How to show the plugins in the page in joomla - joomla

I have installed the plugin simple image gallery module in joomla. But i cannot figure out how to show the plugin in the site page, as menu item. Anyone could help me?
Thank you.

Try this,
If that is module then:
create an article,
also create a menu and assign that article to the menu system,
then inside your article content load the module with their position like this:
{loadposition your_mod_psoition}
where "your_mod_position" is the module position. Make sure you have content load plugin enabled.
For more information check last section of this article.
If it's Plugin it may have short code for embedding to the page, so you can use that inside your article.
Hope its helps..

First of all, what Plugin are you exactly using? There are a view called simple image gallery. Please add a link.
To show the gallery I suppose the plugin has some kind of syntax to do that. In most cases you can find the syntax you have to use in the plugin manager. Backend: Extensions > Plugin Manager.
Then pick a article that you can see in the frontend and put the syntax in there according to the syntax of the plugin.


how to insert image and hyperlink [ckeditor 4]

i have ckeditor looking like this
i want that my ck-editor can insert hyperlink and this
i've tried to search in documentation but i dont understand because its in english. and its hard for me to understand because im new for frontend
anyone please help
Possible solutions:
Download Full or Standard package from CKEditor download page. This package has both plugins you need.
It is possible that you are using Standard or Full packages already. You can verify that by opening ckeditor/build-config.js file and searching for preset word. If there is full or standard next to it, you have the right package and most likely you have changed your configuration. You may have used removeButtons or removeplugins settings where you remove Link and Image buttons or link and image plugins. You could have also used custom toolbar definition where you haven't added Link and Image buttons or you are missing links and insert groups. If you wish to learn more about toolbar concepts, please see: and

How to insert a slider of 5 images on each article pages (selected article) in joomla

I am new to Joomla.
I am working on a Joomla website for a construction company.
I have created pages for each projects of the company as article page with following regions:
Project Title [article/page title]
Banner Slider [5 images of particular project using any slider]
Project Description
An image of the Project Plan.
My requirement is:
How can I insert the slider pluggin into each article page to have my second region working (BANNER SLIDER). I cant do it globally because for each project/article page the whole 5 images differ.
Thanks in advance for any sort of lead.
Seeing as it's a module and not a plugin, what you can do is duplicate the module and assign each one to different articles.
To do this, go to your Module Manager, select the module and click "Copy". Not sure what the slider module is called but I assume you can select which images you wish to use, so be sure to do this for each one. You then need to give each module a custom position. Simply type one in rather that selecting one.
And finally, in each article, you can call a specific module by adding the following code:
{loadposition XXX}
where XXX is the position you have assigned to your module.
Hope this helps
Use the Slideshow CK module, which can be found here:
We use it for our clients and they all love it. It also works right out of the box.
you can use Widgetkit component and create custom slide show for each article and show each article slider in article with Widgetkit short code.

where to put tinyMCE.init

I use Joomla with K2 and with tinyMCE as the editor. I searched for a plugin to enhance file upload and found a few, but for every one of them I was unable to proceed, because I do not know where to put the tinyMCE.init() initialization code. People in various forums asked that same question and I have not found a clear answer anywhere - either no answer at all or just ambiguous suggestions. Please advise.
Solved: as it turns out, the initialization code can be put anywhere where a page is loaded, so either in a HTML file or in an included JavaScript file. For some reason, this information is not given on any of the sites that offer tinyMCE plugins.
You should put them with the other plugins
and then in the administrator area go to the plugins manager and open up editors - tinymce, click on the advanced tab and then add it to the custom plugins area.
You can also change the functionality to extended to add a few more useful buttons.

ALFContact joomla plugin used want to edit that page

i am working on a website already built in joomla and ALFContact form plugin is used for contact us page. i want to add some information on that page but cannot find any option to edit that page. (i've asked for edit the content only). As i hav'nt use joomla befor it's bit problem for me. not found any help on ALFContact plugin site.
The page is not present in article manager so i can edit them.
here is the Screen shot of page.
want to make changes in text. so help me out if any one used this plugin in any way.
Thanks in advance
The only way I found to edit the form was:
Delete underlined code to detele field "From" (De:)
To add custom optional fields: Componets > ALFContact manager
And you got
(Youtube) Install and basic config ALF contact module
Aditional, the language can change on "Language manager" of the site
(sorry for my english)
joomla joomla3.x joomla-extensions

Can any one tell me the module used here

Can any one tell me the module used this site on the right sidebar.
On hover it expands and floats as we scroll the page down.
I want to use with my joomla template. I searched but no luck..
It's not a Joomla! website it's a Crasmanager CMS website.
You can try this module , Although i have not used this. You can also check a module from all these is no module found you can do this by jquery collapse menu or div.
