How can I install yum rpm packages without internet connection? - installation

This question has been asked before but mine is a bit different.
I want to install a bunch of rpm packages using sudo yum. I do not have internet connection on the machine I want to install them on. These packages also do not exist on any machine in the network.
Is there a way I can install them without internet connectivity and with them not anywhere on any machine in the network (so cannot use --downloadonly option) ?

if you have the RPM files on your local machine or any machine (not from network but you literally downloaded the .rpm files) then you can run
yum localinstall <path to rpm file>
you can also do
rpm -ivh <rpm file>

Is there a way I can install them without internet connectivity and
with them not anywhere on any machine in the network
No, that is called an air gap. You need to get the RPMs on the machine or network to have them installed.


Unable to find the source of current linux Kernel

While trying to install guest additions on a Debian guest I get the error:
Unable to find the source of your current linux Kernel. Specify KERN_DIR= and run Make again.
Some said that this is because linux headers are missing. But when I try to run
sudo apt-get install linux-headers-3.16.0-4amd64
I get the error could not resolve
My guest operating system was not connected to my host's wifi. So
apt-get update
apt-get install linux-headers-3.16.0-4amd64
Did not work, but when I edited my VirtualBox network settings to Bridged Adapter, both commands worked. Note that it is also important to run the command
sh /media/cdrom/
to complete the installation of guest editions.

Removing MonetDB from Ubuntu 14.04 server and reinstalling it from source

I want to uninstall monetdb from ubuntu 14.04 server platform so that i can install it again from the source. Also i want my db farm not to be removed while uninstalling the monetdb. How to acchieve this ?
First make sure no MonetDB processes are running before removing the server. Running monetdbd stop <dbfarm-location> will stop monetdbd and mserver5 processes on that dbfarm. To be sure, you can verify that ps aux| grep monetdb and ps aux| grep mserver show no processes.
If you installed it from the MonetDB repo (as suggested on the website), simply run sudo apt-get autoremove monetdb5-sql. This will uninstall the MonetDB server installed on a Ubuntu/Debian system - removing monetdb5-sql and the monetdb5-server packages, as well as all dependencies installed for them, but no-longer needed.
Any dbfarms will not be removed - the .deb package installer will not seek to delete any dbfarms. As long as the dbfarm was not created in the installation directory. To be certain, you can make a copy of your dbfarm at another location, e.g. in your home directory.

Why Rethinkdb don't have binary for windows?

I am interested in Rethinkdb and would like to develop/test on it, but main problem is: it don't have package for windows operating system. I tried to compile from source code, that was also not possible as there was no any instruction.
What makes it so difficult to make executable for windows? Is there any alternative way to install Rethinkdb in windows OS? even very small and not that famous application has windows binary but not Rethinkdb. It is quite surprise for me. Another surprising is there are many community executable for other OS but not windows.
Thank you for understanding and waiting for good answer.
Rethinkdb just announced that it started development for Windows. Please follow
RethinkDB announced in Windows :
Cross-platform development isn't that easy. RethinkDB uses some features under the covers which makes porting it to Windows a difficult job, f.e. a Unix toolchain for the builds and Unix syscalls. For more information on that have a look at this GitHub issue. It states that Windows support is planned, but with low priority.
As a quick fix, you could RethinkDB run in a virtual machine or in Microsoft Azure. For the second one, I wrote a blog post a few weeks ago.
RethinkDB has already started development for Windows. While it's not released yet, this is how you can run it through Vagrant. See:
I'm using Chocolatey, feel free to skip steps if they don't apply.
Installing Chocolatey
Open Powershell as an administrator and run this command:
iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))
... now you should have Chocolatey installed. We're gonna use to install the others.
Installing Vagrant
Run this as an administrator:
choco install vagrant -y
Installing VirtualBox
Vagrant relies on a virtualization application that it calls a "provider". The default one is VirtualBox so let's install it. Run cmd as administrator and run this:
choco install virtualbox -y
Now you should be able to run the vboxmanage command. If it doesn't work, make sure C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox is in your PATH.
Installing Cygwin
We're gonna log on a virtual machine using SSH, so we need a SSH enabled terminal. For that, let's use Cygwin.
choco install cyg-get -y
Installing Cygwin packages
There'are two Cygwin packages we need to install, openssh, because Cygwin doesn't have SSH support by default, and rsync so Vagrant can use it to synchronize files between the host and the guest machines.
On PowerShell, running as an administrator, let's run these commands:
cyg-get openssh
cyg-get rsync
Cloning rethinkdb-vagrant
Open the Cygwin64 Terminal. You should now be in your Cygwin home folder, which should look like C:\tools\cygwin\home\[YOUR_USER].
Make sure you have git installed. If you don't just choco install git -y. Now, clone rethyinkdb-vagrant:
git clone
Now you should have a directory like this: C:\tools\cygwin\home\[YOUR_USER]\rethinkdb-vagrant.
Starting Vagrant and useful commands
From inside the Cygwin64 Terminal home directory (described in the last step), type cd rethinkdb-vagrant, now, any Vagrant commands will target cd rethinkdb-vagrant.
To setup and boot the machine: vagrant up (After this, RethinkDB is available, see next step).
To access the machine's terminal: vagrant ssh.
To destroy the machine (every RethinkDB data will be lost): vagrant destroy.
To suspend the machine: vagrant suspend.
To resume a suspended machine: vagrant resume.
Accessing RethinkDB.
Make sure you have vagrant up from the last step. Now:
For accessing the web administration tool: http://localhost:8080.
For accessing RethinkDB from a client app, the port is 28015.

Install python library through closed network

I teach Python in a high school which has an environment closured by Windows Server and denies FTP transactions and the majority of internet-accessing behavior. However, I need to install Pygame in a virtual machine Linux's (Edubuntu) within that network.
When I do: sudo apt-get update it doesn't work, of course. So this way I can't either install software or update it.
Which gateways/IP do I need to ask to the Server Manager to open in order to be able to use repositories in Linux? Even if it's just for the moment of installing through the terminal.
If you dont have access to Internet or FTP then you have to create local repository with all packages. You have to point your apt-get to that local repository.
After that when you do apt-get update it will check in local repository and will update the packages.
If you dont have access to create repository, you have to ask your network manager to create local repo and give url for that.
If you only need some Python packages you can directly use pip for installing packages provided on PyPI. It's possible to create a partial PyPI Mirror using pypi-mirror. This way you don't need a direct connection to the internet.

On-Prem Install without using yum command

If datacenter doesn't allow commands like yum, rpm, is there an alternative way to do an on-prem install of OPDK?
They will actually have to install their own local yum repository -- this means building up a rpm repository outside the data center and then brining that into the data center. Then you point yum on the Apigee machine to the internal yum repository.
We have a couple clients who have done this (who probably don't want it advertised so contact me directly for who has done it this way).
You can setup yum client and yum server. Yum client being the machine in the datacenter and yum server which is the machine from which you can pull all required repositories.
Yum will be used to download repositories for open ldap , postgres and qpid.
If for initial testing you are setting up an "sa" ( standalone) installation without analytics you would not require yum. ( If we use analytics all dependencies for analytics(postgres and qpid ) are installed via yum)
