Windows Phone 8 maps uri scheme - windows-phone-7

I'm developing a windows phone app and want to show the maps app. I know about the uri scheme's ms-drive-to, ms-walk-to and the HERE equivalents, but I don't want navigation. I also don't want to rely on HERE maps, because someone might not have installed that one. The question:
Is there a way of opening the default Map app on windows phone 8?

You could use the MapsTask API;
MapsTask mapsTask = new MapsTask();
//Omit the Center property to use the user's current location.
//mapsTask.Center = new GeoCoordinate(47.6204, -122.3493);
mapsTask.ZoomLevel = 2;

You should check the sdk.
If you really want to open the apps, you can do it with a trick. Add a brower task an follow steps of this article.


Windows app store download permissions

I developed an app for Windows phone. Now I want to deploy it on Windows app store and wants to put restriction.I want only specific people will able to install it. How can I do that. Any suggestion will be appropriated.
Well that depends on who these specific people are. You can set age restrictions and region restrictions, and that's about it.
If you mean you want to hand-pick users that can use your app, then provide a login screen where you manually authorize your registered users.
If you mean that only users you choose can download the app, then you can't use the Store; you'll need to use sideloading.
You can control distribution in the Distribution and Visibility section of your app submission on the developer dashboard.
There are three basic options (for Windows 10 - two for Windows Phone 8.x):
Hide this app and prevent acquisition. Customers with a promotional code can still download it on Windows 10 devices
Give codes to the people you want to be able to use the app. This is Windows 10 only.
Hide this app in the Store. Customers with a direct link to the app’s listing can still download it, except on Windows 8 and Windows
Send links to the people you want to use the app. This will work on Windows Phone 8.1 as well as Windows 10. Anybody with a link can download it though, so it won't truly limit to just the people you want to use the app.
Hide this app and make it available only to the people you specify below, who can download this app on Windows Phone 8.x devices. A
promotional code may be used to download this app on Windows 10
This is the classic beta-mode for Windows Phone 8.x. You can specify which Microsoft Accounts have access to the app.

How can I place a phone call programmatically from a Mac app?

With the advent of handoff/continuity in OS X Yosemite, I was hoping there would be an API for this. I can't find one Googling. Alternatively, is there a way to open designated phone call making app like Skype to place a call? I've seen links on web pages to phone numbers that auto-open my Skype app. Is that the way to do it - with some HTML embedded in my Mac app?
You can use the same "tel:5555555555" URL syntax that you use on mobile platforms. So, for example to call the number 5555555555 you can do:
if let url = NSURL(string: "tel:5555555555") {

How to enable Pseudo-language on Windows Phone 8 emulator

I can't seem to enable Pseudo-language on the WP8 emulator. Most tutorials suggest to set the localization via the development operating system, and that these settings somehow "trickle down" into the emulator, but this doesn't seem to work for me -- the emulator just defaults to English no matter how I have my OS language/keyboard set (Control Panel -> Language -> Move Up <language> to top -> restart emulator).
I can change localization settings within the phone's "Settings", and although other languages successfully translate within my app, Pseudo is not an option.
I have Googled lots of MSDN information (including documentation on how to troubleshoot this specific issue) and I have seemingly exhausted my options.
tl;dr Has anyone had trouble with the "trickle down" of localization settings into the Windows Phone emulator? How do you fix it?
Here is the solution recommended by Microsoft
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("qps-ploc");
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("qps-ploc");
When I want to run my WP8 app in pseudo-loc, I add the following line to the beginning of App constructor:
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = new CultureInfo("qps-ploc");

How to support/switch between different color themes in Windows Phone applications

Hi the app I'm developing uses the current system theme resources for what to display, but I'd also like to create 2 additional themes. My questions are what is a good way of doing this programatically, and what would the standard GUI be like to do this? Currentl my app is just a single page/window and would like to avoid using a settings page unless that would be how it's typically done. Thanks!
P.S. - I'm new to Windows Phone and have never actually used anything besides the emulator, so I don't have any exerience using any apps on that platform.
Create your own resources to do that.
Usually on a Windows Phone app we use resources like PhoneAccentBrush for the main accent and PhoneBackgroundBrush for the background theme.
For more info on how to acomplish this check out this link

Live tile inside windows phone 7 application

Is it possible to create a live tile inside our windows phone 7 application? I am asking the similar functionality as in AppHub app "...i'm a WP7!".
Please provide me input, how i can achieve this functionality?
Check out the HubTile control from the Silverlight Toolkit for Windows Phone over at codeplex.
Just be careful that it looks good and makes sense in your app - it's a very dynamic control and you can't see the Title of the control all the time.
