How to make a simple game in XNA? [closed] - windows-phone-7

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to start with a simple 2d game in xna as shown in the picture like character jumping, catching the points. Any help is appreciated. thank u.

You may want to try the Platformer Starter Kit from Microsoft. It contains a basic level system that can handle a few tiles, with basic collision. It supports enemies and "gems" by default.
It has quite a few problems, but that is part of the learning process, it is only designed to get you started in XNA.
You can view the documentation and enhancements here.


How can I detect skewed lines in images using Go? [closed]

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Closed 7 days ago.
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I would like to use lines in captured photos to detect and correct image skew. How would I do this in Go? Most of the packages I've seen on github don't seem to support edge detection or some way to figure out a contiguous line or perhaps a couple markers like QR codes use.

What is this algorithm? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I found this game and I'm very curious for know about of algorithm implemented in it.
I don't know how look for this, I don't know what is this algorithm and I want study it.
This is the game
Really Thank you.
This seems like a basic "Flood Fill" algorithm.
It's performed on custom 'pixels', but the principle seems the same.

Algorithm Visualization [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I wonder how it is possible to make a visual presentation of algorithm.
I found a very good visualization in Wikipedia like following:
If you know how to make a similar presentation, please let me know.
There are lots of libraries in various languages that can be used to visualize whatever you want, but according to this page:
The picture you're looking at was:
Created with: Ruby 1.8.4, RMagick.
Just for reference.

How does the algorithm for the "report abuse" feature on a website work? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was just wondering- is there an automated way that the "report abuse" (for profane or inappropriate posts) feature works for a large website like, say, Amazon? Is it just a simple game of numbers (e.g. 100 ppl report the link so it should be taken down) or something more sophisticated?
It is a link on a website that the website-owner implemented? I don't think there is a some sort of top-down regulated method of implementing this, everyone does it's own thing. Some will be 'just simple numbers', some will be more sophisticated.
SO does both I guess: the more flags, the more a problem (spam for instance) gets attention of people who can lock, and flags of some users way heavier then others...

diplomacy game judge algorithm [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am writing a server for playing the great diplomacy game online. Does anyone know an algorithm for the judge, that will calculate all moves/supports/convoys on the map at the end at each round?
For implementing the protocol I use twisted, for db-access django
Yes. DPjudge Adjudication Algorithm. Also see the DPJudge FAQ answer to the question about convoy paradoxes.
A check the njudge page that links to source code.
You might also want to look into the DAIDE project. They have a full comm protocol for create dip bot players against special servers. It's not open source (unfortunately) but there is a small community who use it to play real-time Dip games when 7 humans aren't available to play.
