TFS 2010 Wont Send Email - visual-studio-2010

I can't get TFS 2010 to send email alerts. I've tried setting up everything mentioned here:
It's configured to send to a local IIS SMTP instance. SharePoint 2010 is on the same box and is also configured to use the same local SMTP server and it works fine sending emails, no problem. It's also using the same "from" email address as TFS is configured to without issue.
TFS isn't even trying to send anything as far as I can tell - I don't see anything from it in the SMTP log (C:\Windows\System32\LogFiles\SMTPSVC1...).
I have the default "My Work Items changed" alert set up and enabled. I try logging in as another user, assigning a work item to me, then assigning it back...nothing email. I don't see any error in the event viewer from TFS.
What can I do to troubleshoot this?

I had added alerts in Alert Explorer without specifying any Team Project. Once I added the Team Project filter it started working.

Try other method,
I configure the Email using Gmail Account and it is working very well, try it! if you would like? see this link for steps how you can do it?

Try this out
Or else you can go with the option of relay mail. Create a local SMTP server and relay it with the main mail server.
Note : If you mail server requires advanced authentication then you need to follow the second option only.

I actually wanted to add this answer to give ppl an idea of what to look for when they come across 'why doesn't the email get sent out'. The reason i came across this thread was for the same reason, it seemed that tfs wasn't sending out the email. But it was! the problem turned out to be the 'group' that I was sending the email to wasn't permitted to receive email. here is the situation, TFS server located at a DATA CENTER. The email ALERTS that i configured were to a group in our local office DOMAIN.
Apparently,in Active Directory that group didn't have the "All users need to be authenticated" checked OFF. Meaning, the TFS server 'sender of the email' wasn't authenticated to send emails to that group. once i sat with my MIS guys, they finally noticed that was checked on, and once DISABLED. Problem fixed! Hope that helps someone.


Error 550 5.7.708 when creating Calendar Events via the Graph API

When creating Calendar Events via the Graph API, the events are created correctly in the calendar of the organizer but the invites to the participants get bounced. The organizer gets a 'Delivery has failed...' message with the following error message:
Remote Server returned '550 5.7.708 Service unavailable. Access denied, traffic not accepted from this IP. For more information please go to AS(7171)
Sending emails manually through Outlook (web) from the organizer to the participants works fine.
The issue is intermittent. After changing the DNS server, everything worked fine for some time.
I checked as suggested in the answers to similar posts, but this list is empty.
I also tried delisting the IP address (my own?) through, but to no avail.
The tenant is linked to the Microsoft Developer Program and would allegedly have a 'bad reputation'. However, I don't understand how that would explain the fact that it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't when sending exactly the same API request and hence 'triggering' exactly the same emails...
I think the best way to overcome this would be to add a domain to your developer tenant as per the guidance here:
Add and validate all domains in Office 365 that you use to send email messages. For more information, see Add a domain to Office 365.
I'm not guaranteeing this will resolve it. You have to understand that those developer tenants are only meant for experimentation and so there are checks and balances to ensure they are used in a bad manor.
How many emails are you sending through this tenant?
Calendar events are sent out via email. Add the "Mail.Send" permission to you App Registration.
This solved it for me.

Release management email notification not sending

No email notification is sending from my RM system on releases.
Following things has been done:
Smtp setting has been updated in the system
Enabled approver notification in 'Acceptance step' and 'validation step'.
Email id is updated and 'Receive email notification' is 'Yes' for the approver and validator. The user are release managers.
Did I missed anything? Why emails are not sending?
That looks right. Enable the logs on the server side to see if any errors are thrown.
I would double check the SMTP settings. Username/password are obvious possible mistake, but depending on your SMTP requirement, you might need to specified a valid email address from your domain as the sender address.
Thank you for the answer Joerage. SMTP setting was not working in the TFS server...!
I faced one more issue with the notification mail. View request link was opening old url of release management site...! Earlier I upgraded the RM server and client, after that changed the url also.
Again I lost couple of minutes to find out the problem.
The url is configure in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Release Management\services\web.config" file under setting "ApprovalRequestEmailLanding". I changed the value to correct url and it's working...! This could be a bug in the release management system.
May be this will be helpful for someone.

Mercury XAMPP sending lots of email automatically

We have configure the XAMPP in server, But we are facing an error like it's automatically generated lots of mail and sending itself.
Please suggest us to resolve the issue.
Create a "honeypot" field (textarea), hide it with CSS, and check that it's empty.
If not, it's likely a bot. Kill the request and ban the IP.

Swiftmailer successfully sends but no mail received

I have made a simple contact form and use swiftmailer(with symfony2) to send and email.
Everything is fine when I'm using gmail account but on production it has to be a noreply address in website domain.
So I changed parameters to correspond this email account.
It looks like it is working a send method return true but no message is received, i checked a spam folder but it didn't get there either. Settings are 100% correct as they work in thunderbird.
Have no idea where to look for a problem. Any suggestions what should I check?
I have tried to send email with PHPMailer using same account and it worked so it seems problem is just with swiftmailer.
I'm sending emails in few more places in my project and would like to avoid changing it now but fix it instead.
After checking logs the problem was found.
Emails were rejected because I was setting From filed to email provided by user. Server was rejecting them because this address don't belong to account I was sending from.
By default the logging for swiftmailer is disabled in production. You can enable logging for swiftmailer in config.yml by adding a "logging: true" to the swiftmailer section as outlined here:
Hopefully this will give you some more specific error messages to search on.

TeamCity not sending email notifications

I am trying to set up an email notification in TeamCity on my project fail. I have set up some user with their information, but when my project fails. i dont get any email.
I have given all the information in 'Email Notofication' tab and did 'Test Connection' giving my email address and it says connection successful. Just wanted to confirm, should i be expecting/getting an email when testing connection with my email address or system just pings/checks if connection is ok?
In my 'Settings and Tools' (under administrator), i have one watched project under 'Email Notifier' which watches for build fail for my project.
Did anyone encountered this problem before, any help will be appreciated
Today, I noticed that I also had a "connection successful" dialog after I pressed the 'test connection' button in teamcity 8 but there was no test message sent.
The trouble was I just had "TeamCity" in the circled area below and not "". As soon as I added the the messages started to go through.
I guess there needs to be some better error handling in TC for this case.
I'm using IIS 6.0 smtp server, but I'm sure sendmail or any other mail server for that matter would not appreciate this error.
You have to ensure that the VCS username setting in your TeamCity account matches how it is configured in the VCS root.
When testing connection with your email address, you should receive a test email.
If you didn't receive any test email but it said connection successful, my experience is that sometimes the email ends up in your Junk mail folder. Please check if that is the case.
And if that is not the case, I suggest testing the SMTP server your teamcity server uses, following this guide:
How to test a SMTP server by using telnet
In addition, to successfully setting up SMTP server, you will have to do the following:
After logging-into TeamCity, you will see a dropdown next to your username on top-right.
Select "My settings & tools".
Under "Watched Builds and Notifications", edit the "Email notifier" settings to indicate when you should be notified via email.
So, our case, we have configured the admin's email id to be project-developers' group email id, so that every one gets an email about build status.
Also make sure your users have email addresses (I made this mistake!)
