Joomla contact form not working. - joomla

I am new with Joomla 3.5 and I'm already set up a contact form on my Joomla but the problem is I no receive any email from my localhost. I searched on several forums but I didn't find an answer to my problem. First thing I want to know is if it's possible to send an email with a local web server. Secondly, is it possible to send the mails to a gmail address and, if yes, what parameters - and where- do I have to change.I don't want to use STMP and it only allowed to use PHP mail. I am using Xampp Server.


Email deliverability check without sending an email or checking without SMTP

Here is the scenario. I am using PHP and I want to check whether an email address is valid and deliverable. Here are the steps I take:
Validate email address via regex
Validate email address via php filter_var
Finally use SMTP to check whether the recipient exists
This thing works perfectly except that using an SMTP way is too slow and takes anywhere between 10 seconds to 40 seconds to validate. Sometimes the SMTP check is blocked by the recipient server and my server ip was blacklisted which made all the emails to that server as invalid.
There are professional services out there which do this for you but I don't want to use them for this particular project I am doing. Due to restrictions I cannot actually send an email to that email address.
Is there anyother way or faster way to validate the email addresses? How do these professional email validating companies do the validations so fast and cheaply?
I apologise if the question is not right for this forum. Please tell me and I will promptly delete this. I am new to stackoverflow.
P.S: I checked the other questions but they all pointed to using SMTP as the solution which I am already doing.

How to transfer my domain from bluehost, enable email notification and receive emails?

This is sort of planning question . I have my domain at But since I started to learn laravel and I am currently having temp domain in hover and I have forge/digitalocean solution.. Now I want to pull my real domain and make some email inboxes for my team.. how can I achieve that.. what tools I need to use.. my question has three parts :
1- How to pull my old domain from bluehost to forge/digitalocea, ? 2- How to create email for my team such as .. and I want to get emails from outside world 3- How can I send email notifications from my project such as ,, account confirmation.. etc? ( I tried mailgun but it seems it not stable. it failed sometimes to send and sometimes there is delay ).
Please advice!!
How to pull my old domain from bluehost to forge/digitalocean?
Please refer on this link:
Or see an example here:
How to create an email server?
You can use and integrate Zoho Mail Server for Free upto 25 users.
Just follow this link:
How can I process email messaging?
If your using Laravel, I suggest you follow instructions as stated in their manual:

form to mail not getting to exchange server recipient

this is terrible for me now. i used php mail function and also use Contact Form 7 plugins too on my wordpress theme. also smtp plugins too. change many smtp server. but not work. mail function and Contact Form 7 both working fine on other mail account (gmail, yahoo. hotmail or any other pop mail) not just my client pop account. because they use microsoft exchange server.
for test issue i did something like i sent mail to frist to one gmail account and i setup in gmail auto fwd to one them that pop account . it working well but this problem is in mail show where it is from ( .. i don't want to show that gmail address. or i want direct send to that pop account.
server is godaddy
guys any solution ?
Google doesn't allow you to send from other addresses unless you are hosting your domain with them.

Joomla : Could not instantiate mail function

I have developed a website in joomla, and I have a contact us page, in that the form works fine only when I use to send an email from the same domain
Eg :
From :
To :
But when I send to a different domain the form gives an error as "Could not instantiate mail function."
Eg :
From :
To :
Can anyone explain me about this problem ??
Instead of debugging your providers SMTP / email setup you can use the new mandrill service from the guys who do mailchimp - Mandrill ( ) with the plugin :
Mandrill is a plugin that allows your Joomla installation to send transactional emails. The only thing you need to do is to provide your Mandrill API key and enable the plugin. After that all emails (new user registration, password reset etc) will be send through the Mandrill service.
Mandrill Features:
Uses MailChimp's awesome email delivery engine instead of your server
Tracks opens and clicks so you know how effective these emails are to your users . Now you can > see what you need to change to make them
more effective.
Has pretty, visual reports of the email results
Allows you to tag the emails and see your stats filtered by tag
Why would understanding transactional emails be important for you. An example is when a user signs > up on your site an email is sent via Joomla. But, you get no reports to understand how effective that email did. These emails are sent as instructions to your users telling them a message you want them to understand. Where they designed good? Was the content well written? Was it structured properly? This is hard to say when it goes thru Joomla but now you will understand all this when the emails goes thru Mandrill.
This is a setting from your host. YOu can ask them for help in figuring out how to make it work, but they are trying to prevent you from using their hosting to spam people.
Sometimes it is possible to work around it but not always.
This usually happens due to restrictive mail server settings, which you most likely don't have influence on with shared hosting.
If you have more control over the server, you should fix the mail server settings.
If not, the easiest way is to use Joomla's ability to send mails using any SMTP mail account. Create a mail account for Joomla, and enter the credentials in Joomla's configuration. Joomla will then use that account to send mails. So will extensions, if they are properly written.

Contact-Me from webpage without using email client

help out a noob with a simple web development question??
I want to create a Contact-Me form on my website, but I'd like it to not go through the email client that's installed on the user's machine, in case they're at a public terminal. I don't mind if the email comes from "me" to "me", as long as nobody can use it to spam me! Is there a way to get it to safely use the SMTP server it uses when I myself send an email? (This is a Yahoo-hosted website, and I have a Yahoo email account associated with it.)
Sure. You want a simple contact form that posts to some .php/.asp/.whatever script. That script should be able to use the SMTP server from your host (Yahoo!). You may end up sending from a different email than your personal one, but just look up the info for your host.
I Googled "yahoo hosting send email" and the first result looks very relevant:
As for wanting to stop spam from coming in through the form, just implement a captcha. I'd recommend using reCAPTCHA - it's free and has sample code that you can basically just plug in.
