On-Prem Install without using yum command - installation

If datacenter doesn't allow commands like yum, rpm, is there an alternative way to do an on-prem install of OPDK?

They will actually have to install their own local yum repository -- this means building up a rpm repository outside the data center and then brining that into the data center. Then you point yum on the Apigee machine to the internal yum repository.
We have a couple clients who have done this (who probably don't want it advertised so contact me directly for who has done it this way).

You can setup yum client and yum server. Yum client being the machine in the datacenter and yum server which is the machine from which you can pull all required repositories.
Yum will be used to download repositories for open ldap , postgres and qpid.
If for initial testing you are setting up an "sa" ( standalone) installation without analytics you would not require yum. ( If we use analytics all dependencies for analytics(postgres and qpid ) are installed via yum)


Connect to CentOS desktop (GUI) installed on Google cloud

I've installed Centos7 on the Google Cloud Platform, as you know there is just ssh option to connect to the machine.
Now I need to have access to its desktop(GUI) from my laptop (it's win10).
it's appreciated if anyone can help me.
Thanks in advance
you need to ssh login into your CentOS machine either from ssh button in Gcloud, or using the cloud shell:
gcloud compute ssh test-vws
then setup a password for your account:
sudo passwd `whoami`
After that, you will need to install a client that will allow you to navigate the GUI for your server.
again, on your server command line execute:
sudo yum -y update
sudo yum -y groupinstall 'Server with GUI'
once finished, follow this guige to install and setup Teradici Cloud Access Software (Remote Desktop Agent for CentOS).
Installing Teradici Cloud Access Software
On your virtual workstation, install the Teradici repositories:
sudo yum -y install https://downloads.teradici.com/rhel/teradici-repo-latest.noarch.rpm
Install Teradici Standard Agent for Linux:
sudo yum -y update
sudo yum -y install pcoip-agent-standard
Then you will have to register the Agent and create a firewall rule to allow the connection, just follow the guide, and your desktop connection will look like this:

How can I install yum rpm packages without internet connection?

This question has been asked before but mine is a bit different.
I want to install a bunch of rpm packages using sudo yum. I do not have internet connection on the machine I want to install them on. These packages also do not exist on any machine in the network.
Is there a way I can install them without internet connectivity and with them not anywhere on any machine in the network (so cannot use --downloadonly option) ?
if you have the RPM files on your local machine or any machine (not from network but you literally downloaded the .rpm files) then you can run
yum localinstall <path to rpm file>
you can also do
rpm -ivh <rpm file>
Is there a way I can install them without internet connectivity and
with them not anywhere on any machine in the network
No, that is called an air gap. You need to get the RPMs on the machine or network to have them installed.

Install python library through closed network

I teach Python in a high school which has an environment closured by Windows Server and denies FTP transactions and the majority of internet-accessing behavior. However, I need to install Pygame in a virtual machine Linux's (Edubuntu) within that network.
When I do: sudo apt-get update it doesn't work, of course. So this way I can't either install software or update it.
Which gateways/IP do I need to ask to the Server Manager to open in order to be able to use repositories in Linux? Even if it's just for the moment of installing through the terminal.
If you dont have access to Internet or FTP then you have to create local repository with all packages. You have to point your apt-get to that local repository.
After that when you do apt-get update it will check in local repository and will update the packages.
If you dont have access to create repository, you have to ask your network manager to create local repo and give url for that.
If you only need some Python packages you can directly use pip for installing packages provided on PyPI. It's possible to create a partial PyPI Mirror using pypi-mirror. This way you don't need a direct connection to the internet.

GitLab 5.4: unable to create user

(Raised issue https://github.com/gitlabhq/gitlabhq/issues/4659)
I got GitLab 5.4 using Bitnami Stack 5.4.0-0
In this version there's no way to create user without configuring mail server.
(In other words 5.4.0-0 is not ready to use out of box)
Password A temporary password will be generated and sent to user.
User will be forced to change it after first sign in
Where to configure what mail server use for GitLab open source git server?
UPDATE: GitLab 5.4 Installation instruction doesn't mention how to configure connection to mail server, but just how to install Postfix
**Note:** In order to receive mail notifications, make sure to install a
mail server. By default, Debian is shipped with exim4 whereas Ubuntu
does not ship with one. The recommended mail server is postfix and you can install it with:
sudo apt-get install -y postfix
Then select 'Internet Site' and press enter to confirm the hostname.
UPDATE 2: Running sudo apt-get install -y postfix on Bitnami Ubuntu gets
Package postfix is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source
E: Package 'postfix' has no installation candidate
UPDATE 3: sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:env:info RAILS_ENV=production output
[33mSystem information[0m
System: Debian wheezy/sid
Current User: git
Using RVM: no
Ruby Version: 1.9.3p448
Gem Version: 1.8.24
Bundler Version:1.3.5
Rake Version: 10.0.3
[33mGitLab information[0m
Version: 5.4.0
Revision: 94a814d
Directory: /opt/bitnami/apps/gitlab/htdocs
DB Adapter: mysql2
URL: http://gitlab.funshion.com/gitlab
HTTP Clone URL: http://gitlab.funshion.com/gitlab/some-project.git
SSH Clone URL: git#gitlab.funshion.com:some-project.git
Using LDAP: [32myes[0m
Using Omniauth: no
[33mGitLab Shell[0m
Version: 1.7.0
Repositories: /opt/bitnami/apps/gitlab/repositories/
Hooks: /opt/bitnami/apps/gitlab/gitlab-shell/hooks/
Git: /opt/bitnami/git/bin/git
UPDATE 4: Actually user password can be set if to open the user page again.
We suggest to configure the application to use an external SMTP mail server for sending the emails. If you are using a Cloud image there are limitations for sending emails from the instance itself https://aws-portal.amazon.com/gp/aws/html-forms-controller/contactus/ec2-email-limit-rdns-request In any case, you can send emails from the application if you install "sendmail" in the machine.
There is a quick guide to know how to configure GitLab with GMail or any other email provider easily at http://wiki.bitnami.com/Applications/BitNami_GitLab#How_to_configure_the_email_settings_of_GitLab.3f I hope it helps.

How to install cloudera impala on EMR?

Is there anyway i can install the only impala without cloudera manager and without cdh. I will be using the apache version of hadoop?
Yes, it is absolutely possible. Add the repository into your sources.list file and update the repository after that.
deb [arch=amd64]
precise-impala1 contrib deb-src
precise-impala1 contrib
After that, it's merely :
sudo apt-get install impala (Binaries for daemons)
sudo apt-get install impala-server (Service start/stop script)
sudo apt-get install impala-state-store (Service start/stop script)
But do not forget to meet all the prerequisites. For a detailed info you can go here
You can view detailed instructions on how to install and use Impala with Amazon EMR here: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/ElasticMapReduce/latest/DeveloperGuide/emr-impala.html
EMR is based on a Amazon Hadoop distribution that runs on top of Debian squeeze. So, yes it's possible using Cloudera's DEB repo.
You will need to SSH to your EMR master node, find the address on EMR console.
You will also need to enable security rules on the security group you have assigned to your EMR cluster, if you intend to connect to Impala using a JDBC/ODBC client form the outside world.
