WebApi2 SPA Template Identity re-target database - asp.net-web-api

I created a new web application in VS2013 and chose "Single Page Application" to see how the OWIN OAuth authentication was setup. Everything works great, however when trying to migrate the behavior to an existing application, I am not seeing where to change the database context to point it to our existing database?
In "Startup.Auth.cs" I see the following line ->
UserManagerFactory = () => new UserManager<IdentityUser>(new UserStore<IdentityUser>());
Which can take a DbContext as a parameter. Do I have to create a new instance of the context here and pass it in? Will this keep the context open indefinitely or per request?

I was able to resolve this using the following article as a reference-


ABP BoilerPlate: i cant see my exception message when i'm using UserFirendlyException

i'm using ABP ASP boilerplate .net core / angular client side frame work.
i want to show specific message when some condition exists in server side by raising UserFriendlyException("myMessage") but in client side only showing popup window
my end point API signature is like this async Task<BDto> CalcBodies(ADto input)
my problem solved by specifying LocalizationSourceName property of Service instance base on this post : GitHub link

Xamarin.Auth - Google authentication won't open in browser

I'm trying to do authentication on my Android application using Xamarin.Auth. Some time ago, Google made the policy that you cannot do this in an embedded web view (for totally valid reasons).
I'm trying to open the account authentication page in a browser, but keep getting the embedded web view. I understand that isUsingNativeUI needs to be true in the following code:
_auth = new OAuth2Authenticator(clientId, string.Empty, scope,
new Uri(Constant.AuthorizeUrl),
new Uri(redirectUrl),
new Uri(Constant.AccessTokenUrl),
isUsingNativeUI = true);
At every point in my application, this always equals true.
Elsewhere, I have code that redirects to what should be a browser:
var authenticator = Auth.GetAuthenticator();
Intent intent = authenticator.GetUI(this);
Regardless, I keep getting a dreaded 403 disallowed_useragent error whenever I try to run the project. Is there another element to this that I'm missing?
To my knowledge, setting auth.IsUsingNativeUI = true in the constructor should dictate that it must open in a browser. I've been following this example to try and debug with no success. I even pulled the guy's repo down to my machine and ran it - the Intent variable at the moment of redirection is almost identical.
Could there be something stupid that I'm missing? What else might be going wrong?
I realize this is an old question, but I had the same issue.
You have to install version of the Xamarin.Auth Nuget package. The newest one (version 1.7.0 right now) doesn't work. You'll have to also install the PCLCrypto nuget package in order to get that version to work.

How to access session from a view in ASP .NET Core MVC 1.0

I am trying to access session data from inside a view.
Use Case: I'm storing status messages in the session that will be displayed at the top of the page. Currently I implemented this by using a DisplayMessages() function that sets some ViewData[....] properties and calling it at the beginning of every controller action.
Goal: I want to only set the status message once without needing additional code in the controller to display the messages on the next page load.
So I'm trying to access the messages that are stored in the session directly from the view.
So far I have tried the following:
Dependency Injection of an IHttpContextAccessor (doesn't seem to work anymore with ASP .NET Core MVC 1.0.0
Creating a static class to access the session, including the change from next() to next.invoke() suggested in the comment
This didn't work. I could access the HttpContext and Session.IsAvailable was true, but there was no data in the session.
The following should work in the view: Context.Session.TryGetValue
If you are using the SessionExtensions then Context.Session.GetString will work.
Injecting IHttpContextAccessor does work, but starting with ASP.NET Core 1.0.0 RC2, the IHttpContextAcessor is not registered by default, because it has significant performance overhead per request. See this GitHub announcement for more information.
Tratcher posted:
IHttpContextAccessor can be used to access the HttpContext for the current thread. However, maintaining this state has non-trivial performance costs so it has been removed from the default set of services.
Developers that depend on it can add it back as needed:
services.AddSingleton<IHttpContextAccessor, HttpContextAccessor>();
But in your use case, I would suggest using a ViewComponent, which is a reusable piece of View with logic, that do not depend on a controller.
The documentation can be found here.
In your Views you would simply embed it with
#await Component.InvokeAsync("PriorityList", new { maxPriority = 2, isDone = false })
#Component.Invoke("PriorityList", new { maxPriority = 2, isDone = false })
for synchronous calls.

How to reference an initialized embedded RavenDB instance in a Class Library?

My scenario is this:
I have a custom RavenDB membership provider that is implemented in a class library (DLL). This provider needs to access a database to store and retrieve User and Role information. I'd like to use the same app database to store membership information to avoid having one more database.
I don't know how to get a reference to the already initialized database (app database) inside the class library code. I think I'm going the wrong way here... :)
Some code:
bool embeddedStore = Convert.ToBoolean(config["enableEmbeddableDocumentStore"]);
if (embeddedStore)
_documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore()
// Here I'm using the same connection string used by the app.
// This gives me an error when I try to open a session in the DocumentStore.
ConnectionStringName =
_documentStore = new DocumentStore()
ConnectionStringName =
This is the connection string present in Web.config:
<add name="RavenDB" connectionString="DataDir = ~\App_Data\Database" />
How can I reuse the same database within the custom membership provider? Any ideas?
I thought about moving the class library code files to the Web project. This way I could get a reference to the DocumentStore easily, but the code wouldn't be as organized as I'd like.
I also tried to use 2 RavenDB databases: 1 for the app and 1 for the membership provider, but as I'm running RavenDB in its embeddable fashion I couldn't get it working.
These are the errors I got during my attempts so far:
RavenDB Could not open transactional storage.
Temp path already used by another database instance.
You need to pass the instance of the opened document store to your dll.
You can do that using a container or by providing an API call to do that.
You can't have two instance using the same db.

migrating from ASP.NET profiles in website to web application project (cannot handle propertygroups)

I am transfering my solution from a website project to a web application project. In the process I am migrating profiles as well. Part of migrating from website to web application is that I need to write my own Profile-class as described here: http://leedumond.com/blog/asp-net-profiles-in-web-application-projects/
This works fine for all my existing properties except those belonging to a propertygroup.
In my website I had a propertygroup called "Facebook" for storing facebook-specific details. But in my web application project I cannot access these properties. Instead it seems to overwrite my existing properties with new empty ones. When I look in the database I can see that the old properties were stored as eg. "Facebook.FacebookUserId" whereas the new properties are stored as just "FacebookUserId" (without the "Facebook"-prefix). So my question is how to get my old properties ? I have tried creating propertygroups as proposed in the link above, but this just leads to a new xml-property (serializing the class).
Right now I am fetching the properties like this:
public long FacebookUserId
return (long)GetPropertyValue("FacebookUserId");
I have also tried:
public long FacebookUserId
return (long)GetPropertyValue("Facebook.FacebookUserId");
But none of this seems to work.
Any help is appreciated
I ended up doing a search and replace on the Facebook-prefix, and removed it
