How to reference an initialized embedded RavenDB instance in a Class Library? -

My scenario is this:
I have a custom RavenDB membership provider that is implemented in a class library (DLL). This provider needs to access a database to store and retrieve User and Role information. I'd like to use the same app database to store membership information to avoid having one more database.
I don't know how to get a reference to the already initialized database (app database) inside the class library code. I think I'm going the wrong way here... :)
Some code:
bool embeddedStore = Convert.ToBoolean(config["enableEmbeddableDocumentStore"]);
if (embeddedStore)
_documentStore = new EmbeddableDocumentStore()
// Here I'm using the same connection string used by the app.
// This gives me an error when I try to open a session in the DocumentStore.
ConnectionStringName =
_documentStore = new DocumentStore()
ConnectionStringName =
This is the connection string present in Web.config:
<add name="RavenDB" connectionString="DataDir = ~\App_Data\Database" />
How can I reuse the same database within the custom membership provider? Any ideas?
I thought about moving the class library code files to the Web project. This way I could get a reference to the DocumentStore easily, but the code wouldn't be as organized as I'd like.
I also tried to use 2 RavenDB databases: 1 for the app and 1 for the membership provider, but as I'm running RavenDB in its embeddable fashion I couldn't get it working.
These are the errors I got during my attempts so far:
RavenDB Could not open transactional storage.
Temp path already used by another database instance.

You need to pass the instance of the opened document store to your dll.
You can do that using a container or by providing an API call to do that.
You can't have two instance using the same db.


how to use services before app build in .net core 6.0

I have earlier achieved this .net 3.1. But it couldn't be possible with .Net 6 because of startup.cs removed.
I have registered a few services,
// Learn more about configuring Swagger/OpenAPI at
var appSettings = builder.Configuration.GetSection("AppSettings").Get<AppSettings>();
builder.Services.AddScoped<IEncryption, Encryption>();
//Here I need to get the IEncryption Service, and call the method in this service to encrypt/decrypt the connection string to pass to DBContext Service.
builder.Services.AddDbContext<CatalogDbContext>(options => options.UseNpgsql(
var app = builder.Build();
Earlier in .NET 3.1, I used BuildServicProvider() to get the Encryption service, and call the methods in that service to do the required logic then got the proper connection string I wanted that would be passed to the DBContext service on the next line.
Now, .NET 6/7 is forced to use the services only after app = builder.Build(); so, I can't register the DBCOntext after the build() method.
How can I solve this case? Any recommended approach to do this in .NET 6/7?
You still can useStartup.cs in .net 6
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var startup = new Startup(builder.Configuration);
startup.ConfigureServices(builder.Services); // calling ConfigureServices method
var app = builder.Build();
startup.Configure(app, builder.Environment); // calling Configure method
And then you can use ConfigureServices and Configure methods to register your services before building.
You didn't need to use BuildServiceProvider in .NET Core 3.1 either. AddDbContext has an overload that provides access to an IServiceProvider instance :
builder.Services.AddDbContext<CatalogDbContext>((services,options) =>{
var myOwnDecrypter=services.GetRequiredService<IMyOwnDecrypter>();
var cns=myOwnDecrypter.Decrypt(appSettings.ConnectionString,key);
or, if you use the ASP.NET Core Data Protection package :
builder.Services.AddDbContext<CatalogDbContext>((services,options) =>{
var protector = services.GetDataProtector("Contoso.Example.v2");
var cns=protector.Unprotect(appSettings.ConnectionString);
or, if IConfiguration.GetConnectionString is used :
builder.Services.AddDbContext<CatalogDbContext>((services,options) =>{
var conn_string=services.GetService<IConfiguration>()
var protector = services.GetDataProtector("Contoso.Example.v2");
var cns=protector.Unprotect(conn_string);
That said, it's the configuration provider's job to decrypt encrypted settings, not the service/context's. ASP.NET Core's configuration allows using multiple different configuration sources in the same host, not just a single settings file. There's nothing special about appsettings.json. That's just the default settings file name.
You can add another settings file with sensitive contents with AddJsonSettings. That file could use the file system's encryption, eg NTFS Encryption, to ensure it's only readable by the web app account
You can read settings from a key management service, like Hashicorp, Azure Key Vault, Amazon Key Management etc.
You can create your own provider that decrypts its input. The answers to this SO questino show how to do this and one of them inherits from JsonConfigurationProvider directly.
Important Caveat: In general, my suggestion below is a bad practice
Do not call BuildServiceProvider
Why is bad? Calling BuildServiceProvider from application code results in more than one copy of singleton services being created which might result in incorrect application behavior.
Justification: I think it is safe to call BuildServiceProvider as long as you haven't registered any singletons before calling it. Admittedly not ideal, but it should work.
You can still callBuildServiceProvider() in .Net6:
builder.Services.AddScoped<IEncryption, Encryption>();
// create service provider
var provider = builder.Services.BuildServiceProvider();
var encryption = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<IEncryptionService>();
// use service here
or alternatively
builder.Services.AddScoped<IEncryption, Encryption>();
var provider = builder.Services.BuildServiceProvider();
using (var scope = provider.CreateScope()) {
var encryption = scope.ServiceProvider.GetService<IEncryptionService>();
// use service here
You can still use the classic startup structure in .Net6/7. We upgraded our .Net3.1 projects to .Net6 without having to rewrite/restructure the Startup()

NET Core Server Side multiple session Blazor

I'm trying to host my Blazor application on my server.
I spent all the summer on it and I just realized every time I open my website on new device it doesn't create a new session restarting from zero, but continues where I left it. The worst part is there is a login system behind it, so I feel super dumb at the moment.
I really need a big hint on how to fix this "not little" issue.
Is there a way to make server create new session every time someone open the website (without making it loose to other users)?
The solution should be use a Client Template instead, but the performance are really to slow.
Accounts "user password" are:
- user user
- test test
Download project sample (requires Net Core 3.0)
[SOLUTION] itminus found the solution to my issue.
You have also to add in ConfigureServices in Startup.cs this services.AddScoped<Storage>();
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
every time I open my website on new device it doesn't create a new session restarting from zero, but continues where I left it.
I checkout your code and find that you're using Singleton Pattern to initialize the Storage. If I understand it correctly, this Storage singleton instance will be shared across different users (also across different devices). As this instance will be used to render the Main.razor page, there will be concurrency problems that you're experiencing now .
To fix that issue, the Storage instance should be limited within some specific connection. As you're using Blazor Server Side, you could register the Storage as a Scoped Service:
In Blazor Server apps, a scoped service registration is scoped to the connection. For this reason, using scoped services is preferred for services that should be scoped to the current user, even if the current intent is to run client-side in the browser.
Firstly, remove the static singleton instance :
public class Storage
private static Storage instance;
private Storage()
public static Storage GetInstance()
if (Storage.instance == null)
Storage.instance = new Storage();
return Storage.instance;
public List<Items>list {get;set;} = new List<Items>();
public string password {get;set;}
Register this Class as a scoped service:
And then inject this service in your Login.razor and Main.razor :
#inject project.Storage Storage
Finally, you need change all the Storage.GetInstance(). to Storage.:
Storage.list = Order;
Storage.password = password;
I notice that you're also creating the Importer/Additional instance using the Singleton Pattern. I would suggest you should refactor them to use Service Injection in a similar way.

Azure Functions, Entity Framework and Oracle DB - basic POC fails

I'm having a lot of trouble getting a basic proof-of-concept working, in which I am accessing an Oracle DB (11g) through Azure Functions via Entity Framework (6.2).
ODT For Visual Studio 2017 is installed, as well as Azure Functions CLI/Core Tools. Everything mentioned below is done entirely via Visual Studio 2017, not through Azure portal.
Take 1:
Created a new project with the Azure Functions template.
Installed NuGet packages EntityFramework (6.2.0), Oracle.ManagedDataAccess (12.2.1100) and Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework (12.2.1100). Note: When installing NuGet packages in projects using the Azure Functions template, the packages are added under Dependencies -> NuGet, rather than under References.
Added ADO.NET Entity Data Model to project.
Problem: After setting my connection string, choosing Entity Framework 6.x is unavailable, with the following error message:
An Entity Framework database provider compatible with the latest
version of Entity Framework could not be found for your data
connection. If you have already installed a compatible provider,
ensure you have rebuilt your project before performing this action.
Otherwise, exit this wizard, install a comaptible provider, and
rebuild your project befre performing this action.
As the simplest of workarounds, I have tried to just go ahead with EF5, but it throws an exception while creating the DB model (after selecting the objects to include in model, including some stored procedures).
Take 2:
Created project and installed NuGet packages as above.
Created class library project to facilitate the Oracle interactions.
Installed the same NuGet packages as above in the class library project.
Added ADO.NET Entity Data Model to class library project and added some database objects to the database model. Also added custom constructor to the model for specific connection string, because managing connection strings in Azure Functions was a seperate set of headaches that I'll deal with later.
Added a simple wrapper method to the class library project that calls a stored procedure from the database model:
public static string NameByEmpNo(int empNo)
string result;
MyEntities entities = new MyEntities("metadata=res://*/MyEntities.csdl|res://*/MyEntities.ssdl|res://*/MyEntities.msl;provider=Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client;provider connection string='DATA SOURCE=;PASSWORD=tiger;USER ID=SCOTT'");
ObjectParameter name = new ObjectParameter("o_empname", typeof(string));
entities.GET_EMP_NAME_PROC(empNo, name);
result = (string)name.Value;
return result;
Added reference to the class library in the Azure Functions project.
Added function that calls NameByEmpNo:
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> GetNameByEmpNo([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", Route = null)]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
int empNo = Int32.Parse(req.GetQueryNameValuePairs()
.FirstOrDefault(q => string.Compare(q.Key, "empno", true) == 0)
string empName = ScottAccess.NameByEmpNo(empNo);
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, "Employee name: " + empName);
Problem: At runtime, calling the function fails with this error
Exception while executing function: GetNameByEmpNo -> The ADO.NET
provider with invariant name 'Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client' is
either not registered in the machine or application config file, or
could not be loaded. See the inner exception for details. -> Unable to
find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider. It may not be
Bonus info: My class library works perfectly when called through a console application. Also, my Azure Functions app works perfectly when calling functions that do not use my class library...
I am stumped. Has anyone got experience with getting this combination of techs working together and can offer some insight into where I'm going wrong / provide steps to get a basic connection working?
Entity Framework within Azure Functions defaults the providers to System.Data.SqlClient so SQL connections will work without any configuration changes, but that means you have to do something special for Oracle connections. The problem seems to come from the config values that the Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client library assumes are available within the App.Config or Web.Config file in the project, which are inserted whenever you install the Oracle.ManagedDataAcess.EntityFramework Nuget package. Azure Functions don't have config files, and I wasn't able to find any way to specify the Oracle provider in the settings json files.
I found a solution in this post
It suggests bypassing this mechanism and creating a DbConfiguration for Oracle, then using DbConfigurationType to tell the DbContext which configuration you're using.
public class OracleDbConfiguration : DbConfiguration
public OracleDbConfiguration()
SetDefaultConnectionFactory(new OracleConnectionFactory());
SetProviderServices("Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client", EFOracleProviderServices.Instance);
SetProviderFactory("Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.Client", new OracleClientFactory());
public partial class MyEntities : IGISContext
//Expose Connection String Constructor
public MyEntities(string connectionString, int commandTimeoutInSeconds = 30) : base(connectionString)
this.Database.CommandTimeout = commandTimeoutInSeconds;
Note: I used EF 6 Database First to generate my EDMX; MyEntities here is a partial class for providing a constructor that takes in a connection string.
The oracle connection wil use the specified DbConfiguration class, and any SQL database connections will continue to work using the defaults.
My solution is using the Nuget Packages:
EntityFramework 6.2.0
Oracle.ManagedDataAccess 12.2.1100
Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.EntityFramework 12.2.1100

Registering a Sitefinity Custom Membership provider

I am trying to implement a custom membership provider in Sitefinity, and have followed through the documentation at:
When I come to register the provider in the Sitefinity backend, I get the message The following required properties are not set: type
I have checked, double checked and checked again the namespace and class names, and can even declare a variable as the provider type in the code-behind, yet it just won't have it.
My provider is defined thus:
namespace SitefinityWebApp
public class WebsiteMembersProvider : MembershipDataProvider
public WebsiteMembersProvider()
//... etc
I am registering the provider in the SF backend as:
SitefinityWebApp.WebsiteMembersProvider, SitefinityWebApp
And I can go into the code behind on one of my master pages and code:
SitefinityWebApp.WebsiteMembersProvider MyTestProvider;
and indeed, the class appears in the intellisense offerings just fine.
and the project all compiles/runs fine - but SF won't let me use the custom provider! I have also tried adding the provider manually in the securityconfig.config file - similar result.
Any idea anyone?
I went through the tutorial to try it myself and ran into the same problem as you.
Are you sure that you're putting this
SitefinityWebApp.WebsiteMembersProvider, SitefinityWebApp
in the ProviderType field (and not the 'Global resource class ID' field, which is what I initially did)? It seems like that error message shows up if I remove the text from that field and attempt to save (and also when it can't resolve that type).
Otherwise, I'm not sure what else it could be, aside from maybe recycling the app pool.

Frameworks using Redis

I would like to know if there are any MVC framework compatible with Redis as a database. (Not just as a caching datastore).
I would not expect any MVC framework to be tied to a database. Your implementation of the Model would provide access to whatever backing store (either directly or via one or more layers) was appropriate. You should be looking at the clients that Redis supports, with those you should be able to utilise MVC frameworks on any of the support client platforms.
+1 for Padrino.
Another great option is Monk. It includes Ohm(its actually written by some of the same guys) and is based on Sinatra. Its really easy to get started with and very flexible.
In Ruby you can use Ohm as ORM. If you want an MVC framework, it can be plugged to Padrino.
try to investigate cqrs architecture with event sourcing.
And you can download example of this from is Ruby on Rails application with Redis DB
You should definitely check out my C# ServiceStack.Redis Client. The client provides a typed API that can store any type and other high-level functionality, i.e. Strong-typed messaging API, Transactional Support, Pipelining, etc.
Here's is an mini clone of Stack Overflow built with it, using only one page of C#:
Sample Code from Redis StackOverflow:
public User GetOrCreateUser(User user)
if (user.DisplayName.IsNullOrEmpty())
throw new ArgumentNullException("DisplayName");
var userIdAliasKey = "id:User:DisplayName:" + user.DisplayName.ToLower();
using (var redis = RedisManager.GetClient())
//Get a typed version of redis client that works with <User>
var redisUsers = redis.As<User>();
//Find user by DisplayName if exists
var userKey = redis.GetValue(userIdAliasKey);
if (userKey != null)
return redisUsers.GetValue(userKey);
//Generate Id for New User
if (user.Id == default(long))
user.Id = redisUsers.GetNextSequence();
//Save reference to User key using the DisplayName alias
redis.SetEntry(userIdAliasKey, user.CreateUrn());
return redisUsers.GetById(user.Id);
grails has redis support in GORM through the redis plugin. Any domain class can be stored in redis (or any one of the other supported nosql stores) instead of a relational database.
