sliksvn displays popup, "There is no disk in the drive" - windows

I use the SlikSVN command line client and Windows 8.1 machine. When I type svn update in any folder, a message box appears that says, "There is no disk in the drive. Please insert a disk into drive F:" I cannot stop or explain why sliksvn pops up this message.
Question: Do you know what might cause this?
More details:
After pressing Continue a couple times, it finally does the update.
It happens for svn update and checkout, but not for svn status and info.
I have tried clearing my SVN credentials.
I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling SlikSVN.
I do a custom install and only install the client and tools.
I have not noticed that it happens for any other program.
My computer is just a few weeks old.
My F: drive corresponds to an SD port on my computer. I have never used that SD port before.
My SlikSVN version is version 1.8.5-SlikSvn-1.8.5-X64 (SlikSvn/1.8.5) X64 compiled Nov 30 2013, 17:17:43 on x86_64-microsoft-windows6.2.9200
I reported this using the contact form on the SlikSVN website, but have not received a response yet.

I just checked the SlikSVN site again. On January 18, they uploaded a new version, 1.8.5-1. I did the following:
Uninstalled version 1.8.5
Deleted my AppData\Roaming\Subversion folder
Installed version 1.8.5-1
I no longer get the annoying popup message about drive F:.
As best I can tell, version 1.8.5-1 fixed the problem.

Do you have a removable USB?
Is it labelled C:\?
Microsoft doesn't like it


Cygwin 32-bit Update on win 10 64-bit - Downloads Fail With Errors

Trying to update my 32-bit Cygwin install on a Windows 10 64-bit fresh install and every setup-x86 I have tried fails with errors.
I had it all working on my old system, which was a Windows 7 upgrade to Windows 10. My 3rd party SDK with Cygwin plus an upgrade was installed a good few years ago while on Windows 7 then did the Windows 10 upgrade thing. I could still compile my code for an embedded processor device with no errors after that.
But Microsoft corrupted my system with the last update (December 2022) so my system was unbootable and irreparable by any of their troubleshooting Advanced methods.
So I put a new hard drive in and installed windows 10 from scratch.
Two weeks later I have reinstalled much software but now I am at my SDK re-install and cannot get any Cygwin version to download.
I have a 3rd party SDK which instructs me to install their Cygwin first (version 1.5.18) then remove some environment variables, then go to and Follow the “Dead Simple Instructions" and go for "any version 2017 +".
After downloading the files I must copy the directory to my original install directory, thus upgrading the install.
I just cannot download anything though.
I went to that time machine page and was totally confused. I noticed they said "this is the last 32 bit install" on several places, so I tried clicking on all those setup-x86 links.
I tried running the downloaded setup-x86 files from the download directory but each one failed.
On most of the more recent setup-x86 files,(like 2.924) it shows a small blue square telling me Windows protected me etc. I click Run anyway and then it says "Cygwin is not supported on 32-bit windows".
So I tried earlier versions like 2.909 and they show the interface; I choose download, then choose the download directory ( a folder on my desktop) then I have tried both direct connection and use system proxy; then I select a mirror (tried all of them, I think) and it begins some action then stops with errors like:
"https:\\x86\setup.ini line 12: The current ini file requires at least version 2.924 of setup. Please download a newer version from"
But I have already tried 2.924 and it gives the "Cygwin is not supported on 32-bit windows" error!
With setup-x86-2.874.exe, it shows the interface etc. but in the mirror list all I see is http://update.setup.invalid.
With 2.774 it does the interface then "Unable to get setup.ini from 'my selected mirror url'.
Then I tried that page, where I tried the circa urls and did these from an Administrator command line, as they say. No good- errors.
Under "Dead Simple Instructions"(no they are not) I followed the link to the machine top level snapshot index, but each link their only gives a plain text list of files- nothing downloadable!
Anyway, copied a url link and then at step 4 it says click for setup-x86. So I did but that blue windows protection square appears. I say run anyway but then it says "Cygwin is not supported on 32-bit windows"!
I am at my wits end! It all worked fine on my old system until Microsoft ruined it with their updates.
How can I get a newer cygwin update for my v1.5, s the 3rd party instructions say???
Aha! I believe I have finally got this to work.
I just found a new release of the instructions for the 3rd party software SDK. They mention version 2.9.0 as the new version they are moving to.
I cannot access their download but I went back and read the Cygwin Time Machine page carefully again (
Under "Dead Simple Instructions", I looked through the list of dates and versions ( and found 2.9.0-1; surely close enough, eh?
So I copied the URL shown there.
Step 4 Run setup-x86.exe downloaded the setup file and Itried it from an Admin CMD prompt, adding the -X and -D switches. It failed with the 32 bit error, as before.
OK so I read again and near the bottom of the page I spotted "Cygwin Setup Archive".
Ah... I went to the link provided there ( and found setup-x86-2.901.exe.
After it downloaded, I again used the command prompt to run this and an interface appeared.
I was able to choose the existing install directory, the temporary download directory and add the URL I had copied earlier.
It proceeded to get the list of packages correctly.
I then selected to view files that were installed but may need updating and clicked Next.
It all went correctly. Thanks to Doug who offered help already.
So there is a way to do this.
If anyone was looking for the solution, I found the answer in the Cygwin mailing list. You must launch the setup-x86.exe (setup-x86-2.924.exe) with the --allow-unsupported-windows option --site circa_URL arguments, much like the -X switch was used on prior legacy installers to disable signature checking. circa_URL here is a mirror of legacy repos for Cygwin, where is the suggested url in the mailing listing post.
Apparently, if you are on a true x86, non-64-bit, Windows OS, this flag is not necessary, though I think the repo mirror may be required.

What is causing an access denied on executable MobaSCPRinew.exe when using MobaXterm on Windows

I've been a happy user of MobaXterm for years, this is a great terminal and X-window manager on Windows to access Linux machine and others. Recently, possibly since I upgraded to Windows 11 or changed laptop, I sometimes get the following error window:
An error occurred while starting the following MobaXterm subprocess:
Access is denied
I could not figure out which action is triggering this error but it is pretty rare and seems to happen either when I switch from one tab to another or when I unlock my computer after a while but I can't reproduce it systematically. I'm using MobaXterm Personal Edition v22.0 Build 4858.
This executable exists on my system and the file properties mention that this is a "Command-line SCP/SFTP client". However, even after the error, the SSH Browser available in the side bar (provided you only show one tab) is still visible and working.
Does anybody know what could be causing this?
I contacted the support of MobaXterm:
they told me it is a known bug related to the "Remote Monitoring" feature, which can display stats about memory, disk usage, connected users,...
advised me to test the preview version 22.2 since the bug seems fixed in that release
I used it for a few days and the issue never happened. I will download the latest official release 22.1 and, if it happens also in that one, will wait for the official 22.2. I will close this issue once the bug is fixed in an official release.
Same issue here, with some slight differences:
Location seems to be the "Documents" folder of my "Onedrive":
E:\OneDrive - xyz\Documents\MobaXterm\slash\bin\MobaSCPRinew.exe"
I use the "professional edition" with the same license ID, so I suppose technically it is the same software.
Issue only popped up till now after a reboot of my system, launching the MobaXterm and subsequently starting an ssh session.
Restarting MobaXterm only (once) didn't produce the issue.
I now upgraded to 22.1. Since the release notes do not mention anything concerning this issue, I can't know for sure the problem will be solved. I'll report back when it reoccurs.

Barracuda installation not possible on win10

I am unable to install Barracuda Netwrok Access client on any win 10 PC.
Installation wizzard fails on the last screen few seconds after "Install" button was clicked on.
Installation wizzard was run as Administrator. I also tried to change the setup.exe compatibility properties with no effect.
In Windows Event Viewer I have found: "Installation was finished with success or error: 1603". Error 1603 means one of the following:
Folder I want Barracuda install into is encryped (It is not)
I want to install it onto a substitude drive (No)
I do not have full controll permission on the installation folder (No. I also tried to change the folder location - with no effect)
My config:
System: Win10 Pro
Application: Barracuda 3.6
Can anyone help me to solve this problem?
I had the same issue with version 5. In my case, there were a couple of services blocking the installation such as:
MongoDB Server
ESET Remote Administrator Agent
but the installer was only saying "The wizard was interrupted... "
To discover which services are blocking your specific situation, follow this procedure:
Run the installer (in my case NetworkAccessClient_5.0.1-12_x64.exe)
Open C:\Users\your_user\AppData\Local\Temp and sort folders by creation date. The last one should be the one containing the BarracudaNAC.msi file. In my case was C:\Users\your_user\AppData\Local\Temp{1FD950A7-EDFE-40D2-8534-1C7960D8B012}
Copy the BarracudaNAC.msi file somewhere in your filesystem.(i.e. c:\Downloads)
Interrupt the installation you started at step 1
Run the installation again using the BarracudaNAC.msi instead of the original NetworkAccessClient executable.
One of the steps is the services check. Just terminate the services that are blocking your installation or select the "Do not close applications. (A reboot will be required)" option:
Hope it helps.
Solved. There must be MS Outlook turned off while trying to instal Barracuda. The problem was caused by MS Lync integration.
Three more apps that need to be closed: Google Chat (browser-based app), Windows Terminal Preview (NB! not cmd or ps), Slack. This list was displayed after "Validating install" message had been up for ~10 minutes. Then again 5 minutes "Validating install" and MS Teams Chat had to be closed (NB! also need to quit it from system tray). Alltogether about 40 min install...

MAMP Pro 3 "The installation failed."

I have just purchased an upgrade to MAMP Pro 3, downloaded the file (
MAMP_MAMP_PRO_3.0.5.pkg) and continued on to the Install. Unfortunately after three attempts I'm unable to complete the instal, the files are written and at the end I get an error msg:
The installation failed. The installer encountered an error that caused the installation to fail. Contact the software manufacturer for
(need to work on my reputation before I can post a screen grab unfortunately)
Has anyone else had this issue? and how did you get it resolved?
I know this question was raised some time ago, but I faced the same problem days ago where I could not install MAMP on my Mac and the "Installation Failed" got me nervous.
It turned out the file I had downloaded was corrupted. I downloaded it again and this time I checked its SHA-1 checksum to assure it was the same as in the website. Indeed, it was and the installation therefore went smoothly.
To check checksums on Windows, I used the File Checksum Integrity Verifier which can be downloaded from Microsoft (tiny file).
For Mac, there are commands to run in the console. I don't have them at hand, otherwise I'd add them here.

TortoiseSVN on Windows 8 can't commit

The situation:
I reinstalled my PC and installed Windows 8. I also installed the latest version of TortoiseSVN. My files are on another (Ubuntu) PC on my network, so windows sees that drive as a network drive.
The problem:
TortoiseSVN sees the directory as an svn repository, no problem there. I can choose commit, enter a comment and choose which files to commit and such. Works all as expected. But once I click the commit button, nothing happens. I mean the commit screen appears, but that's it. Nothing happens after that.
This setup used to work perfectly when my PC was still running on Vista.
Does anybody has any ideas on what may cause this? Cheers!
Issue #1: Accessing a working copy across a network share is not supported, and is generally discouraged.
Issue #2: If your working copy was created/last used with a version of TortoiseSVN (or any other client) which is not 1.7.x, then it is not compatible with the latest release. You must manually upgrade each working copy with svn upgrade on the command line, or right-click -> Tortoise SVN -> Upgrade in Windows. But this will render the working copy unusable for older if you're using that WC from Ubuntu as well, you need to upgrade your client(s) there as well. Which goes back to issue #1 - sharing a WC can get messy.
