TortoiseSVN on Windows 8 can't commit - windows

The situation:
I reinstalled my PC and installed Windows 8. I also installed the latest version of TortoiseSVN. My files are on another (Ubuntu) PC on my network, so windows sees that drive as a network drive.
The problem:
TortoiseSVN sees the directory as an svn repository, no problem there. I can choose commit, enter a comment and choose which files to commit and such. Works all as expected. But once I click the commit button, nothing happens. I mean the commit screen appears, but that's it. Nothing happens after that.
This setup used to work perfectly when my PC was still running on Vista.
Does anybody has any ideas on what may cause this? Cheers!

Issue #1: Accessing a working copy across a network share is not supported, and is generally discouraged.
Issue #2: If your working copy was created/last used with a version of TortoiseSVN (or any other client) which is not 1.7.x, then it is not compatible with the latest release. You must manually upgrade each working copy with svn upgrade on the command line, or right-click -> Tortoise SVN -> Upgrade in Windows. But this will render the working copy unusable for older if you're using that WC from Ubuntu as well, you need to upgrade your client(s) there as well. Which goes back to issue #1 - sharing a WC can get messy.


MobaXterm log file

For reasons unknown yet, my MobaXterm Local Terminal will not start any more on Windows 7 box. There is not even a single error prompt of why this may be happening. I am still able to ssh into remote hosts. Could someone please suggest how to turn on logging in MobaXterm of all its events etc. so that I can debug this break?
Alternatively any explanation on why only the MobaXterm Local Terminal may not start in the application would also be very much appreciated.
Thank you very much for your help.
So the workaround for now is to revert to a previous version of MobaXterm (agree.. not the best solution).
-- Uninstalled MobaXterm 9.1
-- Reinstalled MobaXterm 8.6
Not necessarily we need to move to an old revision. I hope we can take any latest stable branches (not installer) portable edition, and use it.
If this works, there was something goofed up in the installer folder.
This portable edition can be continued, for same configuration and other settings, copy and paste the MobaXterm.ini file from your old location and check if that restores all your settings or crashes.
If this crash, this is day clear of the reason, else we have the old favourite restored.

SVN + Dropbox: sync project on Windows and Mac

I'm new to SVN so please be patient with my (maybe weird) question.
I have been working on a project with SVN on Windows 7 using Tortoise and WAMP for developing on my local machine.
As all the project is inside my Dropbox folder I'm wondering if there's a way to work on this even on my mac laptop with OSX Lion when I'm away from home (using xCode or whatever) and maintain consistency on both systems.
I read on the web about syncing xcode project with dropbox on several macs, but can it be done between windows and osx?
The idea with SVN is that you have a host where you push your code to. This host runs an svn server which manages your code and is able to distribute the code to multiple clients and accept changes from these clients. So if you have an SVN server somewhere, you don't need to use DropBox at all - just checkout your code from the server on your Mac and you can work on it and push changes to your server. On your Windows system, you can then just update your copy and get the latest changes that you pushed from your Mac.
If, however, you are using a local SVN server which stores your repository in your dropbox folder, things are a bit different. First thing to say: I would never do that. Second thing: You'd have to configure an SVN server on your OSX system to use the repository in your Dropbox folder the same way the server you configured on your Windows system does. If I ever needed to use a setup like that, I would never use SVN for it. A decentralized version control system like git or Mercurial is much better suited to handle this setup, because you don't need to have a server running - you can just sync between the DropBox folder and your local copy.
Why not use git? If you're new, don't bother learning something that's obsolete.
Be aware that different IDEs (XCode on OSX vs. whatever you're using on Win7) may mangle your line endings everytime you save from that computer.
Git has decent support for this sort of problem:
What's the best CRLF (carriage return, line feed) handling strategy with Git?
Finally, I'm not sure how you expect to "share" the project between two different build systems.
If you have a Makefile for your Windows build, you can make it a cross-platform one. See this:
makefile custom functions

Git ssh.exe has stopped working

I am on Windows 7, 64 bit, and have installed msysgit to work with my github repositories. On my old laptop (32 bit, also windows 7), git ran with no problems, but now git bash runs slowly (I type a command and it takes a couple of seconds for it to actually show up, character by character). When I try to push changes it works intermittently, but more often than not a dialog box comes up saying that "ssh.exe has stopped working...". I click cancel on that, and retry the command. Eventually, it works, asking for my authentication code. Once it gets to that step, it pushes without issue. It's just getting to that step that is the issue.
So basically, my problems are:
git runs slowly on most commands, even typing them in is slow before I execute the command
git bas (ssh.exe) stops working when pushing, works intermittently.
I have reinstalled windows since this issue popped up and that did not fix it.
Regarding the slow typing in git bash and cmd.exe, these other questions might have your answers:
Msysgit bash is horrendously slow in Windows 7
The first has a solution when you're running a Lenovo Laptop (are you running on one by any chance?).
Since you indicated that even after a Windows re-install you're having the same issue, I would think it's related to hardware or some service or piece of software installed for this specific hardware.
I would also try running git bash as Administrator and see if that makes a difference.
Your SSH issue could be dependent on the other one, so I would solve the slow typing issue first.
Intermittent push, fetch and other remote commands are an indication of not enough concurrent ssh connections allocated in whatever your central repo is hosted on. Bump up the configuration to allow more concurrent secure connections. This is especially true if you are using something like gitolite or gitosis which use one user to allow access to all git users and differentiate the user based upon the public key provided.
I have the same configuration: Win 7 64bit, Msysgit and github. I'we faced the "ssh.exe has stopped working" problem as you did, when pushing to github.
I solved it by using another ssh.exe: I installed Cygwin, and copied over all the binaries to the git's binary folder.
I think that if during the msysgit installation, you specify an external ssh client to use, you can avoid this hack, but at the moment this seemed like a good idea.
I also faced this issue. ssh.exe, the one which git was using, was also being used by OpenSSH which I was running to connect to my US office. I've also installed TortoiseSVN which has its own ssh.exe.
I uninstalled Git and while re-installing I configured Git to use the ssh.exe that's part of TortoiseSVN, and this problem went away.
I faced the same issue today. Disabled the antivirus and it worked perfectly.

TortoiseSVN made my windows stop working soon after log in

I'm running an Windows 7 Home Basic in a Megaware machine with 8GB RAM, intel Core i5 2.9 GHz (x64), 1 TB of Hard Disk.
The problem is: since today, when i tried to update a project from an SVN repository at google code with TortoiseSVN 1.7.1 (for 64-bit systems) at the same time i opened the Eclipse (Indigo for Java EE), the windows just stops working. No error messages, i just can't do nothing. I can still move my mouse, but all the functions of the windows simply do not respond (i tried ctrl+alt+del , alt+f4, win, win+e, win+r...). I'm acessing via safe mode (with network).
I tried also to uninstall the Tortoise (had to find out how to turn on the MSIServer on), but even after uninstalling it, the problem continues. Can the Tortoise have damaged one of my system's file? Reinstall the windows is my last option, btw.
It might have, but I doubt it. It could also be something else that's been installed since then. Instead of reinstalling windows, go into your Start Menu, and select "System Restore". If you have a restore point defined from before you started experiencing problems, that could be a good way to get back to what you had without a full reinstall.

Can TortoiseGit work with Windows 7's "make available offline"?

Under Windows 7 SP1 (64 bit), I have been using a git repository stored on SMB share made available by a Linux machine. I've made it available offline (right-click in Win7 Explorer, select "Always available offline") and I dimly remember the directory is being indexed by Win7.
I've made some commits, resets, branches and the like with TortoiseGit and I never got any warnings or error messages. When looking at the shared directory from my local machine, everything looks fine, but when I look at the file share from another machine, I see that the MS Word 2010 file (.docm) I've been working on is gone (!) and there are lots of .tmp files in the directory, all corresponding to different versions of that Word file:
While I managed to work out that the last .tmp file is what I was looking for, this is not really nice to work with...
Has anyone seen such a problem? Can TortoiseGit be made to work with Windows 7's "work available offline" functionality?
It looks like it's incompatible with offline dirs, seeing what you noticed. But given the fact that git is distributed, I don't see any interest in working in this manner, since cloning the repository from the SMB share to your local machine does what you want, with much more features and controls that Git gives to you
