Empty result from Virtual Member Manager IBM Websphere WAS 8.5 - websphere

I am using IBM websphere application server, I am trying to access the default file repository from my application using the virtual member manager, below is the code I use, it works well but I got an empty result, I checked the fileRegistry.xml file and it contains users, can anyone tell my where is my problem?
DataObject root = SDOHelper.createRootDataObject();
DataObject searchCtrl = SDOHelper.createControlDataObject(root,null,SchemaConstants.DO_SEARCH_CONTROL);
searchCtrl.setString(SchemaConstants.PROP_SEARCH_EXPRESSION,"#xsi:type='PersonAccount' and uid='*'");
root = getVMMService().search(root);
System.out.println("Output data graph"+ printDO(root));

Does the getVMMService() method get an instance of LocalServiceProvider ? I run the example in an standAlone app, in the example http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/zones/portal/proddoc/dw-w-userrepository/ is call it via corba protocol, when I try with Servlets for testing, I comment those lines


Parse iOS SDK not sending application Id

I'm testing out deploying my own parse server following the steps in the Parse Server Guide. I've got the server up and running and have been able to create and fetch objects via curl. I built a simple iOS app using the Parse SDK (1.14.2). I've initialized the SDK with the app id and server url as described in the Parse Server Guide. When I try to make requests, I get back unauthorized from the server. Digging further, I noticed that the SDK is not sending the application id header to the server. I modified the SDK to send the application id header and everything works. Am I missing a configuration step somewhere?
This is because you are not passing the ClientKey. In swift 3 you would pass it like this in the didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.
// Init Parse
let configuration = ParseClientConfiguration {
$0.applicationId = PARSE_APP_KEY
$0.clientKey = PARSE_CLIENT_KEY
$0.server = PARSE_SERVER_URL
$0.isLocalDatastoreEnabled = true
Parse.initialize(with: configuration)
If you are falling when trying to test CloudCode, then its because your parse-server is not passing the Javascript key. So just make sure you initialize the server to do so if this issue is related to Parse.Cloud function.

WebApi2 SPA Template Identity re-target database

I created a new web application in VS2013 and chose "Single Page Application" to see how the OWIN OAuth authentication was setup. Everything works great, however when trying to migrate the behavior to an existing application, I am not seeing where to change the database context to point it to our existing database?
In "Startup.Auth.cs" I see the following line ->
UserManagerFactory = () => new UserManager<IdentityUser>(new UserStore<IdentityUser>());
Which can take a DbContext as a parameter. Do I have to create a new instance of the context here and pass it in? Will this keep the context open indefinitely or per request?
I was able to resolve this using the following article as a reference-

NserviceBus RabbitMQ configuration on WebAPI

I have a webAPI project in which one of the controllers sends a command to a service(Nservicebus Host) which does additional processing.
I am having trouble running the project saying with TargetInvocationException for the below type
{Name = "RabbitMqTransport" FullName = "NServiceBus.Features.RabbitMqTransport"}
I made sure I have a reference to RabbitMQ in bin folder as per github issue.Not sure whats the problem.
I have a structure map registry class which instantiates IBus type with the below configuration..
.Start(() => NServiceBus.Configure.Instance.ForInstallationOn<NServiceBus.Installation.Environments.Windows>().Install())
Missing RabbitMQ.Client in the bin/debug folder where API is hosted. Ahh well....

I want my Domino Servlet to get an authenticated user session

It seems a like a pretty fundamental question, in a running Servlet hosted on Domino I want to access Domino resources that I have wisely protected using the the very fine security of IBM Notes and Domino.
I want the Servlet to be able to read and write data to Domino whilst keeping that data from the client that called the Servlet (or xAgent) and preventing the client from writing directly.
I'd be happy to be able to get a session that represented the signer of the application. I can get a session for a registered user by calling the Servlet using ?open&login and signing in. That's not practical.
I've looked here: How can you use SessionAsSigner in a Java Bean called from an XPage? where Mark Leusink (https://stackoverflow.com/users/1177870/mark-leusink) implies the use of ExtLib's getCurrentSessionAsSigner() could be used. I've tried it, having signed the whole application with a single user id and it doesn't return a session. The answer seems to lie in the Servlet's inability to get a FacesContext object.
This feels like the answer should be obvious but it isn't to me. Any ideas?
FacesContext is JSF stuff and can be used from XAgent (=XPage).
In a servlet you can do this:
Session session = NotesFactory.createSession(null, "user", "password");
Server ID usually has no password and doing this will use the server ID:
Session session = NotesFactory.createSession();
Check the source of the WebDav project on OpenNTF. It has all the code you need
There have been lots of good answers to the original question. Thanks very much.
The solution I propose to use is to port the code I have to OSGi plugins. It appears that java code/Servlets within the NSF context are subject to security controls that are relaxed when the same code runs within the OSGi context. The code:
try {
Session s = NotesFactory.createSession("","<my username>","<my password>");
session = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
Runs fine in the OSGI context, but within in an NSF produc
Jason - I assume you basically want the same functionality you would get running a Web Query Save agent if you didn't select run as Web User selected, in other words as the signer of the code.
You could try setting up a internet site rule to allow basic authentication for the specific application path you wanted to use - might be worth using a subdomain for this.
Then within the Servlet call this URL, whilst setting the Basic authorization parameters (username & password).
Something like this.
URL url = new URL(URL_TO_CALL);
String authStr = "USERNAME:PASSWORD";
String authEncoded = Base64.encodeBytes(authStr.getBytes());
HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + authEncoded);
InputStream is = connection.getInputStream();

How to reference an initialized embedded RavenDB instance in a Class Library?

My scenario is this:
I have a custom RavenDB membership provider that is implemented in a class library (DLL). This provider needs to access a database to store and retrieve User and Role information. I'd like to use the same app database to store membership information to avoid having one more database.
I don't know how to get a reference to the already initialized database (app database) inside the class library code. I think I'm going the wrong way here... :)
Some code:
bool embeddedStore = Convert.ToBoolean(config["enableEmbeddableDocumentStore"]);
if (embeddedStore)
_documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore()
// Here I'm using the same connection string used by the app.
// This gives me an error when I try to open a session in the DocumentStore.
ConnectionStringName =
_documentStore = new DocumentStore()
ConnectionStringName =
This is the connection string present in Web.config:
<add name="RavenDB" connectionString="DataDir = ~\App_Data\Database" />
How can I reuse the same database within the custom membership provider? Any ideas?
I thought about moving the class library code files to the Web project. This way I could get a reference to the DocumentStore easily, but the code wouldn't be as organized as I'd like.
I also tried to use 2 RavenDB databases: 1 for the app and 1 for the membership provider, but as I'm running RavenDB in its embeddable fashion I couldn't get it working.
These are the errors I got during my attempts so far:
RavenDB Could not open transactional storage.
Temp path already used by another database instance.
You need to pass the instance of the opened document store to your dll.
You can do that using a container or by providing an API call to do that.
You can't have two instance using the same db.
