Install python library through closed network - windows

I teach Python in a high school which has an environment closured by Windows Server and denies FTP transactions and the majority of internet-accessing behavior. However, I need to install Pygame in a virtual machine Linux's (Edubuntu) within that network.
When I do: sudo apt-get update it doesn't work, of course. So this way I can't either install software or update it.
Which gateways/IP do I need to ask to the Server Manager to open in order to be able to use repositories in Linux? Even if it's just for the moment of installing through the terminal.

If you dont have access to Internet or FTP then you have to create local repository with all packages. You have to point your apt-get to that local repository.
After that when you do apt-get update it will check in local repository and will update the packages.
If you dont have access to create repository, you have to ask your network manager to create local repo and give url for that.

If you only need some Python packages you can directly use pip for installing packages provided on PyPI. It's possible to create a partial PyPI Mirror using pypi-mirror. This way you don't need a direct connection to the internet.


Is it possible to manage at the same time in playbook APK and APT packages managers in Ansible?

I managed to create playbooks to backup an existing running Wordpress server by installing a VM backup server on Debian, so using APT package manager in Ansible.
Now I would like to be able to use the same playbooks but for installing at the same time the backup on an Alpine linux server.
Is there a more generic way than using APT or APK modules ?
If not what would you recommend me ?
Yes, and it's called package module, check
Package names, however, might be different from distro to distro, and you still will have to provide distro-specific instructions. Quoting doc:
Package names also vary with package manager; this module will not "translate" them per distro. For example libyaml-dev, libyaml-devel.
The usual way to avoid it is to create distro-specific subtasks for different os families, or distro-specific variables, which are included with some condition.

NSIS: Access https site in ExecDos

I'm trying to create an installer for a python based scientific application. We use Anaconda as a python distribution and I found to help me setup an installer for conda packages.
However, downloading the miniconda installer failed. I was able to solve that with the help of:
Download of file during NSIS installer run freezes at "connecting"
But I found no way to make the updating of packages work. They use:
ExecDos::exec /DETAILED '"$CONDA" update -y -q conda' "" ""
conda then tries to connect over https to get the most recent packages from their server. The connection always times out. When i run the same code directly in cmd it runs fine.
So my question:
Is it even possible to access https in ExecDos::exec? Does anyone have an idea to work-around the issue?

How can I install yum rpm packages without internet connection?

This question has been asked before but mine is a bit different.
I want to install a bunch of rpm packages using sudo yum. I do not have internet connection on the machine I want to install them on. These packages also do not exist on any machine in the network.
Is there a way I can install them without internet connectivity and with them not anywhere on any machine in the network (so cannot use --downloadonly option) ?
if you have the RPM files on your local machine or any machine (not from network but you literally downloaded the .rpm files) then you can run
yum localinstall <path to rpm file>
you can also do
rpm -ivh <rpm file>
Is there a way I can install them without internet connectivity and
with them not anywhere on any machine in the network
No, that is called an air gap. You need to get the RPMs on the machine or network to have them installed.

Installing openstack on mac

I am unable to find how to install openstack on my macbook.
I tried googling but every where i am getting for ubuntu and not for mac
Kindly help me to install as i am a noob in openstack
Late reply but just in case:
You can install VirtualBox and get ubuntu running on it. Directly installing OpenStack on your macbook is usually a bad thing to do since it can mess up your system.
Very late answer but this is to install the openstack command line clients.
first, you have to have python installed on your machine. Open the terminal and type python --version. If you see something like Python 2.7.9, go to next step.
So now, you have to install pip. Pip is a python package manager. You do this by typing easy_install pip. Should work.
Then you have to install every clients one by one.
(taken straight from
ceilometer - Telemetry API
cinder - Block Storage API and extensions
glance - Image service API
heat - Orchestration API
neutron - Networking API
nova - Compute API and extensions
sahara - Database Processing API
swift - Object Storage API
trove - Database service API
openstack - Common OpenStack client supporting multiple services
And the way to install those, one by one, is by calling:
pip install python-PROJECTclient.
So, for instance, you go pip install python-openstackclient. Or pip install python-novaclient. You do that for every client that you need.
Don't forget, before you be able to use those APIs, you have to set up particular environment variables in your shell by sourcing an "openrc" file:
Once this is done, you may use the clients API.
You can install Openstack's python-client which is tools for sending command via http.
But there is no official option to install Openstack services on mac, yet. You can use Hypervisor like Virtualbox and Vmware to install Linux and launch Openstack Services, or docker.
It looks like progress has been made since these last posts. The easiest answer for just testing out OpenStack on your local machine is to use devstack.
NOTE: The tutorial mentions to mv samples/localrc . but the file name has been updated to local.conf. Also, I copied the file over instead of moving it.
DevStack Homepage:

On-Prem Install without using yum command

If datacenter doesn't allow commands like yum, rpm, is there an alternative way to do an on-prem install of OPDK?
They will actually have to install their own local yum repository -- this means building up a rpm repository outside the data center and then brining that into the data center. Then you point yum on the Apigee machine to the internal yum repository.
We have a couple clients who have done this (who probably don't want it advertised so contact me directly for who has done it this way).
You can setup yum client and yum server. Yum client being the machine in the datacenter and yum server which is the machine from which you can pull all required repositories.
Yum will be used to download repositories for open ldap , postgres and qpid.
If for initial testing you are setting up an "sa" ( standalone) installation without analytics you would not require yum. ( If we use analytics all dependencies for analytics(postgres and qpid ) are installed via yum)
