and converting it to structured data. Product reviews or something similar would provide your unstructured data. Converting this to something usable by Hive (as an example) would give you your structured data.
I would look at https://opendata.stackexchange.com/ for getting your data and google Hadoop ETL for ideas on how to cleanse the data. It's up to you how you want to write your pipeline (Spark or MapReduce).
You can build datalake using AWS services. A simple way to do so is to use an AWS CloudFormation template to configure the solution, including AWS services such as Amazon S3 for unlimited data storage, Amazon Cognito for authentication, Amazon Elasticsearch for strong searching capabilities, AWS Lambda for microservices, AWS Glue for data transmission, and Amazon Athena for data analytics. The following figure represents the complete architecture of building a data lake on AWS using AWS services.
Refer this article for reference: https://medium.com/#pmahmoudzadeh/building-a-data-lake-on-aws-3f02f66a079e

Pentaho and Hadoop

I am sorry if this question seems naive, But I am new to Data engineering field, as I am self learner right now, however my questions is what is the differences between ETL products like Pentaho and Hadoop?
when I use this instead of that? or I may use them together, how?
Thank you,
An ETL is a tool to Extract data, Transform (join, enrich, filter,...) it and Load the result in another data store. Good ETLS are visual, data store agnostic and easy to automate.
Hadoop is a data store distributed on a network of clusters plus software to handle diseminated data. The data transformation is specialized on few elementary operations which can be optimized to this usually massive amount of data, like (but not only) Map-Reduce.
Pentaho Data Integrator has connectors to Hadoop systems which are easy to set up and tune up. So the best strategy is to setup a Hadoop network as data store and manipulate it through the PDI.
Pentaho PDI is a tool for creating, managing, running and monitoring ETL workflows. It can work with Hadoop, RDBMS, Queues, files, etc. Hadoop is a platform for distributed computation (Map-Reduce framework, HDFS, etc). Many tools can run on Hadoop or can connect to Hadoop and use it's data, run processes.
Pentaho PDI can connect to Hadoop using it's own connectors and write/read data. You can start Hadopp job from PDI, also it can process data by itself inside transformation flow and store or send results to HDFS, RDBMS, some queue, email, etc. Of course you can invent you own tool for ETL workflows or simply use bash+Hive, etc, but PDI allows ETL processsing in a unified way not depending on data sources and targets. Also Pentaho has great visualization.

What is the relationship between Spark, Hadoop and Cassandra

My understanding was that Spark is an alternative to Hadoop. However, when trying to install Spark, the installation page asks for an existing Hadoop installation. I'm not able to find anything that clarifies that relationship.
Secondly, Spark apparently has good connectivity to Cassandra and Hive. Both have sql style interface. However, Spark has its own sql. Why would one use Cassandra/Hive instead of Spark's native sql? Assuming that this is a brand new project with no existing installation?
Spark is a distributed in memory processing engine. It does not need to be paired with Hadoop, but since Hadoop is one of the most popular big data processing tools, Spark is designed to work well in that environment. For example, Hadoop uses the HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) to store its data, so Spark is able to read data from HDFS, and to save results in HDFS.
For speed, Spark keeps its data sets in memory. It will typically start a job by loading data from durable storage, such as HDFS, Hbase, a Cassandra database, etc. Once loaded into memory, Spark can run many transformations on the data set to calculate a desired result. The final result is then typically written back to durable storage.
In terms of it being an alternative to Hadoop, it can be much faster than Hadoop at certain operations. For example a multi-pass map reduce operation can be dramatically faster in Spark than with Hadoop map reduce since most of the disk I/O of Hadoop is avoided. Spark can read data formatted for Apache Hive, so Spark SQL can be much faster than using HQL (Hive Query Language).
Cassandra has its own native query language called CQL (Cassandra Query Language), but it is a small subset of full SQL and is quite poor for things like aggregation and ad hoc queries. So when Spark is paired with Cassandra, it offers a more feature rich query language and allows you to do data analytics that native CQL doesn't provide.
Another use case for Spark is for stream processing. Spark can be set up to ingest incoming real time data and process it in micro-batches, and then save the result to durable storage, such as HDFS, Cassandra, etc.
So spark is really a standalone in memory system that can be paired with many different distributed databases and file systems to add performance, a more complete SQL implementation, and features they may lack such a stream processing.
Im writing a paper about Hadoop for university. And stumbled over your question. Spark is just using Hadoop for persistence and only if you want to use it. It's possible to use it with other persistence tiers like Amazon EC2.
On the other hand-side spark is running in-memory and it's not primarly build to be used for map reduce use-cases like Hadoop was/is.
I can recommend this article, if you like a more detailed description: https://www.xplenty.com/blog/2014/11/apache-spark-vs-hadoop-mapreduce/
The README.md file in Spark can solve your puzzle:
A Note About Hadoop Versions
Spark uses the Hadoop core library to talk to HDFS and other Hadoop-supported
storage systems. Because the protocols have changed in different versions of
Hadoop, you must build Spark against the same version that your cluster runs.
Please refer to the build documentation at
"Specifying the Hadoop Version"
for detailed guidance on building for a particular distribution of Hadoop, including
building for particular Hive and Hive Thriftserver distributions.

Oracle to Hadoop data ingestion in real-time

I have a requirement to ingest the data from an Oracle database to Hadoop in real-time.
What's the best way to achieve this on Hadoop?
The important problem here is getting the data out of the Oracle DB in real time. This is usually called Change Data Capture, or CDC. The complete solution depends on how you do this part.
Other things that matter for this answer are:
What is the target for the data and what are you going to do with it?
just store plain HDFS files and access for adhoc queries with something like Impala?
store in HBase for use in other apps?
use in a CEP solution like Storm?
What tools is your team familiar with
Do you prefer the DIY approach, gluing together existing open-source tools and writing code for the missing parts?
or do you prefer a Data integration tool like Informatica?
Coming back to CDC, there are three different approaches to it:
Easy: if you don't need true real-time and have a way to identify new data with an SQL query that executes fast enough for the required data latency. Then you can run this query over and over and ingest its results (the exact method depends on the target, the size of each chunk, and the preferred tools)
Complicated: Roll your own CDC solution: download the database logs, parse them into series of inserts/updates/deletes, ingest these to Hadoop.
Expensive: buy a CDC solution, that does this for you (like GoldenGate or Attunity)
Expanding a bit on what #Nickolay mentioned, there are a few options, but the best would be too opinion based to state.
Tungsten (open source)
Tungsten Replicator is an open source replication engine supporting a variety of different extractor and applier modules. Data can be extracted from MySQL, Oracle and Amazon RDS, and applied to transactional stores, including MySQL, Oracle, and Amazon RDS; NoSQL stores such as MongoDB, and datawarehouse stores such as Vertica, Hadoop, and Amazon rDS.
Oracle GoldenGate
Oracle GoldenGate is a comprehensive software package for real-time data integration and replication in heterogeneous IT environments. The product set enables high availability solutions, real-time data integration, transactional change data capture, data replication, transformations, and verification between operational and analytical enterprise systems. It provides a handler for HDFS.
Dell Shareplex
SharePlex™ Connector for Hadoop® loads and continuously replicates changes from an Oracle® database to a Hadoop® cluster. This gives you all the benefits of maintaining a real-time or near real-time copy of source tables
Apache Sqoop is a data transfer tool to transfer bulk data from any RDBMS with JDBC connectivity(supports Oracle also) to hadoop HDFS.

How to Stream Data To an EMR Cluster

I appreciate ideas on how to stream data from an On-Premise Windows server to a persistent EMR cluster?
Some Background
I would like to run a persistent cluster running a MR job much like the WordCount examples that are available. I would like to stream text from a local Windows Server up to the cluster and have it processed by the running job.
All of the streaming WordCount examples I have reviewed always start with a static text file in S3 and don't cover how to implement anything to generate the stream.
Does this need to be treated in two parts?
Get the data first into S3
Stream it into the EMR cluster?
I have seen tools like Logstash which tend to run agents on the local server which tail the end of a weblog and transfer it.
As you can probably tell, I'm a Windows guy, stretching into EMR and by association Linux. Feel free to let me know if there is some way cool command line tool that already does this.
Thanks in advance.
Currently EMR as-is only supports MR, Hive, Pig, HBase and Impala. MR/Hive/Pig process the data in a batch oriented fashion and data can't be streamed to them. While HBase is a NoSQL DB and Impala is used for interactive ad-hoc queries.
For processing streaming data there are a lot of other options like Storm, Samza, S4. From AWS there is Kinesis which has been moved into GA recently.
Yes a static file would go into S3 and then be the input into your EMR cluster job.
But I believe that fact you want a persistent cluster implies you are streaming in continuation from your Windows server. Is that the case ?
If so you need to create a AWS Kinesis Stream, configure your producers which put data into the stream's shards by calling the Putrecord.
Start by reading "Developing Record Consumer Applications"
I think you could use apache Flume (https://flume.apache.org/)
Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data. It has a simple and flexible architecture based on streaming data flows. It is robust and fault tolerant with tunable reliability mechanisms and many failover and recovery mechanisms. It uses a simple extensible data model that allows for online analytic application.
