Mercury XAMPP sending lots of email automatically - xampp

We have configure the XAMPP in server, But we are facing an error like it's automatically generated lots of mail and sending itself.
Please suggest us to resolve the issue.

Create a "honeypot" field (textarea), hide it with CSS, and check that it's empty.
If not, it's likely a bot. Kill the request and ban the IP.


Not delivering to previously bounced address - Mailgun

I'm setting up my Laravel website, and now comes the part where I configure Mailgun to send and receive emails.
I followed different guides to do that, yet I don't feel I'm doing it right. I'm now stuck with this error:
Failed: → 'New Order from Ibrahim Hasan' Not delivering to previously bounced address
i.e. Mailgun is not able to deliver my emails. Could you please guide me through this? Thank you!
If mail was sent and rejected by the provider (bad content, headers, etc), Mailgun will automatically blacklist that address from being sent to in the future.
This is to prevent blacklisting yourself from many of the different MX providers out there.
If you think you've solved that problem, you can perform a DELETE request through the Mailgun API in the format of DELETE /<domain>/bounces/<address> before sending the mail, and then you'll be able to send to that address again.
You can check if a bounce has happened previously by performing a POST request to POST /<domain>/bounces. Furthermore, you will receive a JSON object back with a REASON as to why the bounce occurred, giving you the ability to respond in kind to this.
If a domain is not working correctly and it's not in the blacklist, then it's possible that the MX Provider its self is not accepting the emails and is responding unfavorably in a way that Mailgun cannot handle.
You can also delete the mail directly from the Mailgun UI if you have the login credentials. Please see the comment below and give it an upvote.

Magento order mail are not going to customer?

My magento site stoped sending the order mail to customer, i have checked several answer, but nothing works for me.
I tried to send mail with php mail funtion, its working but mail going to spam also. Is this may be a reason?
This may be a server fault, it may be an issue of server mail configuration. Try to install some SMTP mail extension, it will be helpful for you. Also check if there any new installation of extension which causing problem
If mails are going to spam, then there may be chances of mis configuration in server, alternatively you can install the below extension & configure in backend , than mails will go to inbox....

Joomla contact form not working.

I am new with Joomla 3.5 and I'm already set up a contact form on my Joomla but the problem is I no receive any email from my localhost. I searched on several forums but I didn't find an answer to my problem. First thing I want to know is if it's possible to send an email with a local web server. Secondly, is it possible to send the mails to a gmail address and, if yes, what parameters - and where- do I have to change.I don't want to use STMP and it only allowed to use PHP mail. I am using Xampp Server.

Swiftmailer successfully sends but no mail received

I have made a simple contact form and use swiftmailer(with symfony2) to send and email.
Everything is fine when I'm using gmail account but on production it has to be a noreply address in website domain.
So I changed parameters to correspond this email account.
It looks like it is working a send method return true but no message is received, i checked a spam folder but it didn't get there either. Settings are 100% correct as they work in thunderbird.
Have no idea where to look for a problem. Any suggestions what should I check?
I have tried to send email with PHPMailer using same account and it worked so it seems problem is just with swiftmailer.
I'm sending emails in few more places in my project and would like to avoid changing it now but fix it instead.
After checking logs the problem was found.
Emails were rejected because I was setting From filed to email provided by user. Server was rejecting them because this address don't belong to account I was sending from.
By default the logging for swiftmailer is disabled in production. You can enable logging for swiftmailer in config.yml by adding a "logging: true" to the swiftmailer section as outlined here:
Hopefully this will give you some more specific error messages to search on.

TFS 2010 Wont Send Email

I can't get TFS 2010 to send email alerts. I've tried setting up everything mentioned here:
It's configured to send to a local IIS SMTP instance. SharePoint 2010 is on the same box and is also configured to use the same local SMTP server and it works fine sending emails, no problem. It's also using the same "from" email address as TFS is configured to without issue.
TFS isn't even trying to send anything as far as I can tell - I don't see anything from it in the SMTP log (C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\SMTPSVC1...).
I have the default "My Work Items changed" alert set up and enabled. I try logging in as another user, assigning a work item to me, then assigning it back...nothing email. I don't see any error in the event viewer from TFS.
What can I do to troubleshoot this?
I had added alerts in Alert Explorer without specifying any Team Project. Once I added the Team Project filter it started working.
Try other method,
I configure the Email using Gmail Account and it is working very well, try it! if you would like? see this link for steps how you can do it?
Try this out
Or else you can go with the option of relay mail. Create a local SMTP server and relay it with the main mail server.
Note : If you mail server requires advanced authentication then you need to follow the second option only.
I actually wanted to add this answer to give ppl an idea of what to look for when they come across 'why doesn't the email get sent out'. The reason i came across this thread was for the same reason, it seemed that tfs wasn't sending out the email. But it was! the problem turned out to be the 'group' that I was sending the email to wasn't permitted to receive email. here is the situation, TFS server located at a DATA CENTER. The email ALERTS that i configured were to a group in our local office DOMAIN.
Apparently,in Active Directory that group didn't have the "All users need to be authenticated" checked OFF. Meaning, the TFS server 'sender of the email' wasn't authenticated to send emails to that group. once i sat with my MIS guys, they finally noticed that was checked on, and once DISABLED. Problem fixed! Hope that helps someone.
